Sunday, February 13, 2022

Narrative Warfare: Make Everything A Cult

In Crazytown, there's a concept called "Revelation of the Method". This is taking somethig of the Occult and normalizing it. Example below.

That image came from a presentation on marketing, and it is now standard pracice worldwide. It has been implicitly for about a century (as any history of Public Relations will reveal, in coded language), and explicitly for about 20 years at the least.

This concept is usually said in the context of explaining Predictive Programming, but in this context we're talking about implementing formerly secret practices.

Using the techniques by which cults induce subjects into the psychological state necessary to make them into cultists as marketing techniques, and letting it be known that this is the case, fulfills the Occult definition of "consent".

This is the concept that Empire and its Thralls must inform you of what they intend to do before they do it, and they take silence as consent to their aims, but "inform" using coded language and symbolism that targets are unlikely to correctly perceive if they perceive at all (yes, this is fraud; no, they don't care)--and thus has become the backbone for their Narrative Warfare machine.

However, their power is that of the illusionist and the mezmerist; once it is seen, it cannot be unseen and thus it is broken.

And as we see now, that power is very fragile indeed--honk, honk--and if not for the Thralls being loud, determined, persistent fanatics as a group they'd be no threat at all.

The need to tell on themselves is their weakness, and is one of the reasons why Empire falls.

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