Three years ago, the pushback against Empire began in earnest with the eruption of #Gamergate. Who would've thought that gamers would be the ones to break the inexorable tide? No one, yet we did just that, and with it began something that not even many involved appreciate to this day. Happy Birthday, Vivian James, you glorious virtual shitlady. The ride never ends.

The Thralls of Empire who survived the thrashing that gamers in the videogame sphere wrought unto them, and still do, now go about proclaiming that this was the event that lead to the ascension of the God-Emperor, Brexit, and the rise of "fascism" worldwide.
Not exactly.
What #Gamergate did was to provide everyone else seeking to oppose the Thralls--in our case, disposable SJWs--a viable and easily practiced playbook to deal with them. The Supreme Dark Lord, Vox Day, noted that #Gamergate was a 4th Generation War situation fought at the level of media and culture. He's since frequently referred to it when commenting on succeeding conflicts against the Death Cult that the SJWs serve, and furthermore notes that those who are effective tend to conform to the playbook and the ineffective do not.
Congratulations, fellow shitlords. We really were the vanguard. From a certain point of view, the accusation hysterically thrown at #Gamergate is accurate; others, seeing the success, observed independently and copied what worked. Where they get it wrong is thinking that, like Lefting indoctrination, this is deliberately passed on and not Monkey See Monkey Do. Furthermore, since Occam's Razor is lost to them they can't think their way to that conclusion even if they were inclined to do so.
What they have noticed, however, is that they lost Narrative Control
The big shock of #Gamergate was that, for the first time, the lock on media control did not have its intended effects for shutting down opposition to SJW convergence. The reason? They did not control, utterly, the primarily medium of communication: the Internet. It became possible to counter-signal their Narrative Warfare attacks, so that's what happened and with it came the decentralized and autonomous network of individuals who came together as if centrally coordinated- but not. #Gamergate is the world's first Real Life Stand-Alone Complex
That ability to engage directly with one another made a big difference, and often is underappreciated. Livestreams routinely went on, blogs routinely spread around, and other means of communication fostered discussion and argument without the SJWs having any way to control it. Operations arose, some of which are ongoing. (e.g. OpSkynet, the meet-and-great connection op) Now we're seeing some of us write down what happened and make it available to further prevent re-writing of history by the SJWs. (See here and here for examples.)
You cannot control a population if you do not control the flow of information. Information control is literal mind control, one step removed from manipulation of language itself. They do not control the context. So, inevitably, what we see now--the Big Social push for censorship--was the foreseeable (and it was) reaction. As I said before, this is a desperation play; they know they've lost control, and this is their penulimate way to regain it. (The ultimate being pure banking-based attacks to cut off access to credit and currency entirely, but we're not there yet.)
We would not have SJWs Always Lie or Cuckservative if not for #Gamergate, so my fellow gamers stand proud and tall. Revel in knowing we dealt the Doloros Stroke to Gawker that allowed Hulk Hogan and Peter Thiel to finish it off.
And, in particular, take pride is making 4th Generation Warfare something that can be, and often is when done properly (as per the Left's own Alinsky), a hell of a lot of fun.
The Sad and Rabid Puppies, the Superversive Movement, the Pulp Revolution, and the smarter elements of the Alt-Right have all learned from #Gamergate- to varying degrees, and showing varying success accordingly. Empire Must Fall, and its fall began when the JV squad of Empire's Thralls decided to mess with us- the gamers. People who, for fun, take on big tasks and determinedly hammer away at them until completely demolished. "Git Gud" and "Gotta Plat" for the win, motherfuckers. Shine on, you crazy diamonds, and light the way to victory for one and all.