Sunday, March 26, 2023

On The Need For A Clean And Independent Information Flow

Globohomo, Russia, and China are the three competing imperial powers.

Each of them, for obvious reasons, run Influence Operations. All of them know the value of information control as part of Total Warfare, of Unrestricted Warfare.

It was the case years ago that dissidents against one or more imperial powers could set up an independent information outlet or network and attempt to bring information that is clean of imperial meddling to the public.

Do I need to explain how all three imperial powers see any and all independent voice as threats?

Do I need to explain how all three imperial powers also see any and all dissidents as Useful Idiots to be used in waging Narrative Warfare against their enemies (often their own populations) and their rivals (the other powers)?

I sense that the latter does need some explanation.

No Liminal Space For Information

An imperial power, by its nature, is totalitarian. Totalitarianism, by definition, operates under a policy of TINA: (T)here (I)s (N)o (A)lternative. The contemporary state makes no distinction between Near and Far, Home and Away, Frontline and Rear Area, Domestic or Foreign Affairs, etc. because all three powers embrace Italian Fascism's key belief:

With regard to Narrative Warfare, the purpose of suborning dissidents is to create a curtain of plausible deniability in waging Information Warfare against the targetted population. Globohomo has proven the master of this to date, even with Western dissidents taking the time to break down what it is and how it works (themselves quoting past and present figures within Western media and Intelligence). Russia and China have manufactured a strong degree of control for their domestic populations, but their attempts as pushing Narrative Warfare strikes abroad have met with mixed results.

The successes come when there is a verifiable fact around which they can use as an attack surface for a Narrative strike. The recent Middle East diplomacy by China is one such example; yes, Beijing did intervene in some growing tensions and there is an announced agreement, but that does not tell the full story.

Persian, Arab, and Han cultures are all Face cultures. Seeming is at least as important as substance in Face culture. What we have here is a great show of prestige, a theatrical display of mutal acknowledgement of and respect for the prestige (Face) of the others, and words said about a peaceful resolution. It's a fine performance; there is nothing of substance to back any of that up. In blunt terms, it was all fake and gay; nothing actually happened.

The CCP Shillsphere's Narrative attacks work on this Face Culture concept of attacking prestige, of theatrical displays and declarations, that are meant to create illusions in the minds of the recepients. The Russian operations do the same thing, and both of them use media manipulation (as Globohomo does) to dress up these attacks like a special effects crew dress up raw footage for a feature film. As the Warographics video on Russian media control points out (and The China Show has also shown for China), they are not that good at at it.

Globohomo, by comparison, goes out of its way to add substance to their Narrative attacks. This is where the Non-Governmental Organization network comes into the picture; they either coopt organic opposition to make Useful Idiots of them or they create inorganic opposition by identifying dissatisfied persons and supporting them as covertly as possible in organizing into an effective opposition movement against the target. This has been the playbook long enough that Russian and Chinese outlets have been calling this the CIA Playbook For Color Revolution. (Which means that Globohomo needs to refine their game again.)

That substance is the big difference. Where Russia and China try to bullshit their way in a manner befitting a stage magician in Las Vegas, Globohomo is Hollywood in all its industrialized media majesty, and that is not an exageration; the Pentagon's Hollywood Liason Office is not a secret, and you can bet that the card-carrying spooks piggyback off of that.

In practice, this means that all of the Hollywood magic tricks used to wow audiences worldwide as entertainment are also used by Globohomo media operations to influence populations worldwide to side with Globohomo and against whomever they're targetting. Back that up further with material support for one or more designated parties to act on the behalf of Globohomo's interests and you are ready to read John Perkin's Confessions of an Economic Hit-Man.

Towards A Solution

Dissidents worldwide need to recognize the need for clean information.

Dissidents worldwide need to recognize the threat that imperial regimes pose to information flows out of their control.

Dissidents worldwide need to recognize the utility that imperial regimes see in coopting independent outlets into fronts for their purposes.

Dissidents worldwide need to admit that this has happened by all three parties, reducing the liminal space for clean information to a very small one- but not yet wholly consuming the open territory.

Dissidents worldwide need to admit that without an equally large and committed network of committed operatives, complete with secure financing, there is no practical solution for this information pollution problem.

Therefore I propose the following:

  • Decide upon at least two locations in the liminal spaces in geopolitics: Singapore, Dubai, Panama City, etc. and two or more figures who are willing and able to trust each other to set up operations in those two locations. Those locations are a bare-bones office for legal and financial reasons only (i.e. to set up banking access and provide visas to those in need); the actual operation is location-independent and thus decentralized. Like it or not, it needs to be crypto-friendly.
  • Connect with dissidents across the globe. Collect their contact info, video/streaming links, etc. and put together a landing page where they can all be found.
  • Hire translators to translate video scripts for Subtitle purposes, as YouTube (et. al.) cannot be trusted to not fuck with things for various reasons.
  • Set up a separate set of accounts that link to contributors, and with regard to YT (et. al.) a regular news brief (with links in the Description; like we see with niche scene channels like Things VTubers Say).
  • Cultivate and foster networking across dissident spheres, leading to collaborations. This is the geopolitical form of "get to know your neighbors".

