Sunday, October 29, 2023

Narrative Warfare: The Patron Against The Client

Remember what I said about the Thralls serving Globohomo splitting and fighting? Yeah, one side is proving to be better at this.

And it is not the side given to launching public protests intended to escalate into riots.

What we are seeing here is that the faction with institutional power activated its network immediately and began organizing to shut out the other faction from the patronage that both parties formerly enjoyed.

This is how the dominant Thralls in Globohomo will bring their juniors to heel; Thralls are dependent upon patronage for their living in all things, so those that control the network (the Patrons) have a superior position to those that merely benefit (the Clients).

As the juniors are the Client Race Coalition and their shitlib "allies" (minders), they are the Clients and said clients are trying to seize control of the patronage network by backing Hamas over Israel. The Clients are now finding out how badly they played this hand, as it is now clear that if this is not enough to get the Clients to back down and get back into line all of those government powers aimed at Western nations (and dissidents) will be used against them.

In short, all of these protests and riots will end up having the Globohomo Thralls put away their own Clients to preserve their power and maintain control over Western governments.

Or, as Academic Agent would say "put the Woke away".

What Western dissidents should do, besides Not Being There, is to observe with great concentration and focus how the Patron puts down the Client. What will need to be done will force some errors on the part of the Thralls that dissidents would be wise to remember- first, and foremost, to observe the aplomb with which Friend/Enemy distinction allows the Patrons to turn on a dime and wield State power to destroy their revolting Clients and blame it all on the dissidents.

An opportunity to compel the Patrons to remove these hostile aliens and foreigners permanently, thus making the future task of removing all such peoples easier, is about to make itself available. Seize upon it.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Narrative Warfare: This Is The Time For You To Get Away From The Riot Zone

This past week we've seen accelerations and escalations in the rift between the Thralls of Empire that back Israel and those that back the Palenstians.

But, before I continue this, I will point all of you to Globohomo mouthpiece Peter Zeihan. He cut a video the other day about this conflict, and why it is not going to cause World War 3. Alas, I have to agree due to other things that happened over the week; this is, in geopolitical terms, a retarded slapfight. (That won't mean shit to those maimed, crippled, killed, etc. but geopolitics doesn't care about the plebs and never has.)

Which means that you can immediately discount, depreciate, disdain, and dunk upon all fearmongering about World War 3 over this. This ain't it.

Now, why does this matter to Western dissidents?

Because we have already seen pro-Palenstian protests in Western cities turn out in massive numbers as cohorts of the Client Race Coalition serving Globohomo have turned against their masters- some of whom are already networking and executing retaliation against ringleaders and others who've been sufficiently public.

As things get worse in Gaza, and Globohomo continues to back Israel, those protests threaten to turn into riots. You do not want to be anywhere near those threat zones if you can avoid it.

You, Western Dissident, want to stay away from those protests. You, Western Dissident, want to vacate as far from any likely targets for rioting as you can get- physically, financially, economically, etc. If you're the sort to have arms handy, take them with you and decamp to safer environs- you know full well that where those riots go down, the law is not on your side.

Instead, what will happen if those riots go down and things get violent is that the Thralls will have to fight among themselves- and if those riots go where local Thralls keep their homes or things of similar value, those police officers won't be thrown under the bus.

But you being there at all means that everyone targets YOU.

Don't be there. This is what I mean when I say "Be as a ghost".

Instead, take the opportunity now to get distance and reconfigure your live away from dependence upon Globohomo as best you can; this is what Andrew Torba and his parallel economy is all about, and there's already talk about setting up banking and similar services (now to just get a credit card provider- the real choke point now).

(I wish I had that meme about the Pepe in the middle of the riot in one panel, and his comfy at home in the other; it would be here.)

Aside from a very specific course of action, while I shall not discuss in public, there is nothing to be gained from dissidents being present at such riots- you can livestream then from a safe distance with a drone cam now, or just watch their streams like everyone else does. Stay out of Dodge, watch the streams (for intel purposes; ID as many as you can), and-

Postscript: Sure enough, we had an example of this in action in Minneapolis.

The driver was an elderly White man who got surrounded and confused, was reasonably frightened for his life and as per MN State Law executed his Duty To Retreat- and they pursued him.

He has not yet been identified, let alone charged, and if the MN Dems dominated Twin Cities offices have a clue they'll let him be because the optics for this are all bad.

This is exactly the shit dissidents need to watch out for and avoid.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

The Return Of History: The Destigmatizing Of Genocide

There is no Two State Solution regarding Israel and Palestinians.

Both sides, for reasons you can find all over the Internet, claim that the matter is deeply-rooted and therefore existential in nature. Compromise is not acceptable.

Therefore there is only one result that will happen regarding this conflict: one side will exterminate the other. We can call this "ethnic cleansing" as a euphemism, but let's not lie- this is genocide. Just ask the Armenians.

And--and this is where people will REEEE--I cannot be bothered to be outraged by it.

