Sunday, October 20, 2024

The Fancy Spoon Talks About The God That Failed

The Boer Utensil has a point to make.

What I am not hearing out of this is why this makes a State an Empire.

Furthermore, this doesn't even need a King or Emperor. All it requires is a Patriarch. The basis for Civilization is the Family.

No, I don't mean it the way it's used now. As that video shows, the Family is a State unto itself- and it is an Absolute Monarchy.

While I agree that the European nations long for kings, and being Euro-descendant that still has weight with the American nation, we Americans must take the harder roads and revert straight to Ancient Patriarchy.

The modern State, the modern Corporation, and the modern individual are all Fake and Gay bullshit. The ancient family is ALL of those things, and it is Natural Law; this is an emergent property written by God into the fabric of Creation itself. Any polity that doesn't build off of this deserves to die.

A fixed American polity, which must be a Republic or it's not American, works this way:

  • The Family--defined as the entirety of the legitimate (i.e. born in wedlock) scions of a total patrilineal consaguinity--is the fundamental unit of the American polity. It alone has Personhood as we define it now, and thus assumes traits we current put to both natural and corporate (i.e. legal) Persons. The Patriarch of the Family is Pater Familias, and is the sole party responsible for ALL family members regarding outsiders; he has both absolute liability and absolute authority- and the power that goes with both.
  • Within a given political boundary, the eldest Patriarch administers that unit as he sees fit. The town is run by the eldest Patriarch in town, and so on up the chain. This is not negotiable. Don't like the current guy? Gank him, and everyone else, between him and your guy. Simple as.
  • The Family is checked only by the Church. ("Which one?" I capitalized the term. Figure it out.) The Church, furthermore, is there to be a safety valve; orphans unable to find homes, dissonant outliers who cannot find a place in secular society, etc. are to be taken in by the Church and either made useful (clerical work, ordination, etc.) or made impotent (i.e. by taking them out of the country, putting them in monestaries or hermitages). This is the only major change from the Ancient Family and religion, as the Ancient model is pre-Christian.

This addresses all of Spoon's criticisms, while retaining the core American character. There is nothing about republican forms of government that requires ANY democratic mechanisms at all. You can, and I have laid out how, a Republic can have absolute leadership.

There is a crystal clear chain of command between Families in terms of seniority; this is Explain Like I'm Five levels of simplicity and robustness. The system runs off "Fix it or I fix you" as a core tennant, making explicit in form what is already implicit in function in real life, and it removes those segments who have no business being anywhere near power or influence from having it.

With the Church on hand to intervene when things go awry (and the possibility of the Church again also being the Bank; see the example of Crusade-era international banking), and a system where the failure modes are well-known and well-documented (to make fixing and replacing easy to do), and you have a system that (a) conforms to Natural Law, (b) requires little complex machinry to operate (literal and metaphorical), and thus (c) is very robust and easily maintained without (d) having to resort to Empire. This is the basis for a Nation-State that WORKS.

And it is explicitly anti-Modernist by design.

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