Sunday, May 26, 2024

History Rhymes: The Rubicon Must Be Crossed Again

Sargon of Akkad lays out the obvious.

History does not repeat, but it does rhyme.

This is going to happen. It may not be Barron Trump, but that man already exists and many candidates are aware of the parallel now in the environment.

This includes Globohomo, whose Great Replacement is meant to be a prevenative measure by importing a new subject class as Clients to whom they are Patrons and Masters who will be used to suppress, harass, and ultimately exterminate the native nations of the West (and any other such state under threat of such a regime- looking at you, Japan and South Korea).

And yes, Europe, you're going to get your own- if you do it right, you'll have one for each of you.

Again, this is going to happen. The only useful move to make now is to ensure that Caesar is /ourguy/, because that maximizes the odds to make Empire fall.

I know who I would back, like it or not, because the alternative is exponentially worse.

Again, our Caesar already exists. He just hasn't seized power yet.

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