Sunday, February 25, 2024

Narrative Warfare: A Hero Becomes King (In All But Name) By His Own Hand

Early this past week, recently re-elected President of El Salvador Nayib Bukele retweeted this on Twitter regarding the Legislative elections.

The winning party there is Bukele's.

He has previously used both the political crisis he found when first elected to remove his enemies in the Judicary, and he already had the Legislature with him- this just makes what was practical into a formality: El Salvador is a one-party state.

Bukele is king by his own hand in all but name. He knows it too.

"But isn't that a bad thing?"

No. Good men with the mettle to be good kings should make themselves king by their own hand when it means getting rid of local Thralls of Empire (all of his opponents), dispensing with the fetters that get between him and doing Good for the nation- fetters that the Thralls weaponize against anyone and everyone that opposes them, or could and is not yet certain in their loyalty to (that sect of) Empire.

But, with re-election secured, there is a strong tempation to take this metaphor and make it (more or less) literal. Bukele is young, photogeneic, charismatic, and even more skilled at both public relations (not an easy thing) than Trump or Farage as well as the governance part (very much an easy thing to be better than). He championed the common man in his country despite both wings of the Imperial Eagle trying to claw him down and as their champion he first took power and then wielded it.

One cannot argue with the results, including all the hitpieces by Very Serious Journalists Propagandists Whores and the Non-Governmental Organizations Intelligence Front Groups that collaborate with them to wage Narrative Warfare against him.

Which he has noticed, and called out.

Note in particular when he says "The only way to do that is to arrest all the murderers."

Not that he acknowledges that there is another option: to kill them all. However, because there is no statutory penalty permitting the State to do this, he has not ordered it.

That, right there, makes Bukele a more righteous ruler than anyone in the Establishment in the West, or in Russia, or in China (the three Imperial Powers)- for whom law is what they say it is, what is written be damned. Bukele may or may not wish to change the law to permit execution as a penalty for such offenses (and offenders), but he will not--and does not--tolerate ankle-biting faggots like this reporter to do Whataboutisms and Well Ackhshuallys and other Gamma Male tells of bad faith acting

I want all of you reading this to recognize that Bukele exercises great restraint at this time, and yet through that restraint he gains massive support at home and abroad; I make no bones about liking this man and how he's done things for his people.

If you want to know what unfucking a country and a nation long tred upon by Empire's Thralls looks like, this is a good example. I hope he can sustain it long enough to cement it, train up a worthy successor, and be confident in handing off power that it won't all revert to the gang-riddled murderopolis that it was before him. I hope that others trying to follow his lead, such as Ecuador's Naboa, repeat his success as that will build momentum for other local dissident elites to do the same for their people.

Every nation, in a peaceful and well-ordered world, has a secure homeland. For the nation of El Salvador, as with many others, this is at least what it will take- it may, in other places, actually require genocidal levels of violence because the criminals will not go quietly (as they did not in El Salvador, and are not now in Ecuador).

You are not voting your way out of Empire, even as it falls. If you are not prepared to fight, kill, and die then you will not be free when the time comes. Simple as.

Hope that it will be more like Bukele in El Salvador, because all of the alternatives are worse.

Other Notes:

There is a Bonus Post this week.

Support accounts are now live, for your convenience.

Bonus Post: Swing And A Miss From The Supreme Dark Lord

The Supreme Dark Lord does not miss often, but geopolitics has become a revealed weakness of his and this post last week exhibits it.

Needless to say, women voted en masse for The Brothel. The Brothel – which is to say the satanic values of Clown World – has clearly triumphed over the last two decades, as can be seen by the present human hellscape that extends from one end of the dying civilization of the former West to the other. Even those of us who were openly predicting collapse had no idea that things could get this bad this quickly and comprehensively.

But Clown World’s victory is a pyrrhic and probably short-lived one, because its dyscivicism has rapidly progressed from open immorality to outright insanity before our very eyes. What cannot sustain itself will not maintain itself. The Brothel is intrinsically parasitical, and no parasite can survive on its own once its host departs.

Vox maintains his contention--as shown in the linked post--that Islam will defeat Globohomo through its willingness to enforce its norms via violence.

As the Shiba of Color reminded me, quoting Borzoi: "Islam will turn gay before it conquers Europe."

Events since 2010 have borne this out.

