This is what too many Western Dissidents refuse to accept and start screaming "FED!" if it comes up like whipped dogs fearing the lash.
That's demoralization in action. That's what makes you useless, or worse; you might as well kill yourself and get it over with if you can't break that fear.
I have laid out paths of viable, practical action that specifically addresses this matter; if you can move people and parcels, you have a logistics network- and wars are won by logistics.
You're not voting your way out of this. You're not reasoning, wishing, praying, or magicking your way out either. Action is required, but with a caveat.
So don't do that. Go the route that the enemy does, and organize PRIVATELY. Go full on Lodge Society, even for something as simple as playing Dungeons & Dragons; you're not going to succeed by being out in the open.
The smarter dissident organizations have finally gotten the memo on Operational Security and are starting to go quiet for the real work while using their public activity as the distraction and as filter/vet operations to keep Feds and retards out (and out of the way).
The real work is not the protesting, the leafletting, the lobbying, the shitposting online, or anything else public. It's the private discussions offline and in person setting on a shared paradigm and policy. It's the quiet establishment of Panama/Pandora Papers style legal frameworks with plenty of foundations, trusts, and corporations running legitimate front operations to run cover for moving men and material around while erecting a wholly separate parallel economy and society that they don't even know exists.
And then you--we--disappear. They fall apart without us. They can't find us. They fall upon each other and do all of the necessary violence for us without us. Once the last of them dies, we return.
It is that simple. It's going to take a lot of time. The discipline will be in staying out of sight and out of reach until the last of them is gone. Parasites without hosts die, and Empire is the parasite.
A serious nationalist dissident movement will be forced to contend with Globohomo agents using transit restrictions as weapons.
A serious network of such movements will prioritize erecting and maintaining parallel infrastructure specifically to counteract these tactics. One of them must be, by necessity, a transit network.
This network must be able to move men and material around quickly and quietly, both in small numbers and in large ones. Fortunately, there already exists successful models upon which a serious network of movements can employ to achieve this critical objective.
The Charter Network
Using the system of internationally-distributed legal frameworks to conceal ownership and move money around--the same one Globohomo uses--the nationalist network creates an array of private transit operations. These are front companies, preferably corporations established in jurisidictions with the strictest privacy regulations, who contract with other companies that own the vehicles used by the front companies.
The front business is to run chartered transits. This can be over the road (buses and trains), in the air (planes), or over the water (boats and ships, almost all yachts of some sort). These are all businesses that easily explain why such assets are privately owned and employed to move people and things around.
In addition to having an easily-explained parallel network of transit, this is also a source of meaningful employment for dissidents and their supporters; the wages/salaries for those in this field of work are far better than your typical office worker, retail wagie, etc. and far higher status to boot.
You will come into contact with monied and influential people on a far more frequent basis. Some will be friendly- recruit them; some will be enemies- surveil them; some will be neutral- befriend them.
In between the regular charter service will be concealed movements of dissidents, either as crew or as guests, moving where they are needed.
Capacities can start small and operate in a local area or region, such as an owner-operator of a coach bus that does scenic tours and chartered people-moves, and scale up from there as success and support allows. It sure beats trying to operate a retail-level coffee brand or a publishing operation for achieving operational objectives and financing same.
Different arms of the network should be arranged as separate legal entities that are ultimately under a common (offshore) holding company which it (again) based in a jurisdiction with the strictest privacy regulations. Corporate reorganization will happen more than once as the network grows into one of truly global reach.
Which leads to the first logical expansion.
The Residence Network
Dissidents need places to stay once they arrive. Real estate is hardly an uncommmon form of Foreign Direct Investment, and businesses hiring from abroad do include housing as part of the compensation package. This means it too is easily and readily explained.
The same legal framework and methodology applies; start small and local, scaling up over time and linking up with allies elsewhere, until it connects with the holding company that conceals the rest from Globohomo.
Houses, apartment blocks, cabins, palatial estates- whatever can be gotten can be used. This is going to piggyback off of what AirBNB started, and it means you're a landlord and need to deal with landlord things, but because (covertly) you know who's going to be staying in what (and for how long) a lot of typical tennant tantrums go away.
And we can import the talent needed to build and maintain that if necessary- and in some places, it is.
The Professional Network
All these operations require skilled professionals and tradesmen to make it work. This is not a movement that will succeed with unskilled retards in the ranks.
Both the hard and the soft expertise is necessary; we'll need both pilots to fly the planes and stewards to make the passengers happy with experience, and I don't just mean planes (or trains, or automobiles, or yachts).
