Sunday, March 5, 2023

Recovering The True And Original Government Of Man By Man: The Family

Fustel de Coulanges published The Ancient City in 1864. This book explained, in detail often missed to contemporary discourse, how Civilization in the Ancient World actually worked. Today it is again available in print thanks to Imperium Press (and you can get your copy here or at Amazon).

Book Two focuses on the Family, and it is that excerpt that I embedded below. You can play this at 2x Speed without losing any fidelity of information; you may even benefit from it, as I did. (Yes, you can get this seperately from Imperium Press; go to here or to Amazon here.)

Listen to this with your full attention. It merits that compete devotion to fully appreciate what Fustel communicates to us from before the mistake that was The Enlightenment, and it demonstrates that there is a natural and emergent principle beyond materialist conceptions behind the institution of the family.

I had, over 20 years ago now, intuited what Fustel described independently and it had informed my fiction--literary and ludological--since then. Fustel laying out plainly what I'd intuited hit me with a wave of validation that I'd not had in years.

RAZ0RFIST Fuck You I Was Right

There is no way to succeed against Empire without returning The Ancient Family from the dead.

Not some of it. Not bits and pieces, like piling stuff on your plate at a buffet. It's the whole thing: the patriarchy, the patrilineality, the restoration of the Father as supreme authority over the Family (including recognzing the Family as an Eternal Trust, and the Father as its Administrator as well as chief beneficiary, wherein all wealth and property are held), and more.

This, right here, is the thing we need to build a successful resistance worldwide against Empire.

There is no solution in Modernity. Empire needs Modernity to survive and thrive; Empire is behind every assault on the Family- the decay of this institution follows the corruption of Civilization.

Returning as much as possible back into this private realm of the Family is what is necessary to make Empire fall.

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