Sunday, January 21, 2024

Narrative Warfare: The International Court Of Justice Case Is Useless Theater

The LOLSuit To End All LOLSuits

The Republic of South Africa brought a case against the State of Israel to the International Court of Justice over a week and a half ago on charges of committing genocide against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Yes, a state that is committing genocide against the Boers is bringing a charge of genocide against Israel for doing the same to the Palenstinians.

In addition to being one of the biggest examples of virtue signaling to distract from one's own massive criminality, this is one of the largest pieces of political theater outside of the United States that I have had the distinction to witness via livestreaming.

A Pointless Action

Supporters and boosters of this legal action proclaim this to be a massive win for Civilization because it seeks to impose the Rule of Law upon a state heretofore said, and shown, to be akin to the Three Imperial Powers (and several former Imperial powers) in its disregard for same.

No one has provided a satisfactory answer to this question: "And the Court will enforce against judgement against Israel how?"

Let me reframe this without the polite language: "Who the fuck has a large enough body of trigger-pulling killers to blast their way to Bibi, shove a gun to his face and say 'COMPLY OR DIE!'?"

Of those who, in theory, could do this no one will as they are all allied to Israel. The State of Israel knows this. That is why they don't care about this action, why most of the world does not care about this action, and why this is one of the most pointless displays of political theater in living memory. The outcome is irrelevant as there is no will to enforce any decision against Israel.

Furthermore, the action is further undermined in its legitimacy by the complaining party being guilty of the very thing they claim that Israel is guilty of, opening South Africa to a countersuit on the same charge on behalf of the Boers- and unlike Israel, there is a will and a capacity to punish the South Africa state and establishment severely if found guilty.

And in both cases, the rulings cannot help but to be seen through a partisan lense as all forms of "international law" are nothing more then Globohomo expressions of Imperial power.

This is not only a waste of time and resources, it is an insult to the Boers, Palenstians, and (believe it or not) the Israelis.

You Are Not Helping

Even the most beautiful of Palenstine's advocates--the Syrian Girl, Maram Sulsi--admits that pro-Palenstian activism has proven ineffective.

It's not merely ineffective, it is counter-productive.

In the West, this cause is used to commit bandity on the roads in defiance of the law and blocking transit of uninvolved third parties (as well as emergency reponse vehicles, causing public emergencies) and rioting in city streets across the nation-states of the West. It is also used to justify further migration of hostile alien men of military age, all of them illegal aliens, under dubious claims of asylum.

On the waters, the Houthi rebels in Yemen (prompted by their Iranian patrons) use this cause to conduct piracy on the waters against global shipping without restricion despite claims to the contrary- and damaging not only uninvolved third parties participating directly in global shipping (as crew, as ship owners, as cargo owners, as insurers) as well as everyone else no matter how removed they are because everything is affected by the slightest hiccup in the global economy like this.

Anyone sincere about helping the Palenstinians know that none of this is good optics and thus have already lost the Frame Game necessary to wage Narrative Warfare effectively.

This is not how you make Empire fall.

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