Sunday, July 2, 2023

Life Is A Solved Problem: The Revival Of The Ancient Family To Defeat The Total State

What do you do when you combine the framework used by the global elite and the wealthy to protect their assets, as laid out by the Panama Papers and its follow-ups, with the ancient family model laid out in detail in Book 2 of Fustel de Coulange's The Ancient City

The solution to two of the Lies of Modernity: The Primacy of the Individual and The Supremacy of the State.


Auron MacIntyer's regular beat is all about "The Total State", the totalitarian regime that Globohomo seeks to finalize as. Summarized, his argument is that by insisting upon the individual as the primary unit of human society and civilization, that individual is the man caught in the windstorm now that all the trees got hewn flat (to borrow Thomas Moore's phrasing) and thus cannot resist the real power- the government itself and the regime behind it.

What he means is that all of the rival power centers, chief among them being the family and the Church, had been rent asunder (the former) or degenerated into impotency (the former) by Globohomo poz and thus berefit of the cover those institutions provided most cannot stand and thus will submit to the State and the Death Cult crewing it.

Dissidents have known this for a while. What no one has done, nor even vocalized until now, is a plan of action towards a viable alternative vision.

Below is that alternative.

What You Need To Know To Proceed

You need be familiar with the legal framework aforementioned, and familiar with Coulange's section on the ancient family. For your convenience, the media below will do.

Yes, you should take notes, especially with Coulange. This is not going to be casual listening. Below I'll post links to Imperium Press's edition of the book, and the excerpt book that focuses on the family in particular. For the legal framework, I advise conferring with specialists in those frameworks if you are serious about e,ploying it.

The Solution

The idea behind the State is that it is intended to be an outgrowth of the natural and lawful authority of the Father--the Patriarch--over the Family. The State exists to serve the Family, not the other way around. Alas, when creating a pawn and giving it both an incorrect premise and an impossible mission the creation tends to see the creator as the threat it was meant to destroy.

This movie is far smarter and better than it gets credit for.

To avoid the criticism of this being a "Regime-Complete Solution" (i.e. something that is only viable to do once you seize power), we make use of existing international and national law and regulations (i.e. the stuff the Pamana Papers talks about) to erect a parallel legal structure AND to use international arbitrage to ensure both opacity from hostile external actors (such as State agents) AND any internal sabotage.

Recall that How Money Works video.

First you establish the Family as a Trust. (A Foundation may be the correct form, but we're keeping it simple for now.) This must be a Perpetual Trust so that it lives on after the original Grantor is dead. As if this were any other wealthy individual, all of the Patriarch's assets are put into the Trust. His posterity--defined here solely as all of his legitimate male heirs. Unmarried legitimate daughters and wives are not included as Beneficiaries and cannot inherit, following the structure of the Ancient Family for inheritance.

All members of the family draw upon the family's accounts and pay into them; there is no independent financing. This solves both the problem of wastrels and makes discipline in a concrete sense viable without resorting to violence. Having a Trustee in place to say "No, you aren't doing that" prevents Boomerism from happening and having rules for who the Trustee is prevents wicked or foolish Patriarchs from putting a yes-man in place. Having Trust rules that are locked down and unchangable makes this permanent.

Now you can talk of "generational wealth" is a manner that cynics can't laugh at, and the elders of the family have the means to exercise their authority as their ancestors did- and with international distribution of elements of the structure, you mitigate the odds of some State agent throwing a wrecking ball into it. (e.g. Cook Island Trusts)


This post is by no means an exhaustive Step-By-Step guide Explained Like You're Five on how to make this happen. It is here because the idea that we can actually fix the problem without overthrowing Empire first needs to be put out there.

You will need the help of experts in erecting these legal frameworks. They are not cheap due to their existing clientelle, and folks who do Estate Planning (etc.) otherwise do not know how to do this on a distributed international basis. Just ask any expatriate American citizen about how hard it is to get legit tax help and you'll see what I mean.

We talk about "Fork And Replace". We talk about "Parallel Economies". We do not talk about how to side-step entire hostile regimes. That changed here and now.

The solution to Empire already exists, in real and concrete ways that we can use here and now--life is a solved problem--and by using those solutions Empire must fall.


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