Sunday, January 26, 2025

South Africa Tells Zimbabwe "Hold My Necklace"

While the God-Emperor of Mankind executed his blitz on the traitors and heretics in the Federal government of the United States, to much applause for men and wailing by monsters, the Thralls of Empire elsewhere executed an expected line of attack in Africa this past week.

Yes, the anti-White government in South Africa learned nothing from Zimbabwe doing this exact policy previously. In case you don't know what that was, here you go.

Blacks can't farm for shit in Africa. That's why Zimbabwe went from "The breakbasket of Africa" to a wastleand shithole full of starving people within a year. Only the Whites can do that, so go figure once the writing was on the wall the government that seized the farms and yeeted the farmers begged for them to come back. (Note that the government has not changed sufficiently to make this a good idea.)

South Africa said "Hold my necklace" and decided to do this once more with feeling because the hate for the Boers is so great that they see no downsides. Given how badly the African National Congress and the rest of the black establishment in South Africa has been, such that collapse is an ongoing thing there.

Yes, South Africa was far, far better under Apartied- just like how Rhodesia was superior to Zimbabwe.

"But Orania-"

Is fucked. The new law change opens the door for the government to go Base Delta Zero on Orania, and no amount of small-arms militia will stop that from happening when--not if--it comes. (You'd think they would have learned from American examples of doing this by now, but no.) If you are not black, you are going to be butchered and your stuff stolen with state sanction. Yes, Pajeets, that includes you. Yes, Mainland Chinese, that includes you. They see all of you as they see Whites: enemies to be rooked and cooked.

Oh, and don't think being black is going to be good for you either. They may play nice with other African blacks, maybe Caribbean blacks, but Western blacks? No, you too are just targets to be killed and looted as soon as you are neither protected nor able to pay them off.


Yes, it's exile. Cope. Retreat, regroup, and reconquer a generation down the road- and this time, be thourough.

And let this be an example of the need to seize and hold State power before all else. There is no retreat to a secure refuge when in range of a hostile power; the entire country is a hostile warzone, and you have to treat it accordingly or you will be exterminated by those that do. In the United States, that has occured with Trump's return to the White House and his demonstrated behavior since reassuming office; the United Kingdom is also seeing how bad it is to not ruthlessly seize and hold power when facing existential threats to oneself and one's nation, and continental Europe is also feeling this heat (as is Canada, Australia, and New Zealand).

You are seeing the face of Empire. If you are to survive, Empire Must Fall.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Narrative Warfare: On The Eve Of The God-Emperor's Return

The God-Emperor of Mankind returns to power tomorrow.

We can complain all about policy later; Vivek's already punted out of the Administration, so take that win and enjoy it.

Right now this is all about ceremony, ritual, and aesthetics. It is telling that Globohomo's Thralls are keyed into the value of perception. Late Friday saw the most pants-on-head retarded attempt to do that sort of thing out of Resident Biden's office.

Yes, this immediately got violated by Community Notes:

The Archivist of the United States, charged with officially publishing ratified amendments, has confirmed that the ERA was not ratified and based that analysis on binding legal precedent.

There is no 28th Amendment.

(Archivist Press Release link)

No, amending the U.S. Contitution doesn't work that way. Requires first passage from Congress and then ratificiation from 38 out of 50 states. That never happened. Contra what folks like Joshua Lisec worry about, not even shitlib judges in the Federal Judiciary will rule as if it does because SCOTUS will slap that down 9-0.

You can see what the intent was: to bullshit and meme their way into defacto change under Color of Law. (That's illegal by the way.) But there was no way that even the most shitlib folks in the government were going to let this fly; that's why the Archivist of the United States immediately slapped this down.

What you should take away from this is that Globohomo's Thralls, like its rival Thralls in the other Imperial regimes, believe in word magic. They believe that what they declare is reality, and because they do wield power they often get away with believing that way; it is when that power is absent that their mistaken belief becomes obvious to those looking on from below.

And yes, this will continue after Trump's second inauguration. They are not resonable people.

Next time, I'll do the Queen of the DEI Hunters a solid and explain what Auron MacIntyer's going to win that bet with Academic Agent on the Woke being put away. (It's not.)

Sunday, January 12, 2025

What Happens When You Let Those Who Think It Can't Happen Here Run The State

There's no doubt that the disaster in Los Angelas, California is one that entirely the fault of the Globohomo Thralls that dominate that state from the State level down to the local officials.

Yet it is entirely possible that no one in any part of that structure will change anything in the aftermath of this disaster. Despite official responses being anything but what is necessary and proper, and despite certain subsets of that structure already engaging in the Blame Game to avoid being punished for their part in the deliberate negligence needed to make this disaster happen, and then it got worse.

If you think the negligence for fire is disastrous, I cannot wait to see what neglect did to earthquake recovery infrastructure.

Yes, we here a lot about how this afflicts the rich and the famous. Yes, we hear abou how much of this is due to arson, how the looting is done mainly by South American gangs working as organized units, and how specific policy decisions directly led to firemen not being able to do what they are paid to do.

And, as we already see, there is no sense from those responsible that they will do anything of substance to fix what they broke. There is blame-shifting, there is peacoking, there is performative ritual, and there is all-pervasive smugness by those same people who are damned certain that nothing and no one will punish them for making this mess possible.

And so far as everyone continues to obey rules specifically put down to bully the prey into compliance, those responsible--those predators--will be correct in their contempt.

I remind you, the victims of this malevolence, as I remind those in North Carolina who are dealing with a different form of it via FEMA getting in the way of others doing what needs to be done, that Free Men Don't Ask Permission and Free Men Do What Needs To Be Done.

Let them be confronted with the very realities they seek to inflict. Watch them first threat, then bargain, then plead. When they beg, only them deign to say a word in response.

They will not be convinced to change their ways. You must remove them by any means necessary and replace them with one of your own- installed by any means necessary. They are not legitimate, so their rules don't apply; only their ability to enforce them does, and that is easily defeatable.

This is a Mandate of Heaven Turnover moment. Seize it. Empire Must Fall.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Narrative Warfare: After-Action Analysis For Recent Terror Attacks In The US

If you haven't been following S2 Underground, fix that immediately. He posts daily, more often when things go down, but the weekend posts get into more details and are worth the time to give it your full attention.

S2 has good reason for a lot of his comments.

I'm not the only one who found it weird that some chick in yoga pants got access to a suspect's last known lodgings to cut a piece for the New York Post.

S2 is far too professional to lean into the memes to use as shorthand, but let's make it plain: this entire thing glows in the dark. So does the Vegas attack.

The concensus from the more Spook-aware OSINT folks is that these are not attacks on President Trump, but rather between Langley and the Pentagon as they are rival gangs in the Intelligence world and Trump favors SOCOM and DIA over Langley. (Given Langley's history, that's not out of line.)

We have all the tells of these being put-up jobs of some sort, as these conform to the usual happenings that end up with the FBI saying that the suspect was on their radar.

And S2 concludes that this is just going to make things worse due to the muddled info environment after taking the time to analyze the email manifesto and how it would not prevent a war if not picked apart for what it is.

Keep him in the rotation, and in your prayers.