Sunday, March 9, 2025

Narrative Warfare: The Failure Of Patriot Discernment

This was posted last Thursday.

It was 44 days since inaugeration on Thursday. It is now 47 days.

Yet here far too many of you are, bitching and whining and moaning that NOTHING EVER HAPPENS.


What have you seen since then? Judges all over the Federal judiciary making bullshit ruling to stop Trump from exercising plenary powers of the Executive. Fake and gay mainstream (Thrall-owned, Thrall-run, Thrall-controlled) media running one bullshit lie after the next to demoralize and turn you against him.Myster


You are so blackpilled that you lost all sense of reality regarding how things actually work when faced with deeply entrenched opposition. Yet here we are, 47 days in, and we still have the arrests and deporations going on while downplaying how many have been stopped from getting in at all, and how many have just left of their own accord. Media outlets big and small have buried most of the arrests and raids, relying on indie journalists to get the word out at all and forcing the locals to say something to save Face.

Mystery Grove was right to rebuke you people too, for like the dissidents you too are far too up your own asses to know winning when you see it.

Instead of ankle-biting like the bitchmade faggots you are, going on about shit you can't do jack about, why not use that for something that you can change? Bully these faggots into line.

And, for all that folks (for good reasons as often as not) shit on Cernovich and Poso and others like them (e.g. Milo) they do see where the wind's going and are not anklebiting the God-Emperor. They're trying to bully GOP in Congress, corpo media meatbags (because Corporate Journalists Are Not People), state and local officials, etc. in the same vein as what James O'Keefe does- and he got another scalp this past week.

You want to be useful? Charge up your phones, make sure your social media are ready for remote uploads, get your bitch asses out there and start putting the spotlight on Thralls and the local bioweapon Golems in your area. Wield social pressure as weapons to get the responses from government that you want. Got illegals near you? Snitch on them to ICE and get Hormon to send the boys to round them up. Find out who's housing them where you are, who's employing them, and Name The Fucking Names Online.

Bully The Targets That You Can Actually Harm

And stop listening to your enemies. Stop watching their slop entertainment propaganda. Stop listening to their fake news propaganda. Stop giving them time, money, or attention at all. Stop ankle-biting- you're fucking useless when you do that. You want Empire to fall? Stop gainsaying the man making happen and start backing him up. He's fighting against a deeply entreanched and tightly-network enemy; it's going to take time and a lot of tactical and strategic fuckery to make the win happen so you're out of line to demand instant fixes. Either back him up or get out of the way of those who do.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Narrative Warfare: The Failure Of Dissident Discernment

This past week, we had a release of part of the known Epstein files. This caused drama.

Lots of people that ought to know better started criticizing AG Bondi and Director Patel over this. They ought to know better because of the following:

  • They know that the Establishment is made up of Thralls opposed to Trump.
  • They know that the Thralls will use all means possible to thwart Trump; in the bureaucracy, this means insubordination- the refusal to do what you are told by your boss.
  • They know that this is how the Thralls dealt with Trump last time, and that those Thralls expect to do this successfully again.
  • They know that they can expect this to happen again, repeatedly.

Yet, here they are somehow aghast that there is not instant compliance with Trump's orders- including the orders of those Trump delegated his authority to. Again, the same man who swerved the Thralls twice to get into the White House is suddenly a fucking retard? You can't be this stupid. You are acting on Hollywood bullshit ideas of how things work, despite your own experiences with how this actually works and the observations of past experiences saying otherwise.

Therefore, it is no surprise that I find Brian Cates' take to be the accurate one:

This entire thing is a deliberate attempt to flush out the Stay Behind cohorts in the bureaucracy. Bondi and Kash didn't get the full files. Now it's down to mapping out who, at the Southern District of New York, in particular is actively sabotaging vs. those passively going along to avoid getting shit on by local superiors- and yes, that is a distinction that matters- you can turn the latter by giving them an out that leads to those locals superiors removal, whom you replace with Your Guys.

Which leands to another thing I have to rebuke my own side for: insisting that if it's not in ENEMY CONTROLLED MEDIA OUTLETS that it's not happening.

Did you forget everything over the last decade? Media outlets are propaganda fronts; that's what they are there to do- there is no neutral or unbiased media. The Thralls still control the Mainstream Media in the entirety of the Western world and its aligned parties elsewhere (e.g. Japan, South Korea, etc.) so they will do hit pieces when it suits them, bury stories when it suits them, and wage Narrative Warfare in an unrestricted manner that makes the Chinese Communist Party and the Russian state seethe with envy.

