Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Success Case of #Remigration In Fiji

The magnificant Martin Sellner posted this thread about how Fiji reversed the non-violent invasion of the country by India this past week. Another Twitter user got one of the summary bots to collect the thread. Below is the first post; the thread I just linked.

This is a fascinating thread that's worth your time to read, but more important than that is that you need to share this to everyone blackpilled about the matter in the West.

You need to share this to provide Proof Of Concept that this invasion can be stopped, can be reversed, and can be secured for the future generations- for our posterity. Form your local clubs, study this case, and organize your own plan using this as inspiration.

"But we have all the institutions against us!"

For that's there is another good example to follow, study, and use as Proof Of Concept around which you organize and execute. The gamers made a multi-national corporation bleed.

The lesson here is that having just a few people with their heads on a swivel, watching for cracks in the enemy's defenses that become an attack vector that you can use to damage them, is invaluable. Mark Kern did that. Then you rally the troops, direct them at the weak point, organize them to hammer it and coordinate their hammering for best effect. Persist at the coordinated hammering until the enemy surrenders entirely or gets destroyed. This is how you win.

The gamers didn't have Intelligence-connected NGOs with billions of USD in funding, an army of professional activists, and mainstream media collaborators covering for them but they won anyway.

Between the two cases you have (a) proof that the foreigners can be made to leave and (b) proof that you can do this without being suborned into a Glowie asset network.

If you are reading this, you either have that leadership quality or you are just a degree or two away from someone that does- you can make this happen, so get on with it already.

Make Empire Fall.

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