Early this past week, recently re-elected President of El Salvador Nayib Bukele retweeted this on Twitter regarding the Legislative elections.
🇸🇻 El SALVADOR - Asamblea Legislativa (60/60)
— DatoWorld (@DatosAme24) February 19, 2024
⚪ Nuevas Ideas - 54 👤
🔵 ARENA - 2👤
🔵 PCN - 2👤
🔵 VAMOS - 1👤
🟢 PDC - 1👤
📷via @porttada pic.twitter.com/67nBNlwY7S
The winning party there is Bukele's.
He has previously used both the political crisis he found when first elected to remove his enemies in the Judicary, and he already had the Legislature with him- this just makes what was practical into a formality: El Salvador is a one-party state.
Bukele is king by his own hand in all but name. He knows it too.
"But isn't that a bad thing?"
No. Good men with the mettle to be good kings should make themselves king by their own hand when it means getting rid of local Thralls of Empire (all of his opponents), dispensing with the fetters that get between him and doing Good for the nation- fetters that the Thralls weaponize against anyone and everyone that opposes them, or could and is not yet certain in their loyalty to (that sect of) Empire.
But, with re-election secured, there is a strong tempation to take this metaphor and make it (more or less) literal. Bukele is young, photogeneic, charismatic, and even more skilled at both public relations (not an easy thing) than Trump or Farage as well as the governance part (very much an easy thing to be better than). He championed the common man in his country despite both wings of the Imperial Eagle trying to claw him down and as their champion he first took power and then wielded it.
One cannot argue with the results, including all the hitpieces by Very Serious Journalists Propagandists Whores and the Non-Governmental Organizations Intelligence Front Groups that collaborate with them to wage Narrative Warfare against him.
Which he has noticed, and called out.
My full answer to the BBC:
— Nayib Bukele (@nayibbukele) February 20, 2024
Mi respuesta completa a la BBC: pic.twitter.com/41Thpx70SV
Note in particular when he says "The only way to do that is to arrest all the murderers."
Not that he acknowledges that there is another option: to kill them all. However, because there is no statutory penalty permitting the State to do this, he has not ordered it.
That, right there, makes Bukele a more righteous ruler than anyone in the Establishment in the West, or in Russia, or in China (the three Imperial Powers)- for whom law is what they say it is, what is written be damned. Bukele may or may not wish to change the law to permit execution as a penalty for such offenses (and offenders), but he will not--and does not--tolerate ankle-biting faggots like this reporter to do Whataboutisms and Well Ackhshuallys and other Gamma Male tells of bad faith acting
JUST NOW - President @nayibbukele: "Who elected Soros to dictate public policy and laws? Why does he feel entitled to impose this agenda?
— CPAC (@CPAC) February 23, 2024
Soros and his cronies hit a brick wall in El Salvador... El Salvadorians are now immune to his influence. No one believes his lies anymore." pic.twitter.com/bL2ZgG1RYY
I want all of you reading this to recognize that Bukele exercises great restraint at this time, and yet through that restraint he gains massive support at home and abroad; I make no bones about liking this man and how he's done things for his people.
If you want to know what unfucking a country and a nation long tred upon by Empire's Thralls looks like, this is a good example. I hope he can sustain it long enough to cement it, train up a worthy successor, and be confident in handing off power that it won't all revert to the gang-riddled murderopolis that it was before him. I hope that others trying to follow his lead, such as Ecuador's Naboa, repeat his success as that will build momentum for other local dissident elites to do the same for their people.
Every nation, in a peaceful and well-ordered world, has a secure homeland. For the nation of El Salvador, as with many others, this is at least what it will take- it may, in other places, actually require genocidal levels of violence because the criminals will not go quietly (as they did not in El Salvador, and are not now in Ecuador).
You are not voting your way out of Empire, even as it falls. If you are not prepared to fight, kill, and die then you will not be free when the time comes. Simple as.
Hope that it will be more like Bukele in El Salvador, because all of the alternatives are worse.
Other Notes:
There is a Bonus Post this week.
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