If there is anything to take away from the last two months, it is this: people have an Object Permanance problem.
There are far too people who think if they don't see or hear about something that it doesn't exist, or it never happened. They may be able to comprehend the idea of that something that never happened can be hoaxed, but never the opposite.
Control of what information gets from the source to the target is Basic Bitch Information Warfare 101. That is the core of Narrative Warfare.
Complicating the matter is that most people are Normies, and Normies don't go out of their way for a damned thing.
One of the most common complaints of elites is that the common man thinks and reasons little better than a child. The past few weeks gave substance to that complaint. Because the Normie doesn't go out of his way for anything, he is easily controlled by means of information control; censorship, of various sorts, is very effective in Normie Management and those who do the managing will--privately--confess that this works because people (especially Normies) cannot act on ideas that they do not have, most of which stem from information externally transmitted to them.
The purpose of Narrative Warfare is to replace a raw feed of facts, data, and unfiltered opinion with a carefully crafted story that frames whomever the framers want perceived favorably as Good Guys and oppostion as Bad Guys, and then to show what the accepteable behaviors are by demonstrating them via propaganda pieces designed to have the Hero win by demonstrating the preferred behaviors as a precondition for winning and beating the Villain.
(If you think this is controversial, it is not; this has been praxis in Western media for over a century, and confessed openly and brazenly without any hint of shame.)
Not that those trying to hold themselves apart from that proved much better. Academic Agent's constant blackpilling about Trump stems from the same error; he takes media reports at face value, doesn't know American civics, has no grounding in the history of what we now call the Deep State and then turns around and demonstrates exactly how things really work when he goes on about Tony Blair being the real power in British politics. He sees Blair; he doesn't see Trump, even through he sees the effects, and like the Groypers he hates he blithely concludes that Trump not doing all the things right now means that he never will.
He's wrong, and he's wrong because of the very thing he explicitly rejects despite the receipts: real power is exercised outside of public view.
What is actually happening is that we're seeing a performative expression of power play out before us because we don't get a say in how things really work. What we see in the media is Show Bizness. It might as well be Professional Wrestling, and that's how it is across all three of the rival factions of Empire because of this:
Public Politics Is Theater, Theater Is Ritual, Ritual Is Religion
Know this and everything starts making sense, past and present. Master this and you will see how and why Empire must fall.