Because this is (a) a money-generating enterprise and (b) meant to directly challenge imperial Narrative Warfare worldwide the first few steps in particular need to be done with an eye to keeping the Glowies out. Thanks to recent events like the Ricky Vaughn trial and the contining exposure of Russian and Chinese influence operations in the West, it's getting easy to profile the usual suspects.

That means deep and extensive background checks, credit checks, etc. for anyone as a candidate for the core operation. It also means certain nationalities are already cut out of consideration due to long-standing cultural norms.

This will need to be extended to any would-be contributor; far too many "dissidents" are imperial assets or are otherwise just plain liabilities. Not just cutting out the CCP Shillsphere, but also many Globohomo assets are outright criminals (and so too would CCP shills and Russian dupes; crooks are easy to control), so the list would grow slowly over time and be reviewed on a regular basis to prevent someone's being turned pozzing the network or just plain running off with the cash.

In time, the network would become able to assist honest and earnest dissidents with securing their operations at home by providing their members a way out from imperial control via a work visa to one of the network's offices (or, in time, a subsidiary thereof that said dissident group owns and control).


The irony of solving the imperial problem is in creating the global network of nationalists that Globohomo claims to champion but shows by its deeds that it does not.

Each nation has its assets that it can contribute to assisting other nationalists in throwing out the imperial power afflicting it, and it is in those liminal geopolitical spaces that the liminal information space can be exploited to best effect.

By providing clean information about the world to the world's dissidents, they can and will learn how to counter imperial Narrative Warfare against them and their people. By collaborating with other nationalists, the pre-conditions for a practical peace after the imperial powers collapse can be had and put into operation before they are needed.

By cutting out the media establishments and the governments they not only are in bed with but engage in some seriously perverted relations on a nightly basis, we demonstrate that we do not need them- they need us, and we can be good neighbors; we live separate and apart, but can collaborate and come together as necessary to handle things bigger than any of us.

Which requires admission of a power greater than Empire, but regulars here know that. When nations come together without imperial oversight, Empire falls.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Narrative Warfare: The White Monkey Shillsphere & Its Useful Idiots


A while back I wrote about Peter Zeihan.

He is a Globohomo mouthpiece. The catch? He talks, primarily, to fellow travelers. Therefore he is disincentivized to bullshit because he's briefing his own side; what he gets wrong is due to GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out) via bad data.

In recent months he's been including commentary about China and Russia due to the Ukraine War and its effects on his core topic: geopolitics and the global economy.

Folks have gainsayed his commentary on China and Russia's abysmal demographics, worse than those of the West, and how these demographics are akin to witnessing the Hindenberg disaster of about a century ago in slow motion.

Below is independent confirmation of how fucked China is.

If you follow The China Show or Lei's Real Talk (or similar channels) you'll know that Xi Jinping's hold on power is not as solid as he wants the world to beleive.

You may also have heard a lot about China's diplomatic moves of late, as well as plenty of noise about Taiwan.

Know that Xi Jinping is sufficiently well-read to know his Sun Tzu, and one of his well-known quotes is this: “Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”

We can conclude that, despite all the theater, Xi personally and thus the CCP (and, by extention, the military) is weak. Several other China watcher channels routinely show video by locals that slip past the Great Firewall about how bad things really are, and channels such as China Update hit upon how the economy really is on a daily basis.

Xi may want to move on Taiwan. Xi has to know that, alas, Zeihan is right: the CCP (and thus the military) has not the means to do it even if they want to- and if they could, they would still fail, and that is before outside intervention (neverming American).

Fortunately for Xi, he does have one effective tool in the box.

The Shillsphere

The CCP is not entirely a clown show. There is one thing they are very good at doing, and that's bullshitting their enemies. "Influence operations", to use a formal term, is how the ChiComs use their own form of Imperial Intelligence to replicate what Globohomo uses Five Eyes and European Intelligence do to influence targetted populations into Globohomo orbit.

This is very effective against Western dissidents, earnest and crooked alike.

All that one needs is sufficient money and loose women--honeypots--and it's off to the races. As the CCP prizes Causasians, the suckers and grifters recruited as agents for the CCP's influence operations directly are known as "White Monkeys" (h/t China Show). Diasporan Chinese and similar Asians come second as recruitment choices.

The tell is as simple as it is genius: they never talk shit about China or the CCP.

This is how I have come to reason that a lot of the "pro-Russian propaganda" is actually CCP Shillsphere operations in effect. The New Atlas (whom I suspect is a White Monkey operation), The Duran, Garland Nixon, and many others in and around those groups are part of this CCP Shillsphere.