The personnel in the front offices, the IT experts securing the networks (including the communications suites in the command centers), the chefs cooking up culinary excellence for clients and allies alike, the mechanics doing repairs and maintenance, and the mates running the tenders as well as making up the cabins- all of this is necessary for the entire thing to work.
The front operations are not shells; these are proper businesses and need to be handled as such.
If the dissidents had all of this up and running, and secured banking access out of Globohomo (and Russian, and Chinese) reach, Globohomo can't win.
And we can deliver people and parcels great and small, do so with speed and discretion, and ensure that Things Just Work (and don't without us)- something they can't do without us.
Then, with this massive exercise in personnel and logistics sorted and mastered, we can evacuate our vulnerable people out of danger on short notice. From there, Empire must fall.
I am looking at solving the as-yet-unadmitted problem of the Western Dissident Movement scene.
This is an insurgency. Insurgencies cannot succeed without external support. No worthwhile rival power to Globohomo would even think to try, so said movements will have to find a way to do it themselves.
This is not impossible. It has been done before. It is being done now. Globohomo usually call such successful self-support schemes "supporting terrorism" due to whom that support goes to and what they do with it.
The dissidents are aware of each other. They communicate. They occassionally collaborate now. This is good, even if it is in symbolic gestures of no substantive impact.
Rather than wait for Globohomo to counterpunch where it would hurt, I would like to see these movements demonstrate that they are serious about winning and begin moving to make use of these tools for their own ends.
Offshore Access
As things are, Globohomo can cripple the dissidents by shutting off their banking access. This is already on the table, thanks to Canada vs. the Truckers. Rather than wait for the hammer to drop, now is the time to get someone to a place where (a) an achievable investment can secure offshore banking access that (b) also permits dissidents legal Residency to that location. That place is Dubai, UAE; the means is to erect a Freezone company, put someone there to run it, and use it to establish banking access.
Red Ice Creations could, within about 30 days, relocate their entire operations to Dubai and live there fulltime. Associated people (and their spouses/minor children) could be hired on, up to the limit the UAE allows, and everyone gets Residency there- and protection from extradition.
This is not cheap; Dubai is an expensive place, but it is out of Globohomo's reach, and keeps both the Russians and the Chinese at arm's length.
Exile Colonies
There are places that (a) welcome Westerners with skills, (b) are not shitholes, and (c) have good education systems that remain out of Globohomo's reach while maintaining some degree of neutrality in geopolitical terms. Mauritius just east of Madagascar is one such place; Uruguay in South America is another. The purpose of these locations is to have refuges for your vulnerable supporters and/or their children, which takes Globohomo threats against them to get to dissidents off the table; those working in these locations should be expected to remit some of their income back home to fund operations.
This can be cheap, or at least no less costly, than living at home; the specifics will vary- and vulnerable elderly have a lot of options for dissidents to hide them due to how many countries have Retirement visa regimes.
Tactical Citizenship
Dissidents must admit that citizenship is nothing more than legal status with regard to a state, separate and distinct from nationality. (N.B.: The United States already does this.) Therefore, those dissidents that can acquire multiple citizenships should using any means at their disposal- including buying it via Citizenship By Investment.
Having multiple passports means that the home state can't lock you down, or lock you out of financial access abroad. Furthermore, by comparising passports, the savvy dissident can cover gaps in his home state's passport access by choosing citizenships that do so.
Furthermore, some citizenships confer advantages in other countries. (e.g. a Commmonwealth citizen gets accelerated routes to Citizenship in Colombia and Mauritius, and several Caribbean states that do CBI are Commonwealth states) All European dissidents are well aware of the benefits of European Union membership; similar benefits exist for Mercosur, the Caribbean Community, and Communidad Andina states. Western citizens in general enjoy a certain favoritism vs. other foreigners in several Asian states (e.g. the Phillipines).
Using this legal status for tactical and strategic ends to faciliate operations against Globohomo is entirely licit and should be embraced; it's no different than stacking legal Residencies to secure access to foreign countries.
A Self-Supported Nationalist Insurgency
Once mature, the Western nationalist dissident network will be a hardened target against the Globohomo elites at home. Unable to be debanked due to having accounts in places the enemy can't (or don't dare) touch, unable to intimidate via targetting vulnerable dependents or supporters (because they are abroad indefinitely), and unable to control transit due to nationalists having parallel infrastructure in place (erecting charter businesses and media companies are obvious Expat Colony business options, pays big money, legitimizes owning planes and (big) boats (etc.), and permits networking with sympathetic elites) means that competing and winning becomes probable- if the dissident leadership is serious.
