Thursday, June 15, 2023

Narrative Warfare: Show The Receipts And Win The Narrative

Ex-Stratfor man Peter Zeihan addressed a pair of viewer questions about Putin and Russia this past week.

This is what the pro-Russian side avoids like the plague, including dissidents like Vox Day.

Remember Peter's business. He advises Western governments and corporations on geopolitics, using his former Stratfor links to supplement what his staff can acquire in the open, so he talks to Fellow Travlers in Globohomo- not to enemies and rubes. Furthermore, his continued business requires him to be precise and accurate. He has to tell the truth to get paid.

This means that he has to cite his sources and provide recepits, which he does in his public-facing publications and refers to in public-facing video and audio media like this, which the curious and skeptical can look up for themselves to see what he's seeing. This leads to independent confirmation of his claims.

The pro-Russian folks cannot refute these claims. They know that each and every one of them is true, correct, and verified time and again as such.

The only hope that both Russia and China--the rival Imperial powers to Globohomo--have is relently psychological operations, specifically demoralization operations, using dissidents and the disenfranced as Useful Idiots to push that Narrative Warfare angle. This includes De-Dollarization and Western Collapse.

Long before Globohomo collapses, both China and Russia will shatter and fall. They already are far shakier than the West, with currencies that no one wants, and only their shills and their own propaganda outlets are serious about the West losing hegemony. Independent outlets are not pushing this; they know it's bullshit, even if they would otherwise be sympathetic.

The tell? They do not do what Zeihan (and others like Lei of Lei's Real Talk) do: SHOW RECEIPTS. You are expected to take their word for it OR ELSE, and this is most blatant with the CCP Shillsphere.

Remember the pattern: Each Imperial power lies about themselves and tells the truth about their enemies. The lies about themselves that China and Russia push is that they are better shape than Globohomo; they are not- both are far, far worse across the board and it's getting harder to hide it. The truth is that the West is weak and in decline; that is true, but the West is still able and (given certain internal conditions) willing to arrest and reverse that decline- but those conditions will not come. Neither of the rivals can do that.

What remains the case is that it does not matter if Russia wins in Ukraine. They have already lost the peace; Russia is a dead empire walking, and China is soon to follow.

Empire falls. First in the East. Then in the West.

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