Sunday, July 23, 2023

Narrative Warfare: What A Win Looks Like

Academic Agent put out a video on the Farage debanking incident- and how Farage won it.

This video needs to be viewed by every dissident group and (would-be) leader on the Right. This is what a Win looks like.

Farage got a win. There are caveats, but there are things to take away from this and apply elsewhere. We'll get into the details below.

For us, this is to be used in conjunction with filtering for fake-and-gay "leaders". Legit actors not only don't show those fake-and-gay tells, they have to become competent to survive. Farage, whatever else one can say about him, has real wins under his belt so he knows what that looks like- and how to get from here to there.

Dissident leaders--the legit ones--ought to be studying this. Those that pose as such, but refuse (or dismiss) this out themselves as fake.

The Caveats

  1. The Subject: Farage is a dissident, but he is also of the Elite class. This is a story about class interests, and both loyalist and dissident elites do not like it when you mess with their money. The debanking wasn't approved (formally or otherwise) so the social pressure reverts to "DO NOT FUCK WITH THE MONEY!" right quick. Farage noticed that.
  2. The Attack: The way this went down resembled the various deplatforming incidents upon Vox Day or his associates at Amazon or Patreon. This was a half-assed attempt, and like the Amazon attempts looks like it was done by one or more rogue SJW employees and not with the approval of C-Suite (who are of that very class). This is all but confirmed due to the reaction by Loyalist Elites.
  3. The Result: Getting one's bank accounts back doesn't seem like much of a win until--as AA reminded us by name-checking SJWs Always Lie--the apology is admission of both guilt and defeat. The half-assed attempt hoped to get exactly that out of Farage, forgetting who this man is, on the vague hope that the threat of not being able to pay for things would be enough to make him bend the knee. Instead he saw through the attack and turned it back on Couttes, guessing correctly that this was not approvel by the bosses- confirmed by the report he got via that Freedom of Information request.
  4. The Conclusion: Had this been approved by Farage's enemies, the attack would have stuck because Loyalist elites planning it would have not skipped over obvious counters and Loyalist media would have fallen in behind the attack's Narrative frame to shape discourse around the event against Farage. When this is the case, the Loyalists get in line fast and stay there. They didn't, and they didn't; Farage knows this and exploited it.

The Lessons

This could be called accidental reconaisance for all the intelligence value that it provided.

The Thralls of Empire that rule Globohomo--the Loyalist Elites, as they current hold power--have issues with juniors being both incompetent and True Believers in the Narrative, meaning that they can be baited into acting out of turn.

With one hand you hold out the bait, and behind your back you conceal the hammer to crush their skulls. You use the attention garnered to point out your enemy's immorality, incompetence, and how combined the two are dangerous to the public interest- this last being the prompt for Elites to get off their ass and use State power in your favor.

To make this work, you need to find out what the Thralls value that their juniors could jepoardize by being baited into acting out- the money is the most reliable one, but I recommend other attack vectors be scouted and exploited as soon as possible. You need this because you need to leverage mainsteam media, held by Thralls, to act against the attackers and confuse Friend/Enemy distinction.

You need to establish the Narrative frame early, hammer it into place in the media, and counter-punch relentlessly using moral language to draw your enemies into your frame. Choosing the right opponent, and the right battlefield, means that you can prepare your responses before the fact--you're not a veteran like Farage, so this is necessary--and thus stand ready to demand far more than an apology.

Your objective is to do what Auron MacIntyre said:

  • Your enemies fired.
  • Your friends hired.
  • Your efforts funded.
  • Their efforts busted.

That is how the Thralls' juniors operate. That is what the Thralls pulled off by the time Vox wrote SJWs Always Lie and its successors. You will need to do more, with less, which is why your operations have to be better-executed and prepared for.

If you want a path from Here to There that doesn't involve either killing or getting killed, study this and other wins like it Replicate deliberately, and remember that you don't get to play by the same rules that they do- you're an insurgent, and they are the Establishment. Shit ain't fair; stop acting like it, and start exploiting it to your benefit. Empire must fall.


Farage is indeed on the attack.

Note that last statement. That is how you twist the knife. He's turning an attack against him into an attack against all of the Loyalists' enemies in a move to seize the moral position and ratchet pressure upon Parliament, Couttes, and the BBC to conform to his demands. He'll get it because the current Prime Minister is in a weak position and this is an easy out for him to take to shore himself up.

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