Sunday, September 8, 2024

Narrative Warfare: Total Narrative Dominance Threatened

More Frame Game wisdom this week.

First, a setup. This Tweet summarizes it.

Frame Game broke this down when he was on Tucker Carlson the week or so before. Use the timestamps to get to the point.

Globohomo, moreso than the other two Imperial powers (Russia, China) and the wanna-be (India), are utterly dominant upon Narrative Warfare for their power and control.

It is, by definition, Totalitarian. Globohomo demands that you not only obey, but that you believe with utter sincerity in Globohomo's moral authority and thus legitimacy.

This is why no matter how small, how irrelevant, how trivial Globohomo's Thralls come after you and demand that your hobbies, your entertainments, your incidentals, your every waking moment and every slumbering second be wholly immersed in The Narrative. Globohomo's weakness, as shown by their deeds every time this gets broken, is that they cannot compete against a compelling alternative to The Narrative.

Why does the US State Department go after Elon? He breaks The Narrative. Why did they make Pavel (and thus Telegram) bend the knee? Because Pavel let others break The Narrative. Why is #Gamergate still fucking John Wick to them after 10 years? We broke The Narrative.

They cannot compete and win. They are forced to resort to censorship, sabotage, blackmail, and perfidity in order to force others out of the running so they can win by default.

This is why Globohomo runs off a policy of TINA (There Is No Alternative), and does it utmost to segregate populations from the rest of the world- even between populations under Globohomo's occupation. If a threat appears, it will attempt to subvert it into its control. If it cannot be subverted, it will be destroyed. If it cannot be destroyed, then access to it will be choked off. We see this in real time with videogames, comics, film, television, and prose media. Meanwhile, Globohomo forces open target populations' media markets to spread The Narrative to new subjects- exactly as Frame Game explained above.

And yes, "choke off access" goes both ways; if they can't stop the threat from getting to us, they can and do poison the well to repell us from the threat. (e.g. Regime Localizers willfully inserting The Narrative and other poison pills into translations).

Note that Globohomo goes out of its way to impose English as The Imperial Tongue, and if it can it tries to first make English the dominant tongue before making it the only tongue- and severely disincentivizing those that are not Thralls serving Globohomo from even trying to learn any other language or using it in Globohomo territory.

(Yes, EU, I am looking at you. Asia--Japan, South Korea in particular--you're next.)

What you see in this Brazil action is Globohomo's Total Narrative Dominance being directly threatened by Elon and his allies. A counter-elite is forming around him, Trump, and a few others in Globohomo's territory. If it is not them, it will be another counter-elite that forms the vanguard around which the forces will build that makes Empire fall.

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