For some time now, there's been a push to get those who attend university to eschew any degree that isn't a Science, Engineering, Technology, or Mathematics degree (STEM).
The ruling oligarchy, the Lords of Perception, laugh at this. They know from generations of experience what the STEM fields really are: Skilled Labor. Outside of those studying Psychology or Economics, sweet fuck-all of the STEM fields pose a threat to the real power that runs this world--and has run this world--since the Dawn of Mankind.
In short, STEM Lords rule nothing. When push comes to shove, the oligarchy can, has, and will sacrifice them to maintain control. Why? Because the Lords of Perception DO NOT NEED THEM! There's a reason that I call "Empire" as in opposition to Civilization, and not synonymous with it: its fundamental process for feeding has no need of science, engineering, technology, or mathematics and so they are expendable luxuries. Savage barbarism works just fine for this predatory addict, and therefore the same is true of its Thralls--the Lords of Perception--that serve it.
Take a good look at the various dynasties, oligarchies, and other elites that have or do run this planet. They rely on religion, on psychology, on money-power (banking), and on maintaining the loyalty of a Praetorian class. They care about the masses only insofar as said masses remain useful to them; they use the manipulation of perception at multiple levels to do this, using methods heretofore kept secret to all but themselves. If anything, too-advanced a state of science or technology is a threat to their power because a critical mass of people catch on to their scams.
If you want to be useful to Civilization, you become a STEM Lord. If you want actual power, you go into some field of practical manipulation of perception: International Relations, Public Relations, Marketing, Law, Journalism, Political Science. You do that, and you bend the knee. You drink the demon blood. You take the Mark of the Beast. You become a Thrall of Empire, and start to scheme your way to the top (or presume that you'll get it giving to you because that's what your parents did- looking at you, Jeb and Chelsea).
Now you see why Roosh V, Mike Cernovich, Ivan Throne, and others like them get the hate from Empire's Thralls: they know what the real game is, where the real power lies, and will not bend the knee. The Lords of Perception do NOT share power!