Sunday, May 28, 2023

Narrative Warfare: The Thralls Fear Big Normie

Over this past week, Black Pigeon Speak (aka Felix Rex) posted this on Twitter (and Telegram):

The answer is this simple: they didn't care until it directly AND IMMEDIATELY affect them and what they care about.

This is a well-known thing, especially in Public Relations, and that means that the Thralls of Empire know it too. So do a lot of dissidents, as acknowledged by the term "mask off"; everyone that knows this also knows that you do not make pushes like this unless and until you believe your position to be secure against counter-attack.


  • Most of them neither suffered from the Floyd Riots nor know anyone that did.
  • Most of them either do not comprehend how elections work, do not care how they work, or were in a place where the results did not matter.
  • Corona-chan's world tour did not bother them, for one reason or another, and it was out of their control anyway.
  • But purchasing product is entirely within their control, and Bud Light is a well-known brand that a lot of them do (or did) drink. This directly AND IMMEDIATELY affected them.

That's all there is to it. The consequences were too distant, or too impotent, relative to themselves to get them mad enough to act until Bud Light stepped in it. This is also why there wasn't much pushback until the troons came for their children, as we see now with the Target pushback.

What BPS also ignores is the pushback GOT RESULTS. No, not the full results that would actually put a permanent stop to it, but the results that made the immediate pain (and disgust) stop. Lest we forget, there's already Thralls whining about both Bud Light and Target backing down from this push.

The Thralls have a playbook about this. We're seeing them begin to deploy the second stage--the first being to find the boundary by pushing until they get pushback--and now out comes the shaming and gaslighting to frame the pushback as low-status social behavior, backed up now by state power in places where the Thralls hold such positions and by financial fuckery where it does not.

If they are successful, they will mute this pushback and use that reaction against their enemies to further push them into submission or destruction. I don't think that they will, and that's because more Normies are having encounters like this.

The troons--as promised--are coming for their children. Normies will not tolerate this. You will see the troons, over time, gain only where they currently possess the patronage of the Thralls; where they do not, expect them to be run out with increasing intesity.

This is a painful lessons for dissidents to hear, but they need to hear just as they need to see it: you can't get through to Normies until they are directly and immediately threatened or harmed by the Enemy.

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