Show me that they are serious. Then we can stop talking about making Empire fall and start doing it.
Many years ago, The Simpsons aired an episode wherein Homer went into prize fighting. He didn't win because he was better than his opponent. He won because he outlasted his opponent, simply taking the beating until the opponent got too tired to continue--"gassing out" as some say--and then knocked the man out with a single piss-poor punch.
That episode was, in part, a parody of Muhammed Ali's famed "Rope-A-Dope" approach. It is as simple as it sounds; you minimize your energy expenditure, go full defensive, and make the other guy exhaust himself trying to get at you- and then when he's spent you take him out with ruthless efficiency as a flex.
This is what Globohomo is doing to Russia and the CCP. It is working. It is going to give Globohomo the win unless leadership in either or both rival Imperial states wise up and counteract before it's too late.
What It Is
In tabletop and electronic wargames, there is the concept known as "Damage Over Time". Abbrieviated as "DOT" (with "HOT" as its counterpart, for healing and recovery), a player whose man is optimized for playing a DOT strategy ensures that his opponent is too busy dealing with immediate concerns to properly address the DOT effects that erode the opponent's capacity to resist and ultimately lead to his defeat.
For this strategy to work, the opponent has to be rendered unable to address the damage accumulating over time to his capacity to resist. This means presenting some immediate threat or bait that proves bothersome to deal with, yet cannot be abandoned due to some non-trivial threat or penalty to doing so. As bait in fishing is best applied by tailoring the bait to the catch, so must baiting an opponent be tailored to the target.
How It Works
With the bait taken, the conflict is managed. The objective is to fully occupy the target's attention, and if the target can be induced to devote resources towards the distraction so much the better; the bait's safety is irrelevant, and once its usefulness is spent it is discarded- to be replaced if another is required.
The conflict is to be managed--sustained, massaged, tinkered with--until the DOT reaches a Point Of No Return past which defeat is a fait accompli. Once the target collapses due to the consequences of accumulative damage sustained, the survivor finishes off the target and takes his spoils from the defeated enemy.
The DOTs used to damage the target include damage to its ability to execute financial transactions, damage to its demography, damage to its cultural or narrative control, damage to its political capacity, and damage to its industrial output. Notice that these are all easily overlooked, especially if the target is distracted.
The geopolitical form of this strategy aims not only to bring a present regime to heel, but to sever it from its posterity; this is what the cultural attacks are for, to convert a critical mass of the target's population to Globohomo's position and thus groom a cadre of Globohomo-loyal elites to insert into place once the present regime falls.
This is, in fact, going on right now; YouTube is lousy with Globohomo shill channels fronted in earnest by Russian converts. This is what a lot of people thinking that Russia will win the peace do not comprehend; once you have a large enough cadre of cultural influencers, you can turn some of them into replacement Establishment figures and thus turn a defeated enemy into a loyal satrapy inside a generation post-defeat.
Why It Succeeds
It is this simple. This is from a Zeihan presentation made six years ago.
It has only gotten worse since then, and the very military action Peter talked about then is now going down.
Ukraine, for Russia, was the bait. That's why Globohomo put Zelensky into Kiev, covered up all the scummy shit his regime pulled (and pulls), and used it as a catspaw to provoke Moscow. They knew ALL ABOUT this very scenario.
Globohomo decided to force the issue on their terms, and those terms means using one terminal nation (Ukrainians) against another (Russians) for the purpose of poisoning a rival Imperial power (Russia) to death- and then to put a satrap in power in Moscow.
But not just Moscow. They fully intend to break up the Russian Federation into upward of a dozen smaller states, each of which too weak to resist Globohomo or the third Imperial power: China.
(We'll get back to Beijing below.)
The real DOT here is not economic or political. It's cultural.
Contra what Vox Day, Jackson Hinkle, The Duran, et. al. want people to believe the Russian demographic THAT MATTERS is already Globohom-aligned. That would be the folks comprising Russian's professional, technical, and managerial elite who are--at most--neutral or apathetic to Putin's regime and therefore the cohort of the population that would slide right back into government and corporate positions in Russia once Putin and his cohort fall from power.
Again, it is this simple:
He's someone that works with a Globohomo company (YouTube) and other such companies, which is part of the aforementioned cohort of Westernized Russians. He, and others who went abroad either for work or other reasons, did so because they could get the higher Western standard of living without having to be in a handful of locations in Russia.
