Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Corbett Report's 9/11 Special Series: 9/11 Suspects & Misdirection Therefrom

The Corbett Report got going because of 9/11. Of course James Corbett would get together some form of a video special to mark the 15th anniversary of that day in 2001. So, here it is, six videos on some of the most ill-reported or regarded folks that had clear connections to the event and benefited from it. These suspects' influence does matter here and now, not just those seeking higher office (elected or appointed), but also in what else they can do to aide the globalist cause of Empire.

On that list is Bob Baer, the man whom Syriana is based. He was the lead on a History Channel miniseries titled "Hunting Hitler", also featuring former U.S. Marshall Lenny DePaul among the team of experts brought in to execute the show's search.

There's a reason I'm pointing this out, and that reason is the CIA's long-standing connection to the entertainment industry- and make no mistake, the History Channel is an entertainment industry outlet. Using entertainment media to enact Narrative control is a long-standing thing that the CIA does, and this does include provision of material and personnel; as with the U.S. military's relationship, this too is intended to (a) make the Agency look good and (b) control any dangerous narratives that may come out.

One very effective method is known as the "Limited Hangout". The idea is simple: use the truth to further a lie. In this context, knowing that Baer's "former" (no such thing) CIA and has an existing relationship of his own to the entertainment industry in addition to what the CIA has, it puts to mind the idea that "Hunting Hitler" (itself building on a MysteryQuest episode from 2009, wherein the Soviet "proof" of Hitler's death is exposed as a fraud) is a Limited Hangout. In other words, what we're shown is true- but why we're shown that is to mask more current, and therefore relevant, shenanigans by channel any energy building towards those things being exposed to something now harmless to reveal for what it was.

Let me put on my Historian hat here.

Like it or not, the immediate utility to digging up the full and complete truth about World War 2 is slim to none now. If you're someone that is into truth or justice, knowing that the historical narrative surrounding Adolph Hitler's death is a pile of bullshit doesn't help much in dealing with things that are going on here and now, even if you can (and you can) connect then and now. World War 2 is Ancient History to damn near everyone alive, and therefore considered irrelevant now. Yet not too long ago that same period had more reverence; things you can say and do now with that period was taboo just 30 years ago- much like how Vietnam now is still a bit touchy in the U.S. due to that generation's memory of it being alive and well. That, folks, is when something shifts from "recent history" to "history": when the generation that lived it dies off.

So, what would a Boomer like Baer be willing to conceal about the last 30-40 years such that exposing the truth about Hitler would be considered worthwhile to do as a way of drawing off popular attention? In the late 1990s, Baer would be in the prime of his career and rising to senior status; he'd be in a position to have some knowledge about things leading up to 9/11 even if he had no direct participation in it. He would also be highly likely to know about other dirty deeds done on behalf of Empire, some he directly participated in doing, and therefore had corpses (literal and otherwise) he wanted kept buried. Burning obsolete narratives to protect a current and relevant one? Not even a choice. Of course that's what a spook would do; it's classic misdirection, and it's classic because it reliably works.

That, folks, is a big reason for why the real history of the world tends to come out only after the generation that made it happen is dead: all of those with skin in that game cashed out, so it doesn't matter anymore. (Sometimes it comes out even later, when the children or grand-children that directly benefit from those events die off.) What you need to ask when you see things like "Hunting Hitler" is "What more recent concern benefits from distracting attention from it to this?" Empire rules, in part, by keeping you hard at hunting snipes and chasing ghosts.

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