Sunday, September 1, 2024

Narrative Warfare: Ten Years After #Gamergate: We Did Far More Than We Thought

Frame Game Radio (Mike Benz) went on Tucker Carlson's show to talk about the arrest of Pavel Durov.

What he did over this two hour interview is lay out how Globohomo, in its current form, organizes against its rival Imperial powers: Russia and China.

What he inadvertantly revealed is that #Gamergate was the Black Swam event that prompted the Thralls of Empire serving Globohomo to freak the fuck out and go Full Tilt Bozo down the path we're on. In short, the idea that someone showed Steve Bannon what went down that had him going "WRITE THAT DOWN!" is not out of line- and Ricky Vaughn being sent to prison over memes is not just a LOLSORANDOM charge.

Listen very carefully to how Mike explains the Narrative Warfare capacity of Globohomo, when it came online, and why they freaked out.

He did not mention us by name, but considering the anniversary event and that Games Journos are the Farm League for Mainstream Media (just look at how hard Jason Schrier strives to get out of it to this day) and do every single bit of Narrative bullshit that the big players do FOR THE SAME REASONS.

We were the Black Swan that no one saw coming!

We were the first to crack that wall in the Narrative Warfare Dyson Sphere. Sure, we did it against the Regime's Farm League Teams, but we did it nonetheless; it's no different than an unexpected revolt in a heretofore secure rear area garrisoned by shitters and losers because that's exactly what it was.

The newbs and fuckups screwed up a job with low expectations, then fucked up the containment response, and suddenly people further up the status (and thus command) ladder had to be diverted to handle something that they should never have had to handle.

In the process of doing this, we did irreperable damage to the Narrative Warfare Complex. How? Let Arnie explain.

We made them bleed. More important is that we made them bleed where others, who can do far more than we ever did, could see it. Like Steve Bannon.

Mike may not have explicitly put the timeline together, as likely as not because he isn't that up on the lore, but it all tracks: Gamergate is what forced Globohomo to go Mask Off about Narrative Warfare.

Whatever else is said, whatever else becomes of it- or of us (and many of us are not going to get those glorious ends for this), this can't be taken from us: we made the Regime bleed, and that showed the Regime's enemies that it is not invulnerable- that it can be killed, THAT EMPIRE CAN FALL!

That, in the end, is worth it.

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