Thursday, September 12, 2013

An Ally Against Empire: The Gnostic Media Podcast

Another prominent podcast that arose out of the Tragedy & Hope online community is the Gnostic Media podcast, founded and hosted by Jan Irvin. (Jan's research, podcasts and other work is online also at his own site: Gnostic Media.) Jan's focus overlaps that of Richard Grove's own work, and they have a history of collaboration because of this overlapping interest.

Jan's best work to date stems from the outgrowth of his research into the Trivium and Quadrivium. One result is a separate site--Trivium Education--and the other is his research into the history and usage of shamanism and psychedelic drugs, which produced a book (Astrotheology & Shamanism: Christianity’s Pagan Roots A Revolutionary Reinterpretation of the Evidence) and a companion documentary film (The Pharmacratic Inquisition). His interviews with controversial figures such as Dr. Andrew Wakefield are long, in-depth and goes in manners that those who know only the mainstream narrative. He doesn't do the short-and-sweet, so when you spin up an episode make yourself comfortable and turn off all distractions; you want to be ready to give this your full attention, pause to take notes and look up the sources cited for verification of his claims. (In other words, he's got the academic ethic down better than most graduate and post-graduate scholars in the official academic world do.)

There are hundreds of hours of podcasts, articles, interviews and so on at the Gnostic Media site. Take the opportunity at hand to educate yourself, and in so doing make yourself better able to resist Empire and eventually aid in its utter destruction.

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