One need only look at how Muslim enclaves get assimilated into Globohomo over time via exposure to Globohomo's corrosive anti-culture. The girls that grow up therein Westernize, and like the Good Christian Girls of yesteryear they whore out hard when they get the chance. Meanwhile, their brothers either soyjack into becoming SJW Death Cultists and get assimilated into the Bugman Hive or the Coalition of the Resentful Clients or they turn into Glowie assets (like their elders did) and become Jihadis.

That's because Le Muslim Terrorism is now, and has always been, a Western Intelligence operation- an Operation GLADIO before GLADIO. It is not organic. The presence of hostile Muslim enclaves in the West is nothing more than Glowie assests brought into the homeland to do to Western nations what they were doing to foreign ones previously; same job, same bosses, different area of operation.

Or, put another way, it's Fake And Gay like everything else about Globohomo.

This is why there is (otherwise) inexplicable lack of resistance to Globohomo pozzing; it was not real to begin with. Ergo, it is now clear as to what it would actually take for a Muslim nation-state to resist Globohomo: to be not only active in enforcing Sharia, but to do so in an immediate and imminent manner, such as what we see in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and certain other places.

And folks, I remind you that (a) the Saudis are slowly softening into apostasy at a cultural level, (b) the Emirates are even further along, (c) Iran is facing Globohomo-backed uprisings constantly that use cultural NGOs to sell Globohomo to the youth, (d) the same unseriousness about piety in the institutions that afflicts the West afflicts the Muslin world and will result in the same void opening that Globohomo's Death Cult used to slip into the cultural high ground from which they seized power.

The answer for the Muslim world is not moderation. It is to (a) go hard to the paint, (b) eject ALL imperial power influences (yes, kick out the Russians and Chinese too), clean up the Muslim world first and foremost, pull all the faithful back and wall off from the West. Then, believe it or not, change to allying with Christendom against Globohomo, and provide support to the Christians to overthrow Globohomo.

That's a Very Big Ask.

But it is a far more practical one than what is on the table at present.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Narrative Warfare: Globohomo's Rope-A-Dope Strategy Is Working

In this moment, we live in the hellworld of 1984.

There are three Imperial Powers: Globohomo, Russia, China. Each one has a sphere of influence. Each says it seeks peaceful coexistence with at least one of the other two, but its behavior belies the reality that it sees both rivals as enemies to be destroyed- one way or another.

The irony is that all three rival Thralls of Empire are very similar to one another, differing only in the details behind how the ruling Thralls execute their control.

But that moment is coming to a close. The Ukraine War was Globohomo successfully baiting Russia into a trap certain to destroy it. Now we see signs that this same strategy is bearing fruit against China.

Let is a defectee from China. She has first-hand experience of the Chinese Communist Party--the Red Dynasty--so she knows how it thinks and works. She's one of the best in the sphere of China Watchers out there, so I take her commentary seriously and watch for others to independently confirm what she presents. (Such others include, but are not limited to: The China Show, Peter Zeihan, and Digging To China)

Remember how I described Globohomo suckering Russia into attacking Ukraine?

You might want to get yourselves, anyone you value, and anything of value out of Taiwan right now. Even if (and at this point, that a big "If") the Red Dynasty somehow wins, they lose. China's demographics and political economy is as dire as Russia's, is as vulnerable to economic warfare as Russia's is, but they are even more fragile than Russia; as Zeihan has pointed out, all it would take to shatter China is to blockcade all oil and gas imports (almost all of which are over the water) and Beijing breaks within six months.

That said, the Chinese military can still inflict massive--ruinous--damage even if it fails in its war aims, something Taiwan takes seriously.

But the damage is done, and not even a successful war can save the Red Dynasty now.

Globohomo is on track to win, even with all of the incompetence and competition within its ranks and all of the domestic discontent in their own sphere, against its rivals.

Which is what should be expected for an Imperial power in competition with rivals, but that means an opportunity is coming that dissidents should prepare for.

  • Victory is had.
  • Spoils to distribute.
  • Spoils disputed; dissidents manufacture disputes.
  • Dispite escalates.
  • Dissidents engage in targetted ops to keep the fight going.
  • In-fighting weakens Globohomo to a critical state.
  • Dissidents make the big push, breaking local control.
  • Globohomo collapses.
  • All Imperial threats exterminated.
  • Party time.

That's the problem with rope-a-dope strategies. It involves knowing with certainty that all possible threats are successfully contained until they can be defeated in detail, first worn down and then finished off and dismemebered (to guarantee no future threat potential), as you using superior endurance and control to buy time to gas them out.

If you don't know who all the threats are, you will miss some and now it's you that get preyed upon by a fresh opponent because they wait and watch- not only are they fresh, they have accurate intelligence about you to exploit for best effect.

