Sunday, January 5, 2014

What To Look Forward to in 2014

It's the first Sunday of 2014. Following up from last week, let me take this post to lay out what I want to do in particular this year.

Empire will continue. Sundays will be me writing some form of original article, commentary, etc. so if you're here for me and not for my curation you can reliably show up once a week and tune out the rest of the time. The work-week, for the most part, will be me posting links and videos to others that are relevant to this blog as a way of boosting their signal and bringing together you folks with these other people. Saturdays I now leave open, so I may or may not write original content there; leaving that day as a wild card creates a buffer to react to weekly developments as I see fit.

The other thing you can count on, though not for some months, are me posting fragments of my book-length manuscript. This will be one of two long-form writing projects that I'm taking on this year (the other being a genre fiction novel), with the goal to have both of them at the end of the first draft stage by the end of 2014 and ready for me to seek out beta readers, editors, etc. (or to go through the traditional route, if I can make that a viable option). More on that as it develops.

Finally, I'm going to add at least one new regular feature, which I'm calling "The Annotated Bibliography". (If you don't know what that is, then--as is often the case--Wikipedia is your friend.) I have not decided on how frequently I will post entries (mulling over weekly, bi-weekly and monthly posts), but I'm going to do it on Tuesdays because that's when new media gets released in the commercial world and I enjoy some sly references here and there.

Expect another post like this in 12 weeks, at the end of the quarter.

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