The God-Emperor of Mankind did not waste any time Removing Aliens. This had exactly the results that many who support him predicted.
This merits a revision of an old idea.
What is below is optimized for the United States. Other Anglosphere states will have to adapt this to suit their country's legal regime, as it relies on one particular facet of American jurisprudence that is lacking elsewhere.
The Rural Redoubt Strategy
Dissidents needs secure locations from which to operate. They also need places where their non-combatants and dependents may be secure, which is a thing that directly correlates to the distance from the urban shitholes that Globohomo Loyalist Thralls of Empire dominate and operate from.
This is not to be taken as the surrender of the cities to the enemy. It is instead the seizure of territory around which the enemy thinks is secure and from which derives things he needs or wants, and it is this that the strategy intends to target- as befits a dissident network operating as an insurgency.
"But Trump is in charge."
That doesn't transform the American Thralls' hold on the United States into his machine overnight, and we already have instances of Globohomo Thralls retaliating upon Trump's supporters because they can't get at him or his chief lieutenants.
In short, it's still Real Insurgency Hours, and any successful insurgency has to transition into the occupation and pacification of territory anyway; this strategy allows for the former to become the latter on the turn of a dime.
Therefore it behooves the dissidents to identify rural counties where they are able to move to in numbers, bringing in revenue due to remote work and turning that into capital to purchase local necessary businesses (such as a gas station), establish legal residency and begin assimilating into the local community- with the specific intent of taking control of the country, starting with the Sheriff's Office.
Why? Because the U.S. Sheriff is one of the most powerful official in the Republic within his county thanks to a U.S. Supreme Court decision: Printz v. United States. Sheriffs can tell Federal officials to go pound sand, and this extendable to all outside parties (i.e. State agencies)
What should dissident rural communites do?
- Clear out local criminals, either by ratting them out to friendly law enforcement agencies (more likely now under Trump, as a lot of them are dealing in drug, gun, or human trafficking over State or Federal borders so Federal jurisdiction applies), or by handling in-house via being deputized as a county militia under the Sheriff's command.
- Occupy and run all government agencies in the county, specifically to counteract the usual form of electoral fraud in the United States (urban-centric ballot harvesting and box-stuffing); "conveniently" have to recount results due to "errors" until the urban centers certify their results, the schools and the bureaucracy.
- Own and run all critical business and key NGO offices. Gas stations, grocery stores, hardware stores, restaurants, hotels/motels/AirBNBs, gun stores, etc. should be owned and run by dissidents- and yes, this includes the local credit unions.
- Control all key social institutions in the county, ultimately including elected offices for State legisature representation.
- Network outside of Regime means to ensure unified action against Thralls at the State level.
- Use control of the county to foster the cultivation of expansion into other counties by training new cohorts to repeat the process.
The dissident organization aiming to do this should go as far out as they can manage to avoid unwanted attention from Regime agents, buying residential properties and local businesses at this time from aging or dead Boomers or their estates to use to move households and other dissident actors into the country. Moving those people into positions of influnence, ownership, and then control should ideally be organic in nature; there is already a notable civic disengagement issue in rural counties, so one need only wait for the existing cliques to age or die out to move in; once control is taken, leave those still remaining in place if--and only if--they are unable to be a problem. Remove them at first opportunity otherwise.
Repeat this process across the rural part of a State as fast as opportunity, personnel, and finances allow with the aim of securing key rural counties with regional towns or cities as soon as can be had. You can gain critical mass control of State level politics within a few election cycles without doing anything violent, anything illegal, or (under ideal circumstances), anything with even the hint of impropriety. You are merely properly prepared parties executing a plan when the opportunity arises.
Once your rural counties, all at once, withhold their State/Federal electoral results until the Regime-held urban counties certify theirs you can break their hold on the State and put your people into the Governor's Mansion and take the majority in the State legislature- at which point it's purging time. You had better have your legislative and executive actions pre-written to execute the second your man has control like Trump did.
That is how you can use rural counties as a route to power, and once in power to stay in power and guarantee that the Thralls cannot ever return.
This is one way to make Empire fall.