This past week, an Algerian man stabbed an Irish girl to death.
Unlike too much of the West, the Irish actually did something about it: they rioted in Dublin and scared the shit out of the Globohomo loyalists and the Clients (like the killer) therein.
So far, just a more violent version of the Canandian Trucker episode, until a potential leader showed up: Conor MacGregor, the MMA champion.
— I,Hypocrite (@lporiginalg) November 24, 2023
He has not backed down from this statement. He has reaffirmed it, and as one expects from a charismatic leader and champion fighter, he did not mince words.

Some are calling for him to run for political office. This is a bad idea. The reaction of the Irish state, captured by Globohomo and than in thrall to Empire, makes clear why this is a bad idea- much like it is most of the Anglosphere and a lot of Europe. Globohomo is a hostile force occupying the Western nations and their homelands, intent on driving them to extinction. You are not voting your way out of this.
Ireland's PM Leo Varadkar vows to crack down on free speech in response to the outrage over a migrant stabbing attack
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) November 25, 2023
CJ Bill (22) will make it a criminal offense in Ireland to possess "hate speech" on your phone or computer
"But Geert won in the Netherlands!"
First, Ireland ain't the Netherlands. Different environment.
Second, Geert has to form a coalition government. That means compromise, which limits what he can get done right there.
Third, if he clears that hurdle, he then has to ensure that he has no traitors in his ranks to stab him in the back (like what happened to Trump) before he has to overcome every last legislative hurdle to get his agenda passed.
Finally, he has to beat down the bureaucracy and tame the judiciary so it actually gets implemented and enforced- and that's before the European Union and its bitch queen intervenes.
Milei in Argentina faces similiar hurdles in getting things done there.
And, we saw recently, there is open violence against ALL anti-Globohomo actors that present the least bit of opposition. Geert, Milei, etc. are hardly going to win over many in the Dissident Right but--as Imperium Press pointed out on their Telegram channel--you work with what you've got. This is something, so stop being shitters about it and get what you can while you can to move them--and everything else--away from Globohomo and towards a full and proper Nationalism.
Back to Ireland.
What the Thralls in Ireland's government made clear is that--like the rest of the Anglosphere--the law is nothing more than an opinion with a gun.
Because this is not hypocracy: it's HIERARCHY. They bellieve, openly and wholeheartedly, that they are superior to and therefore above the Western nations; they are Elect, Chosen, Very Special SMRT Boys. Therefore, when they do "Rules For Thee, Not For Me" they believe this wholly justified because THEY are not US in their eyes.
Those laws, those rules, those regulations- all of them are for US, not THEM, and that's why "Muh Hypocracy" means NOTHING to them.
So when you look back up there to see Ireland's Top Faggot react by doubling-down on Muh Hate Speech know that there was nothing that could be said or done OR NOT SAID OR DONE to prevent that. The Thralls of Empire--Globohomo, Russia, and China--all hate the Western nations (i.e. YOU) and they will take ANY excuse to do what they want, including if you say or do NOTHING AT ALL.
To quote a friend of the Shiba of Color:
Dazexiang Uprising energy.
What's the punishment for disagreeing with the government?
What's the punishment for rebellion?
The same.
"That's scary. They have a lot of guns."
You mean Hard Power.
Here's your Good News: they don't have nearly the Hard Power that they want you to believe that they do, and the Soft Power--the Narrative Warfare, the financial fuckery, the media gaslighting, the social pressures--all have HARD FUCKING LIMITS, limits that are now being hit.
The Thralls of Empire are not Wolves. They are Foxes. Foxes are supreme Soft Power divas, an entire caste of Mariah Carey hysterical divas (including the men); this is why the meme about the Longhouse took off.
The ability of Globohomo to do Waco-style slaughters of dissidents is not what it was in the 1990s, or even more recent than that; the Patrons, due to Wu Flu stupidity and the present Client Uprising, can't recruit or rely upon Clients to do that sort of wetwork and the awareness of Globohomo local regimes being fragile is more obvious by the day.
Does it exist? Yes. Can it still put in work. Yes, it can. Can it be everywhere at once? No. The Total Surveilance State is NOT here yet; that's still only in the cities of China. The ability to form ethnic enclaves, to Tribe Up, and to take up Hard Power in order to seize power from Globohomo (in those places where Voting Harder is not viable; Razorfist, you ought to know better by now than to blithely suggest this) still exists and thanks to Thralls' being retards these days they can't kill it off.
Watch how the Irish State deal with Conor.
He knows he can form an army about him. So does the Irish State. That's what makes his statements dangerous, and the wiser Dissident Rightists know it. Authority is derived from raw, naked force--from those willing to shower down blood, bone, and fire. Conor is sufficiently comfortable with violence, and skilled at it, to be a threat unto himself; he would have no problems forming an elite cadre about him, raising up a militia, and seizing power if he or someone he'll listen to can think through how to do so.
That thought is making said Top Faggot and his cabinent shit themselves right now.
The Globohomo occupations will not end with elections. We already know those get rigged when they feel the heat and believe to be under threat (which is why losses upset them so). Therefore it is necessary and proper to accept that solving the problem means seizing power from them, whatever the means. Ireland is so occupied.
And now that Conor has so much as insinuated that this is on the table, it is now inevitable. If he doesn't do it, some other man will; if the first attempt doesn't succeed, a later one will. Globohomo has to win EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. The Nations have to win only once.
Empire. Must. FALL!
(By the way, don't worry about the economic stuff; Torba's got that covered. Work with him.)