Furthermore, this is a Woke More Correct moment- one that has been known openly for a century now (since Edward Bernays published Propaganda, which too few of you have read): the masses are driven by Narrative over all. It is literally Feelings Over Facts, and it's been known as such for millenia among elites; this is why Elite Theory is correct, and yet here I am again reminding people that what we are seeing being done is the most massive campaign of Narrative Warfare ever conducted.

It's why Academic Agent is wrong about power and the Regime--yes, 4D chess is being done here--while Auron MacIntyre and Mystery Grove are wrong about only electoral politics being viable courses of action (despite MG constantly going on about the White Russians and how Red Narrative Warfare demoralized them). The failure to comprehend that things work off Narratives is what consistently trips actors on all sides up.

Power is not just what you can do. It is also what everyone believes what you can do. The latter part is where Narrative comes in, and dissidents somehow can say "I depict you as the Soyjack and me as the Chad" and then forget like some kind of Gell-Mann Amnesia incident when some pre-programmed Narrative trap triggers like we saw this past week. The Thralls spend generations forming a fake-and-gay Narrative Warfare Frame Game where they are always able to overcome all challengers Because Reasons. Here comes Trump, himself displaying a mastery of Narrative Warfare, now allied with some Counter-Elites with equal or better acumen using that same command of illusion and demi-reaility to break the Globohomo frame and reframe things as he and his group prefer- part of which means setting up little narrative sub-arcs to make it comprehensible to the masses (a) what the issue is and (b) why what was done about it had to be done that way.

This is why Globohomo always Frame Games wars as "They attacked us first for NO REASON!" or "We have to do this BECAUSE DEMOCRACY!", and enough of you reading this knows that it works because you know plenty of people for whom it has- Boomers, Millenials, and those that just want to grill (which is why grillers are losers).

And it is why this past week's drama had to happen: "Trump gave a Lawful Order, and the traitors are committing Treason by stonewalling him!" leads to justification with public support (which is why Frame Games are played- to get and hold that) to round up some trigger-pullers and clean out the Southern District of New York. You're seeing a similar thing happen with all the Federal Judges; all their rulings are, in fact, being ignored in practice--Rubio let that slip the other day--while the legal stuff is done in such a performative manner because it's Frame Game work to get and keep public support for the coming Federal Judiciary purging.

All of this takes time, because dramas take time- both to write, and then to perform, because the rewards--overwhelming public support and ready acceptance of the New Norm--is worth the effort. Every American regime since World War I has acknowledged this, which is why the winners are those that master the game and the losers (e.g. Nixon) were those who did not.

You live in a world run by Illusionists and Bards, not Clerics or Wizards or Thieves and certainly not Fighters- or any of their subsets. That's how it is so long as mass media remains a load-bearing political institution, like it or not, and if you want to win you must master the powers of Liminality and Narrative. Trump has, as this second term will make painfully, uncomfortably clear to both Loyalists and Dissidents. Empire is already falling; the question now is what form of Imperium--and there will be Imperium--will take its place.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Narrative Warfare: The Control Art Restrictions Are Released

Sargon of Akkad gets to take a victory lap.

They are not "putting the Woke away". (AA, you own Auron a cigar, you Gamma faggot!) They are disrupted, yes, demoralized and defunded also, but nonetheless still very much Thrall of Empire in service to Globohomo and thus fully committed True Believers and fanatical death cultists that can and will use all means available to seize and hold power- up to and including lethal force.

They still have their castles, from which they are regrouping and reorganizing to counterattack. They made their intent to exterminate us crystal clear.

To which we have an answer.

Will Trump do all that I would like, or as I would like? No. Neither will Vance, or any other successor, but they'll pave the way for me and others like me to finish the job.

The Thralls asked for this. We're going to give it to them.

And if that is not enough then (sorry Mystery Grove), we cut loose. This is war; we cannot co-exist, not when lunatics like Will Stancil speak for them while they go to work making those ravings reality.

Empire Must Fall.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Narrative Warfare: The #Gamergate Vindication Continues!

This past week, we got confirmation that even at the very top of the Fake News hiearchy they got told--and paid--to lie about #Gamergate.

First, news that Reuters was on the USAID teet. If they are, count on Associated Press, Agents France Press, and all the other Globohomo-aligned news feeds also being directly on the take and thus nothing more than Globohomo Pravda- NO DIFFERENT THAN RUSSIA'S RT OR CHINA'S CGTN! That goes all the way down: BBC (and all of its fellows in Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and in the United States), all "commercial" network news outlets, etc. are also on the take somehow. The receipts are out there; they will be found.

Second, the playbook for Narrative Warfare that ALL THREE IMPERIAL POWERS (and now including India, playing all three against each other) follow.