Like it or not, this is the historical mean--THE NORM--is existential ethnic conflicts. Scythia ceased to exist. The Iceni got wiped out. Several tribes in North America no longer exist.

Pre-Modernity and Modernity alike has plenty of outright extinctions and many more than might as well have been. What is different in that the Myth of the 20th Century, the Boomer Truth cult, frames this as a unique phenonemon to mid-century Germany and thus as a uniquely evil act that had not happened before- despite the Soviets doing far worse, to far more, in the decades preceding it. When an Asian angle is needed, they bring up Nanking under Imperial Japan.

What I object to is this moralfagging bullshit all around the matter by self-interested grifting shits who talk and talk and talk as if they can do a damned thing about any of it.

They can't. No one can. The die is cast. No amount of protesting or any other action will do anything by either side to put a stop to it. Furthermore, people should stop getting in the fucking way. This should have gone down decades ago and reached a final, permanent conclusion one way or the other- it should be decided already.

Instead, I ask only that it be done in the spirit of Sherman's March To The Sea: with the greatest speed, violence, and brutalty possible to shatter the enemy and put him down for good- and then, on a dime, STOP and be done with it.

Because, unlike far too many people, I actually comprehend what General Sherman meant by his deliberate and willful cruelty of Total War against the South and its population- and thus why it worked. Furthermore, I do comprehend that both sides see this as an existential conflict--as being on Death Ground--and I would rather see it settled permanently now and be done with it than to have it fester any longer like some infected wound- and I also know first-hand how bad that can get. I wear a fake leg now for a reason.

It is a waste of time and resources to insist upon peace with neither side wants it. It is a waste of time and resources to stick one's nose in such an affair when you're not a party to it. Instead, the best thing to do is to establish Containment and then, as that movie line goes-

Then deal with whomever is still alive when it's over. If the world can handle dealing with Rome after butchering Boudicea, it can handle dealing with whomever stands after this is over.

Shit happens. Sometimes that's some big shit, and this is certainly some big shit. Welcome back to History, folks, in all its glory and ugliness. This is not the only genocide that's going to go down this century, so you might as well get used to it now as the Myth of the 20th Century finally withers away and dies- taking the Boomer Truth regime with it.

I don't have to like it to acknowledge that this is on the table, that it's going to happen, and there's sweet fuck-all that can be done to stop it. You don't either. Don't let anyone give you shit for acknowledging that the best of a bad situation is to get it over with as fast as possible.

And yes, bad shit like can't be avoided as Empire Falls.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to prepare for the fallout from this shitfest because the Thralls in Globohomo are already talking about shipping the surviving losers into the West.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

The Multi-Cultural Cosmopolitan Dream is Over

This post was originally going to be about a practical guide towards a Western Nationalist restoration of Christendom.

As of this post, we're still within the 48 Hour Rule so you won't see any analysis or commentary out of me this week.

What I will note, however, is the Rhetoric.

Regardless of who is saying it, or for whom they say it, it is absolute and total in its extinctionist language. Co-existence is not desired. This Rhetoric just the day before was reflected by HILLARY CLINTON towards Donald Trump and his supporters.

This same Rhetoric has been commonplace out of both Ukraine and Russia since that war jumped off, with predictable results. Similar Rhetoric can be heard in the Sahel region, directly primarily against the French and their allies.

Meanwhile, away from all that violence, in the niches that cater to the rich and the wealthy, there's been a shadow war using policy and regulation as weapons for over two years ago directed primarily against Mainlander Han Chinese (i.e. ethnic Han from China).

This has come from various European states, from the Caribbean, from Southeast Asian states, from other Far East Asian states, from the Americas, etc. all due to how the CCP has used and weaponized the very emigration (and capital outflow, much of it criminal) its incompetence and abuse created to execute both domestic and foreign intelligence operations against its enemies- enemies that tend to end up very dead, including families of the initial targets.

The CCP has also maintained the use of such Rhetoric, and (mostly in domestic affairs, for now) acted on it.

Peter Zeihan has said for several years that Globalization as we've known it is over. One of the consequences of that ending is the enforced tolerance of nations reverts back to the historical mean- which means back to hostility and violence, up to and including war, and war up to and including outright genocide.

Rhetoric becomes policy, and the time between the two can be rather short indeed. Even our fiction has, and does, recognize this.

There are signs that Empire Must Fall. One of them is the decline of Multi-Culturalism, of Cosmopolitanism, in favor of Nationalism. That is not going to be a clean, pleasant, or peaceful process. Much like "de-colonization", it's going to be messy, disturbing, and violent- brutally and cruely so, more often than not.

I remind you that we are 78 years past the end of World War 2 and the Founding of the Boomer Truth Cult, a cult that the Boomers inhereted from their fathers and--like everything else--are not passing on.

The Dream of Multi-Culturalism is over. The return of the reality of nations has come. Empire Must Fall. Get ready.

Sunday, October 1, 2023