Sunday, April 7, 2024

Narrative Warfare: The Rebranding of the DIE Regime (& How It Is A Case Study In Globohomo Propaganda)

Once more, it is VTubers putting in the work that Press Whores won't even bother to steal credit for.

Credit to Kirche and Rev for putting in the work and boosting the signal to others, who would repeat and enhance in turn.

Yes, the DIE Regime in Western entertainment is freaking out at being exposed. However, you already know that this is deeply embedded into Western corporate and civil policy, and that's what Kirche reported on (and Rev here is amplfying).

What the goal here got laid out in plain language by Kirche, TINA: (T)here (I)s (N)o (A)lternative.

This is why they are so hard up about attacking entertainment media outside the West, starting with Japan and Korea. That's media they don't control. What they do not control they consider a threat because it is.

"But why?"

For that, we cold-cock some British twat and nick his Police Box because we need to go back in time.

The Liminal Space Bewtween Cult and Patronage

Issac Simpson, writing at Dark Futura, published a piece called "Cthulhu Gazes Right" this past week. Long, and heady, but worth the read; do so now, as I'll be building on it below.

What Issac talks about is why the Thralls of Empire--be they serving the Red Dynasty, the Neo-Tsar, or Globohomo--act and believe as they do, with an emphasis on those that serve Globohomo because those the Thralls that dissidents reading this will have to contend with.

A lot of this can be summarized with a meme:

But that is not the whole of the story.

What you need to take away from that article is that money, by itself, is fucking worthless. Its value exists solely in terms of what it buys; it is nothing more than lubrication for the Machine Of Power- the system of contracts, relationships, and leverage by which Globohomo (or the other two Imperial Powers, and those wishing to be one) do what they do. Without it, the Machine seizes up and destroys itself.

The Neo-Tsar and the Red Dynasty don't care so much about the illusion of democratic legitimacy or the illusion of impartial business operations in a free market. Globohomo does. In an irony that few reading this will comprehend, Globohomo is far more obsessed with Face than either of its rivals- Globohomo is now, and has been for many years, the pre-eminent Face Culture on this planet, surpassing even the Red Dynasty.

This is the secular reason for all the virtue signalling and Mean Girl/Longhouse/Fox-minded social control schemes. There is a sacred one.

Globohomo's Thralls are, ultimately, run by the Death Cult- a thing author Brian Niemeier explained almost five years ago. This is where Globohomo's power lies: it usurped the moral authority of the Church, taking the moral high ground in the culture in the Anglosphere for certain and in much of the West generally, a high ground from which all attempts to use facts, logic, law, ethics, etc. fail because they set the narrative Frame Game IN MORAL TERMS.

Yet it is a moral authority that they know is stolen- is false. The phenomenon of the Witch Test has not been defeated yet; every single time, it works to compel them to confess that they are Thralls of Empire, and with it their illusion of moral authority is shattered because they reveal themselves to be the very Enemy that they claim to be against in their posturing.

(This, by the by, is part of why they're taking the mask off and openly flouting their Satanic ways in classic inversion.)

This same phenomenon is behind the freakouts over Sweet Baby, Black Girl Gamers, BRIDGE, etc..

It is exactly the same thing. They know that they're lying while they posture, so they do all that they can to work behind the scenes unobserved. If this was not the case, they would operate in the open; they would welcome the attention of the public at-large, celebrate all of the interests that joined into the Patronage Network to get things done, etc.- as has happened in generations before ours.

This is the vulnerability, and we cannot afford to refrain from hammering it with the fist of an angry God until it breaks and shatters- unable to reform ever again.

Which means that there is now very fun, very entertaining, and very Achievable IRL content for dissidents to enjoy.

What To Do About It?

The Aristocratic Utensil has a good place to start.

Narrative Warfare is all about the Frame Game.

The DIE Regime freaked out because someone not under their control (Kabrutus) broke their frame and thereby disrupted their Narrative Warfare campaign. The DIE Regime needs to keep this quiet because, as their own communications reveal, no one wants this- IT HAS TO BE FORCED. They are now relying on their Patrons to protect them by making the moves necessary at major nodes of power and control to permit them to force this upon them.

This cannot work if they are constantly freaking out to being exposed, which is why Kirche's video matters- it's further action (not reaction) against the DIE Regime.

If you want to follow this up, map out the Patronage Network and expose THAT. Don't let them scrub their websites and lock down their social media profiles; dig, process, present, expose, and amplify.

Remember that they fear exposure and unwanted attention; every single time they've been caught out, they scrub, lock down, and hide hoping it will all blow over.

But this time there is more than can be done. The tools now exist for easy translation of their own words, including with context, to language speakers that they seek to target and either subjugate or destroy- or, failing that, lock out of Western markets. Japan and South Korea are the top two on the list of folks who need to be shown and told how these people regard them, regard their media, and how the Western audience is at war with them over their totalitarian overreach.

The second thing to do is to dig into how the Globohomo Thralls use payment processors and credit card companies as gatekeepers in both directions; getting on the Mastercard Blacklist10 is all but a death sentence to any business that lacks Fuck This Gay Earth money. Yes, there are people attempting workarounds and substitutes, but so far they've been lacking in necessary scale and scope to compete with the Globohomo-controlled global banking system. (And yes, this is the final fallback position before the guns come out- all the Geopolitical Bros have said this for years now.)

The most important thing, however, is to read that Issac Simpson article and read it deeply for comprehension. This is a game; there are rules, and Globohomo knows them better than everyone else- for now.

You're dealing with a vampire. You know what to do with vampires, don't you: expose them to the light of the Sun.

And remember to Act, not React. The initiative, and the power over the Narrative Frame, goes to those that Act. Empire Must Fall.

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