You'll find similar stories with every single Russian expatriate, especially those working in the cultural end of things, and these people (and their families) tend to have skills, wealth, or both- as evidenced by the massive influx of Russia capital into Turkey and the United Arab Emirates.
When Zeihan talks about Russian demography, he includes all of these skilled and educated people dipping out leaving only fuckups, hardcore regime loyalists, and those still on the make behind to fill in the gaps- and the consequences of institutional incompetence take time to fully manfiest.
Globohomo knows that if it can keep Moscow focused on the Ukraine War long enough, there won't be anything left to rebuild with at home. All of the skill and acumen needed is out of their reach and loyal to Globohomo, so when they return they will be happy to (as a class) seize power and rebuild Russia (and whatever splits off it of this time) into a Globohomo satrapy that they run and enjoy being the boss(es) of.
It almost worked in the 1990s. This time it will succeed.
About That China Issue
The CCP has a serious problem in that a lot of its most talented and skilled people tend to leave China and not come back. Once settled, usually in the West or Southeast Asia, they begin bringing family over; this swiftly forms Mainlander Chinese enclaves in those countries.
Why do they come West? Some of it is earnest believe in Globohomo propaganda about freedom, liberty, and Enlightenment values. Most of it is flat-out Securing The Bag; they're here for the money, specifically to take what they slipped out of China and making it work for them via investments into even more money.
The CCP, knowing how this settlement pattern works, exploits it to attempt counter-operations via "Overseas Police" operations in addition to other fronts such as the Confucious Institutes (found on or near university campuses) and classic honeypot operations targetting Western officials.
But, while not to be dismissed, the real tell that the CCP is more aware of Globohomo's real strategy comes from its pervasic media controls.
The Mainlanders love Hollywood; media piracy is still endemic, despite the Great Firewall, and it is no surprise that bootleg copies of Top Gun: Maverick can be found sold on disc therein- along with other censored or banned movies, shows, and other media from outside the mainland.
There are exit bans in place, but they are not properly used or enforced.
This contributes to China's own worsening economic and political instability, not at all helped by the disasters made worse by incompetent land and water management.
Globohomo knows it has superior cultural appeal over China. That's why monied Mainlanders all flee into the West as fast as they can with as much as they can, legally or not, despite how terrible the Chinese passport is. It's also more difficult to get the better visas for Mainlanders than for diasporan Chinese.
Therefore, Globohomo knows that China is in the same boat as Russia: a young would-be elite cohort culturally aligned with the West and disfavored by the regime, biding its time in exile, and willing to go back once the CCP is gone to (for all intents and purposes) turn China into a Glohomo satrapy.
All Globohomo has to do is wait, and it uses the bait of Taiwan as well as potential naval conflicts elsewhere in waters it claims, to keep Beijing distracted from the eroding cultural control it's suffering from. Economic damage comes from disinvesting from the Mainland and into its nearby rivals instead, such as Vietnam, rerouting global trade influx and maximizing outflows from China. If Beijing doesn't resort to war soon--within the next year or two--it will slip past its No Return point and become unable to do so.
And Then We Wait For Them To Gas Out
The final part of the strategy is the most dangerous because if you don't wait for the target to hit total exhaustion, you can screw it up and give them the win by allowing them a shot at you that takes you out before they go down. This is a Fabian-style strategy, which is why Globohomo conceals its presence entirely and denies that it's doing anything of the sort; maintaining deniability ensures that no one can throw wrenches into the works, at home or abroad.
It doesn't matter how much gear you throw into the grinder. It doesn't matter how many insults you take. It doesn't matter how much money you throw at the fake problem. You get all of that back with interest when they gas out and you roll them over to take everything, put your puppets into position, and reconfigure the land, the people, the polities, and the economies into Globohomo-prefered forms.
And once you have your hooks into a target polity's elites, you can guarantee control by ensuring that their elites attend your universities and train alongside your Imperial leadership classes- because once you've converted their culture to accept yours as greater, then they accept that your morality is superior to theirs and you can convert the elites. Then the elites will convert the masses for you and thus enforce your Imperial rule invisibily. Neither Russia nor the CCP truly comprehend this, which is why they'll both die to DOTs.
This is why I write of Empire as something separate and distinct from any polity; it can, and it does, sit above it as a competing force in human existence. Its power comes from presenting a compelling moral paradigm to those it holds as Thralls. If you have a strong and resilient moral force--a religion--than you can do great things so long as that force can back the effort and thus make the costs worthwhile, including justification for subjugating one's own kind to the yoke of an alien religion or a foreign power.
If you want to defeat Empire, you must have a superior religion. I know of only one.