Most of these people, contrary to expectation, are not directly paid by the CCP; they are used--they are Useful Idiots in the classic sense--but out of an entire online cohort maybe one or two get real compensation (I am certain of this for George Galloway and I suspect this of Berletic of The New Atlas) while the rest are played for fools (e.g. Gonzolo Lira, The Duran).

The problem here is that it complicates an already horrible problem of information pollution by dumping in another source of outright bullshit, further muddying already dirty waters with yet more toxic sludge. When you have two competing bullshitters lying, scamming, and gaslighting populations it makes finding out what's really going on impractical for common people at best.

Now add on that Russia still has its own influence operations, even if they are at present anemic and very limited compared to China and Globohomo, and it gets impractical for anyone who lacks the time to filter shit out or the luxury of being able to wait to see what sifts out from the silt.

This is bad for dissidents. There is sweet fuck-all for clean, reliable information out there at this level unless you're rich or wealthy enough to buy access to a service that caters to such people- and that's hardly the dissident populations of the world. Furthermore, as the episode with James O'Keefe and Project Veritas revealed, any such operation that does get tractions is targetted for cooptation or destruction. All Imperial powers cannot abide alternatives to their control, and information control is critical.

I have no solutions for you about that problem at this time. I just want you to recognize that the problem exists, and there is an opportunity for those bold and savvy enough to go for it.


Finally, I want all of you to recognize this fact: you don't need to be the best to win- just the one that sucks least.

Because of the terminal demographics of Russia, I no longer care about the Ukraine War. Even if the best result occurs (which means Russian winning and Europe backing off), it's still going to lead to Russia losing down the road sooner than later; winning the war is a Pryhhic Victory at best because it cannot win the peace and Putin's regime will fall sooner than later.

China's in the same position in the East. A population aging so fast it feels like the mainland's afflicted with Timefall out of Death Stranding means that China's shot at taking down Globohomo has already passed; yes, the West is a fucking circus, but it's still more competent and resilient than either of its challengers, as revealed by both the data and the events of the last year.

Which means that, for Western dissidents, there is no aid coming from beyond the West. We are on our own; if we can't save ourselves, then it's up to God to do so because no man will be able to do it for us.

Hit the gym, folks, and don't fall for the White Monkey screetching.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Continuing The Recovery Of Ancient Remedy: "The Ancient City" In Full Audiobook Format

Last week I posted an excerpt from Fustel de Coulanges's The Ancient City. This week it's the full book in audio form, complete with commentary by the compiler- Christopher Anadale.

Why the gap?

The playlist creator had to clean up the list. Simple as that. Bad as things are, sometimes an error is just that and I held off until this got fixed.

If you enjoyed "The Ancient Family", you will love the full book. If you're the sort that likes to read and listen, Imperium Press's edition is the only one that you're going to easily find AND won't cost an arm and a leg- something I am particularly sensitive as I've already spent a leg.

In de Coulange's 19th century tome we shall find the remedy for what ails us, as this is a direct retort to the claims of Modernity and proves that our ancestors not only were not ignorant or nescient, but had already solved all of the social problems that ails the Modern World.

As with the Family, the decline of a nation, a society, or a civilization can be mapped to its deviation from this known solution to a known problem.

We Have To Go Back to make Empire fall.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Recovering The True And Original Government Of Man By Man: The Family

Fustel de Coulanges published The Ancient City in 1864. This book explained, in detail often missed to contemporary discourse, how Civilization in the Ancient World actually worked. Today it is again available in print thanks to Imperium Press (and you can get your copy here or at Amazon).

Book Two focuses on the Family, and it is that excerpt that I embedded below. You can play this at 2x Speed without losing any fidelity of information; you may even benefit from it, as I did. (Yes, you can get this seperately from Imperium Press; go to here or to Amazon here.)

Listen to this with your full attention. It merits that compete devotion to fully appreciate what Fustel communicates to us from before the mistake that was The Enlightenment, and it demonstrates that there is a natural and emergent principle beyond materialist conceptions behind the institution of the family.

I had, over 20 years ago now, intuited what Fustel described independently and it had informed my fiction--literary and ludological--since then. Fustel laying out plainly what I'd intuited hit me with a wave of validation that I'd not had in years.

There is no way to succeed against Empire without returning The Ancient Family from the dead.

Not some of it. Not bits and pieces, like piling stuff on your plate at a buffet. It's the whole thing: the patriarchy, the patrilineality, the restoration of the Father as supreme authority over the Family (including recognzing the Family as an Eternal Trust, and the Father as its Administrator as well as chief beneficiary, wherein all wealth and property are held), and more.

This, right here, is the thing we need to build a successful resistance worldwide against Empire.

There is no solution in Modernity. Empire needs Modernity to survive and thrive; Empire is behind every assault on the Family- the decay of this institution follows the corruption of Civilization.

Returning as much as possible back into this private realm of the Family is what is necessary to make Empire fall.