Sunday, December 4, 2022

The Rise & Fall Of The Boomer Founding Myth

This needs no further explanation. Behold! The Foundting Myth of Globohomo.

This myth is the cornerstone of the Death Cult that dominates and rules the West.

You will map the strength of this mythology to the living memory of World War 2 in the West. As the Baby Boomers--the children of those who lived through that war--start dying off in huge numbers, the power of this mythology will wane and the compensation for that loss via outright hard power of the State using open and brick-to-face obvious repression as if this were China will increase.

One manifestation of this shift has already become obvious: The Boomer Furnace.

This is the practice of tying all public and private policy to serve the desires of Baby Boomers regardless of the consequences.

Know this, then: this mythology will not outlast the Boomers, and will follow everything else into the Boomer Furnace. Once the Boomers lose a critical mass of power and influence, this mythology is done--this week reminded everyone that cracks already exist in the facade--and with its power spent so will be those that depend upon it.

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