Sunday, March 12, 2023

Continuing The Recovery Of Ancient Remedy: "The Ancient City" In Full Audiobook Format

Last week I posted an excerpt from Fustel de Coulanges's The Ancient City. This week it's the full book in audio form, complete with commentary by the compiler- Christopher Anadale.

Why the gap?

The playlist creator had to clean up the list. Simple as that. Bad as things are, sometimes an error is just that and I held off until this got fixed.

If you enjoyed "The Ancient Family", you will love the full book. If you're the sort that likes to read and listen, Imperium Press's edition is the only one that you're going to easily find AND won't cost an arm and a leg- something I am particularly sensitive as I've already spent a leg.

In de Coulange's 19th century tome we shall find the remedy for what ails us, as this is a direct retort to the claims of Modernity and proves that our ancestors not only were not ignorant or nescient, but had already solved all of the social problems that ails the Modern World.

As with the Family, the decline of a nation, a society, or a civilization can be mapped to its deviation from this known solution to a known problem.

We Have To Go Back to make Empire fall.

1 comment:

  1. Bradford

    I have the French edition in PDF. It's annoying that it's easier to find English translations than the original French language works.

