Sunday, September 15, 2024

Narrative Warfare: For Globohomo's Enemies, The Law

Something Frame Game talked about when he was on with Tucker is that Globohomo, working first through the US State Department and then through the European Union's various organs (and those of its member states), has no qualms doing massive purges of enemies of Globohomo when it installs its Thralls into power in a targetted polity.

Globohomo does not care how it is done. All it cares about is that (a) it keeps whatever power it takes and (b) it maintains plausible deniability because otherwise Total Narrative Dominance is threatened.

That's why they use lawfare first and foremost when purging enemies. They use captive media to frame the targets as BadWrongThinkers that did BadWrongThings so they must be punished to protect Muh Democracy (defined as the consensus of Globohomo-controlled institutions).

They also use the prisons to justify what would otherwise be condemned as Human Rights Violations (because it's okay when they do it), up to and including killing people.

Salvini may put up a brave front, but behind closed doors he and his side has to know that this is an implicit death threat should they succeed in imprisoning him. Opposing Empire is not without costs, and this is one of them. If you come at the king, you best not miss. Nonetheless, Empire Must Fall.

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