Sunday, August 4, 2024

The Thralls Always Intended To Do It, No Matter What Happens

Recently a Rwandan teenager stabbed a bunch of English women and children, killing three.

The Labour government under Keir Starmer represented the entire English Establishment, which has long been Thralls of Empire, in making it clear that the violent aliens and foreigners are clients of the Thralls' regime and that the native nations of the United Kingdom are enemies of His Majesty's government has announced China-like surveilance.

This would include facial recognition technologies, and--ultimately--a Chinese-style Social Credit system openly in use.

The problem here isn't that this is being said. The problem is that this is taking defacto policies done deniably through fellow travelers in the private sector and make them dejure policies done by the State.

As Carl Benjamin (aka Sargon of Akkad) and the Lotus Eaters said several times over the last week, the United Kingdom acts as an Occupational Regime against the native peoples of the United Kingdom. There is now explicit two-tiered policing and non-enforcement policy execution where discrimination against the native peoples is openly avowed and all media in the U.K. is aimed at demoralizing the natives while demonizing them so that the imported bioweapons of the Thralls know who to target. The law is explicitly rigged to protect the imported bioweapons and punish the natives at every turn.

This has gotten to the point where even the natives' language is considered open to destruction.

And to drive the bioweapon point home, the present catalyst for the rioting is the son of a slaughter in the Rwandan Genocide and himself seeks to genocide the natives.

Yet the public response continues to presume that there is recourse through State organs despite all evidence to the contrary.

No, my British readers, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GET OUT OF THIS WITHOUT VIOLENCE. Your illegitimate government, and the Monarchy, seeks your extinction. They cannot be swayed by moral arguments; they find it moral to exterminate you. They cannot be swayed by practical arguments; they find it practical to exterminate you. They cannot be appeased; they take anything short of violent aggression as weakness and thus justification to exterminate you. There is no Gandhi-style solution to this; you just invite more predation by appearing weak before the predators seeking to consume you until you are extinct.

Let me show you what your government really thinks of you in terms most of you--thanks to your BBC--will understand.

All of you in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland- you're all this fucked. That's what your government thinks of you--vermin to be culled--and they imported bioweapons to do it for them while they use State power to punish you for defending yourselves against them.

There is nothing you could have said (or not said), and nothing you could have done (or not done), to convince them to not seek your extinction. They hate you that much, and they have for a very long time.

Stop pretending that your government is not your enemy. It is. It is therefore illegitimate and need not be obeyed or defered to. Treat it as the enemy it is, or you won't be around much longer to see Empire fall.

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