Sunday, September 12, 2021

Narrative Warfare: Twenty Years of Narrative Warfare

Yesterday was September 11th.

That date means different things to different people. If you want the American (and, to a much lesser extent, Western) Establishment's view, you couldn't escape it; Didactic Mind's post really hits how it feels like ashes in one's mouth for many in the US and elsewhere. Some others, usually aging leftists or born in South America, remember Pinochet's coup in Chile on this day. Nationalist dissidents will remember, in September, when Vienna was freed from the theat of Ottoman conquest. There are other events of note that I won't mention here.

But you're wondering what I think, yes?

I shall summarize: Alex Jones was right. /pol/ was even more right.

It is clear now that these are true:

  • It was an inside job.
  • Establishment intelligence--US and others--materially benefited from the attack and had their narrative ready to go before the fact, shown by the speed with which they deployed it via their Operation Mockingbird assets like Anderson Cooper (and their counterparts in allied countries).
  • Yes, Saudis were involved; factional fighting inside their ruling family account for this involvement and later opposition via Trump.
  • Bin Ladin may or may not have actually masterminded the attack, but he most certainly was not killed as stated.
  • The official narrative is a box car full of turduckens of lies. The only true statement is that World Trade Center 1, 2, and 7 went down due to terrorist violence.
  • Only now, well past the point where justice would inflict any real harm on the network of actors responsible, is the truth being officially acknowledged in the least- and then, only as a means of protecting itself from bigger, more pressing, threats. In other words, a Limited Hangout.
  • Narrative control has proven vitally effective at keeping up the charade for as long as it has, and now that its usefulness is ending they are letting it go piece by piece deliberately as demoralization and humilation operations. Not a big of waste allowed for so vast an undertaking. To this day, Normies believe the official narrative because they believe the authority of the mainstream media and refuse to go out of their way to find independent media- too much like work.
  • The Establishment has successfully moved a lot of their control mechanisms into the private sector by exploiting public-private partnerships, formal and otherwise, resulting in the erection of the very totalitarian state Alex Jones and his cohorts (current and former) warned us about back then. Aaron Russo's "Freedom to Fascism" is proving particularly prophetic now.

Yes, even the Afghanistan pullout ties into this.

The claim, made years ago, was that 9/11's American relevance was, indeed, the signal that the party was over.

The party being American general prosperty and liberty, and now we transitioned to a deliberate and willful looting and degradation of both the American nation and its various institutions. While the goal to do so and then fuck off to China got thwarted, the "do so" part remained in play and here we are.

The problem, as you may notice, is that the Establishment--the Thralls of Empire--have nowhere to go to escape the consequences of their looting and degeneracy. Empire itself is now trapped in the very host it parasitized, something not seen outside wholesale civilizational collapses like that of the Bronze Age collapse that took entire networks of trade and communication--and thus people--out of commission and forced peoples to make do with local resources.

No, bolt-holes (however gilded) in New Zealand don't count. Bolt-holes anywhere don't count, especially not against vengeful and spiteful barbarian hordes that will inevitably arise to seize by force what is horded in those bolt-holes- often lead by the very security personnel the owners hired and then treated like shit because they could not help themselves.

Empire survives by jumping from host to host, from civilization to civilization, because it cannot exist without Civiliztion--without the power, prestige, and prosperity thereof--to sustain it. It is very womanly, very much a wanton and viscious gold-digging whore, in that respect; think of it as Lilith writ large if you like, or the Whore of Babylon, and so the shit will flow until back to God we go.

The reason, therefore, for the masks coming off and the acceleration of the Globohomo lockdown of populations is to stave off the palpable threat of Empire's destruction due to being unable to escape the destruction they've wrought. They want to lock people down not out of strength, but weakeness; not out of confidence, but fear. They want to cull people due to wanting to eliminate hordes before they form first and foremost; any religious aspect to these actions is important, but not primary- it's all out of pants-shitting terror of the very people they preyed upon for generations on end.

Of us.

And is it not curious how they've not done the more obvious and necessary things yet? Maybe they can't.

Despite the narrative control, the Thralls don't have what they require to make good their desperation play; their behaviors show it. The Normies do sense that bad shit's going on, and they're tuning out entirely to deal with the bullshit they sense is coming at them, but--again--baby steps. First they stop reading the papers and magazines, then they stop watching the TV or listening to the radio, and next they get off Facebook/Twitter, etc. in favor of alternatives that give what Normies want (e.g. Marvel/DC collapsing vs. Manga blossoming). Step by step, and faster as the Boomers die off, the noose slips.

And, at the core, the Thralls sense it and yet can't react fast enough or well enough to deal with it.

This is why, as I see it, the Afghanistan pullout isn't having the impact it was meant to have or that yesterday's Narrative reinforcement didn't take like it was meant to; the subjects are increasingly just not listening, not caring, and turning away. If there is any good news to be had, there it is; if there is any useful action to take, it is to have alternatives shoved before them that give them what they want here and now.

Empire, unlike Epstein, killed itself.

Empire falls.

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