That, Dissident, is what you need to be doing: waiting, watching, and preparing to strike. Empire ain't going to fall by itself.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Narrative Warfare: How Globohomo Manufactures Consensus (Amazon Edition)

This past week on Monday, U.S. Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH 4) posted the following to Twitter.

Someone else used one of the thread recap bots to collect this into a readable page. It is here.

If you want a summary, here: "So the ones screaming about book bans are the ones banning books."

But you ought to know how this is done.

  • White House wants something censored.
  • Amazon (biggest seller) gets an unofficial request to do so.
  • If Amazon doesn't comply, it becomes official.
  • If Amazon still doesn't comply, White House ropes in NGOs to wield media pressure to compel it.
  • If Amazon still doesn't comply, White House and NGOs start using their influence and power over the banks to do it.
  • Amazon complies, targetted media is censored. "Muh Private Company!" protects both sides from legal attacks.

Some of you may notice that this is a scaled-up version of the "cancellation" process that SJWs and Death Cultists use against targetted individuals. That's because it is.

This is why any serious dissident operation has to create a parallel economy across the board. To that end, it is the publishers (and Gab) that have actually put in real work and not the political organizations. Even so, there remains two major points of weakness where Globohomo has the upper hand: payment processing and banking.

(Yes, I am aware of GabPay; let's see how that plays out.)

The banking element, for now, must instead rely on the tension between the Western banking establishment and the major banking jurisdictions outside Globohomo's reach.

No one in the dissident sphere even figures that this is possible, but it is- and far richer enemies of Globohomo successfully wield it daily to fuck Globohomo over. Dissidents need to copy that homework.

(Yes, I will talk about this privately.)

And After Empire Captures A Castle

Once a "private" institution is captured by Empire, it is repurposed into a pro-Empire propaganda outlet. Film Threat had a video yesterday about how this is being done at Amazon Studios.

And they will, if they can, choke off access to media that does not conform as Crunchyroll is doing for its all-digital library (and other captured companies are doing as they do to theirs).

And if they can, they will gaslight targets into conforming prior to seizing control themselves.

To say that it's bad is an understatement, but it is not insurmountable. What a remedy will require is time, patience, and massive amounts of teamwork.

There will be more and more need to erect parallel structures as Globohomo gets worse in the West. I think now is a good opportunity to pivot and start talking solutions using this as a focus.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Narrative Warfare: Cope Du Bagette

The Supreme Dark Lord boosted a book coming soon from a French colonel called The Russian Art of War, which can be found here. One look (and I quote the same passage Vox did) shows so much cope on display.

Throughout the Cold War period, the Soviet Union saw itself as the spearhead of a historical struggle that would lead to a confrontation between the “capitalist” system and “progressive forces.” This perception of a permanent and inescapable war led the Soviets to study war in a quasi-scientific way, and to structure this thinking into an architecture of military thought that has no equal in the Western world.

The problem with the vast majority of our so-called military experts is their inability to understand the Russian approach to war. It is the result of an approach we have already seen in waves of terrorist attacks—the adversary is so stupidly demonized that we refrain from understanding his way of thinking. As a result, we are unable to develop strategies, articulate our forces, or even equip them for the realities of war. The corollary of this approach is that our frustrations are translated by unscrupulous media into a narrative that feeds hatred and increases our vulnerability. We are thus unable to find rational, effective solutions to the problem.

The way Russians understand conflict is holistic. In other words, they see the processes that develop and lead to the situation at any given moment. This explains why Vladimir Putin’s speeches invariably include a return to history. In the West, we tend to focus on X moment and try to see how it might evolve. We want an immediate response to the situation we see today. The idea that “from the understanding of how the crisis arose comes the way to resolve it” is totally foreign to the West. In September 2023, an English-speaking journalist even pulled out the “duck test” for me: “if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck.” In other words, all the West needs to assess a situation is an image that fits their prejudices. Reality is much more subtle than the duck model….

The reason the Russians are better than the West in Ukraine is that they see the conflict as a process; whereas we see it as a series of separate actions. The Russians see events as a film. We see them as photographs. They see the forest, while we focus on the trees. That is why we place the start of the conflict on February 24, 2022, or the start of the Palestinian conflict on October 7, 2023. We ignore the contexts that bother us and wage conflicts we do not understand. That is why we lose our wars…

In Russia, unsurprisingly, the principles of the military art of the Soviet forces inspired those currently in use:

  • readiness to carry out assigned missions;
  • concentration of efforts on solving a specific mission;
  • surprise (unconventionality) of military action vis-à-vis the enemy;
  • finality determines a set of tasks and the level of resolution of each one;
  • totality of available means determines the way to resolve the mission and achieve the objective (correlation of forces);
  • coherence of leadership (unity of command);
  • economy of forces, resources, time and space;
  • support and restoration of combat capability;
  • freedom of maneuver.

