Sunday, May 14, 2023

When Oceania Conquered Eastasia And Eurasia

1984 has arrived.

There are three imperial powers, each with their own spheres: Globohomo, Russia, China.

Each sphere pursues imperial hegemony, despite all Rhetoric to the contrary, as shown by their deeds. To this end, each power maintains their own Narrative Warfare capacity, starting with state propaganda and media control and filtering all the way down to (defacto and de jure) political commissars and the use of banking access to reward and punish.

Unlike Orwell's classic work, the three powers are not equal in power. This past year has exposed how weak the would-be rivals to Globohomo, each of which seeks to displace it, are against it.

The Neo-Tsar Isn't Long For This World

Like it or not, Russia's performance in Ukraine exposed just how bad it really is. Like it or not, Russia also didn't have a choice not to do this either.

Zeihan--hardly a pro-Russian shill; he's ex-Stratfor, so he's pro-Globohomo--has consistently stated that due to geography alone the Russian state has always been imperial in its nature and thus has always pursued expansion until it hits and secures natural barriers (mountains, inland seas, ocean coastlines, etc.) that it can shore up after which it pursues an Artichoke Strategy (harden the borders as best as can be done to buy time until reinforcements from the interior can arrive).

The problem is that the Russia Establishment has always been given to despotic and decadent regimes ruling over impoverished peasants, even with the influence of Christianity. The Soviet Union, as with the CCP, was nothing more than another Imperial Dynasty- and Putin is now Tsar in all but name.

I am surprised that Zeihan is as even-handed as he's been about this, given his allegience.

The reality is that Russia should have delivered on their earlier boast, and they should have won by now, but they have not. Globohomo, sensing that their own plan to bring Russia back under its sway--which was the case in the 1990s--are as all-in on Ukraine as Russia is, because they have a clear plan of post-war action for Russia and this past week made it clear that Globohomo's going to get its way.

First, the plan:

"Who's this faggot?" you ask.

From his bio: "Chairman Austria NGO Montenegro goes EUrope, Association for EU membership of Montenegro, Chair of Austrian Committee for NATO Enlargement for Kosovo, Ukr, BiH"

That's a guy that does the work (in the deniable manner Globohomo prefers) that state actors then implement as policy.

Oh, and check the date; that's less than two months ago. This is on the table.

Second, the grand display of Russian military prowess (that wasn't). Note: This is the NAFO crowd clowning on it, so they're going to be cruel- and they hate Gonzolo Lira.

I've seen better parades at home, and major professional sporting events have bigger displays. Jesus wept, that was pathetic. This was Russia's big world-class display of might and they didn't manage better than some of the famous parades under Stalin.

I agree with Zeihan: this is still Russia's war to lose. I also think that we ought to be looking at the scenario where Globohomo succeeds in bleeding Russia white (at the cost of bleeding Ukraine white, which is fine with Globohomo); their losses of men and material, while not atypical, are still far too much to afford given the already terminal decline of the Russian nation in demographic terms.

This is weakening Putin and his allies so much that regime collapse can't be avoided- and with that collapse, which will include the onrushing financial one (because, like it or not, the sanctions are working) Globohomo will rush back in to fill the power vaccum and (re)install their own puppets and all the faggotry we see in the West will be forced on them as Globohomo dismembers the Russian state into several smaller (and far, far weaker) states controlled via their finacial vulnerability.

Expect to see Vladimir Putin desposed and dead by 2030 at the latest.

Pooh Bear Knows He's In Trouble

This has Xi Jinping worried, and his own behavior reveals it.

The Chinese Communist Party just recently had its own internal faction fight concluded by Xi Jinping's faction taking out both of his rivals. Xi needed this unity of power to deal with the existential threats to the Party, and thus to himself, that are not merely on the horizon but rather are on-rushing like a tsunami.

Like Russia, China's demographics are terminal. (Both states make all of the West look like the picture of fertility by comparison.)

Like Russia, China's economy is export-focused and thus plugged into the global trade system; like Russia, this benefited a few and left the majority behind. Like Russia, the CCP did what it could to bullshit the world to believing otherwise. Unlike Russia, the CCP succeeded.

All of China's propaganda builds on a core tenant maintaining the appearance or seeming of meeting expectations over all else. This is the tell of the CCP Shillsphere; when you see someone hyping both Russia and China, they may talk shit about Russia but never about China- that's a CCP Shill. Globohomo, on the other hand, has learned how to hold containment on (and to use for its own ends) dissonence and dissent.

The reality is that the CCP's line about GDP and power projection is complete bullshit. Zeihan has maintained his position that China lacks the means to invade Taiwan, but may do so to solve internal conflict issues such as a collapsing economy- and that is the primary existential threat Xi Jinping sees as most important to deal with.

The problem is that his solutions are "Return To Mao", and that's a non-solution because it won't solve his demographic problem- and it is that which threatens the CCP and thus him foremost.

The truth is now slipping out into the Western media, filtering through specialist and independent channels; soon it will be mainstream, at which point Globohomo will have to exploit it or lose the opportunity to finish the job it began decades ago with Nixon.

Xi Jinping either launches a war on Taiwan by 2025 at the latest, or he follows Vladimir Putin into being deposed by about 2030 and with it the CCP either goes or becomes a skinsuit for whatever Globohomo installs to fill the power vaccum.

But How Can You Say That?

It clicked into place when I read Imperium Press's Substack article about how Globohomo is going to obliterate Africa ("The Third World's Going To Cop It") and the precursor that explains the basis for the latter ("The Mithriades Strategy").

Summarized, it is this: Globohomo wins because its elite has built up a strong tolerance to the poz it pushes on its enemies, both internal--that us, dissidents--and external (Russia and China). The Russian and Chinese elites recognize the threat; the tell is in the laws against degeneracy that they enforce, and the severity of the punishments.

The other element, which the two aforementioned imperial rivals recognize, is how Globohomo spreads its influence: through media, cultural manipulation, then followed up by financial dependence (as if intentially hooking girls on heroin to turn them into your whores) and installing Thralls of Empire to run the new imperial province.

This is a degree of evil that few even recognize as such, and neither Russia nor China have the cultural capital required to fight off the Globohomo infection. We are watching someone bitten by zombies slowly turn into one in real time despite their best efforts to stop it because of their own blindspots cutting them off from employing the means that actually work.

(Note: You Western dissidents are just as bad about this, just in different ways.)

In any event, if there is no major war by 2025 then there will be no major war at all this century- not by state actors. The only war possibility thereafter shall be one of insurgency against a victorious global imperial hegemon.

So How Do We Handle It?

Predators starve when they can't find prey.

Don't be where they are, and support the holdouts as best you can. The problem of Empire is the problem of the undead: what happens when the vampire can't get to the blood it needs to feed? It starves, it withers, and so weakened it can be speared and dragged into the sun to burn to ash.

You're not going to do than with just the power of friendship and a well-maintained rifle. You need a collective of some sort, and you need a superior religion.

For we in the West, this is Christian Nationalism. Empire is of the Enemy.

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