It should be noted that these principles apply not only to the implementation of military action as such. They are also applicable as a system of thought to other non-operational activities.

An honest analysis of the conflict in Ukraine would have identified these various principles and drawn useful conclusions for Ukraine. But none of the self-proclaimed experts on TV were intellectually able to do so.

Thus, Westerners are systematically surprised by the Russians in the fields of technology (e.g., hypersonic weapons), doctrine (e.g., operative art) and economics (e.g., resilience to sanctions). In a way, the Russians are taking advantage of our prejudices to exploit the principle of surprise. We can see this in the Ukrainian conflict, where the Western narrative led Ukraine to totally underestimate Russian capabilities, which was a major factor in its defeat. That is why Russia did not really try to counter this narrative and let it play out—the belief that we are superior makes us vulnerable….

I shall now quote The Wombat.

Let me remind you, Anon, of the following:

  1. The USSR lost the Cold War.
  2. The Tsar lost to the Bolsheviks.
  3. In both cases, "The West" knew exactly what to do to beat the Russians, they executed on that plan- and they are doing it again right now. The Russians have learned NOTHING from these events.

If you need to have it explained to you, then I will Explain It Like You're Five.

Ukraine is the Warlock pet. Russia is the NPC target. The West is the Warlock. Send in the pet to get the target's attention, load the target up with Damage Over Time effects, and keep direct actions below the threshold of the target's notice (draw Aggro), and let the DOTs do their work until the target dies.

In geopolitical terms, "DOTs" are financial and cultural subversion campaigns that wreck the target's economy and society. Ukraine is a proxy state put up to the task by Thralls of Empire aligned to Globohomo, and direct action is financing and equipping the proxy state ("pet management" for you MMO veterans) just enough to keep things going but not enough to become a problem after the fact.

It's not like Moscow doesn't notice anthing. The problem is that Russian elite culture is the end result of Russian security culture, which is itself an institutional memory of being subjugated by the Golden Horde.

The problem is that Globohomo's institutional memory extends well before 1991. It remembers how it used Lenin as an agent to knock the Tsar out of the first world war. It remembers how it exploited Gorbachov to win the Cold War. Globohomo knows all of that about Russia elite and security culture. That is what it exploits to beat the Russian state time and again, around which specific circumstances are accounted for to formulate and execute specific plans to get those wins.

Right now the specific circumstances are that Russia's economy is in the shitter and has been for years (but carefully hidden outside of the Moscow-St. Petersberg axis that it uses as Potemkin Villages to sell outsiders on Russia), its elite corruption is out of control (which filters down to the grunts getting what graft they can), its demographics are as bad as China's (i.e. crashing like the Hindenberg), and it is severely security-axious due to losing so much border control post-USSR.

Russia had to invade Ukraine. Russia has to keep Belarus on-side, as well as the 'stans of Central Asia, while inching closer to reestablishing that former border.

Globohomo knows this. Ukraine was a trap.

Globohomo does not care about Ukraine or the Ukrainian nation anymore than it does Russia or the nations within Russia. They are cogs to be used until worn out, then replaced with new cogs.

Globohomo seeks to finish the job it began in 1991, but Putin interrupted when he seized power. Globohomo will succeed because it has already inflicted killing damage to both the State and the nations.

It is not that Globohomo does not know the Russia way of war. It most certainly does, and it is using that knowledge again to beat it a third and final time. Once that is done, the looting will resume and the European Union wing of Globohomo in particular is just chomping at the bit in their eagerness to tear the Russian state apart into a suite of far smaller, weaker, and therefore controllable chunks- with North American support, of course.

This is no longer a question of "If", but "When" and "How". Putin will soon realize that he has to use Russia's nukes to compel an acceptable settlement, and if he finds that Russia's nukes are as badly rotted by corruption as China's are, Russia is fucked.

Right now we're in the tri-state arrangement of 1984. Within a few years, Globohomo will again be the only power- and which point the only threats are internal.

That is dangerous, because Globohomo will also be exhausted and cannot tolerate unrest in the time it needs to rest, recover, and ready itself for the next episode.

That is when Empire falls- and not before. Colonel Bagette is high on copium.