Third, the soft confirmation that even many "independent" media outlets are also actually Globohomo propaganda- just as Russia and especially China does. This is most obvious with European-based news channels, but you will also seek it in channels staffed by people from Hollywood (Secret Galaxy, a toy/cartoon channel), the cluster of channels known as "BookTube" (shills that are also Globohomo puppets), and many more- it truly is a Totalitarian attempt as Total Narrative Dominance that makes Winnie The Pooh and his gang in Beijing (and Putin Gang in Moscow) green with envy.

The News Is Fake And Gay!

And I so love that these seething Thralls of Empire correctly connect #Gamergate to Trump winning and the ongoing destruction of their imperial edifice.

We shall see the end of all three Imperial regimes- and all the pretenders too. Empire Is Falling.

What comes next? The shattering of the next--and grander--Big Lie: The Enlightenment

Empire--the Satanic force--is falling. But power cannot abide a vaccum, and no one else is capable, so America--the real America--will step into that breech. There will be an American Imperium, but not an American Empire. First Among Equals, Father To The Children, Husband To The Beasts- Engineer Towards The Stars!

Oh, and this time the proper solutions to the problem will be employed.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Narrative Warfare: #Gamergate Is Vindicated By DOGE

This past week, DOGE got into the Office of Personnel Management (i.e. the Human Resources for the U.S. Federal Government). That's a big deal in itself, but what really made that squeal when was DOGE got into the files for USAID and started exposing all of the corruption they financed WORLDWIDE.

Including, as it happens, the very Games Journalists who got this entire ball rolling just over a decade ago with #Gamergate.

Oh, it gets better.

All this because Zoe Quinn couldn't not fuck five guys for clout and favors, then lie about it when called on it.

We are watching President Trump, via Elon Musk and DOGE, destroy Globohomo because a fat slut got caught whoring for clout a decade ago and then the coordinated smears came out to run cover for her. Gamers rose up, shit when down, one of those involved--Milo Yiannoupoulous--put bigger actors on notice and one of them (Steve Bannon) recognized what went down. Hence the Great Meme War of 2016 that put Trump into the White House the first time, and now--after four years of direct persecution--the revenge tour where Trump is now what he was said to be then.

Globohomo falls because a fat slut couldn't keep her legs shut. Talk about second and third-order effects in action, folks.

But this? This is where every last naysayer, ankle-biter, blackpiller, Muh Moderate, etc. gets down on their knees and kowtows in abject submission to we the Gamers.


You faggots owe each and every one of us an apology, at the barest of minimums. As for those of you that sided against us, it would behoove you to start cutting some fat reparation checks to us--seven figures or more, each and every one of you, to each and every one of us--because as God is my witness you lot deserve nothing less than to suffer the exact same fate that you openly intended for each of us to experience. To quote Sam Hyde, as he had your number from the get-go:

Yes, that is exactly what you deserve, and God willing you will get it good and hard. The only thing I will spare you is the violation of your children; that's a bridge too far- and I will not laugh at you either. You are a disgusting waste of flesh, and the sooner you are purged and your corpses reduced to ashes and dust the better it will be for all of us.

I want you to witness the death of Globohomo first, however. Then, after Empire falls, will I permit you to die.

And I want you to witness it from either a cell at Guatanamo Bay or from Bukele's superprison in El Salvador.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Revisiting The Rural Redoubt Strategy

The God-Emperor of Mankind did not waste any time Removing Aliens. This had exactly the results that many who support him predicted.

This merits a revision of an old idea.

What is below is optimized for the United States. Other Anglosphere states will have to adapt this to suit their country's legal regime, as it relies on one particular facet of American jurisprudence that is lacking elsewhere.

The Rural Redoubt Strategy

Dissidents needs secure locations from which to operate. They also need places where their non-combatants and dependents may be secure, which is a thing that directly correlates to the distance from the urban shitholes that Globohomo Loyalist Thralls of Empire dominate and operate from.

This is not to be taken as the surrender of the cities to the enemy. It is instead the seizure of territory around which the enemy thinks is secure and from which derives things he needs or wants, and it is this that the strategy intends to target- as befits a dissident network operating as an insurgency.

"But Trump is in charge."

That doesn't transform the American Thralls' hold on the United States into his machine overnight, and we already have instances of Globohomo Thralls retaliating upon Trump's supporters because they can't get at him or his chief lieutenants.

In short, it's still Real Insurgency Hours, and any successful insurgency has to transition into the occupation and pacification of territory anyway; this strategy allows for the former to become the latter on the turn of a dime.

Therefore it behooves the dissidents to identify rural counties where they are able to move to in numbers, bringing in revenue due to remote work and turning that into capital to purchase local necessary businesses (such as a gas station), establish legal residency and begin assimilating into the local community- with the specific intent of taking control of the country, starting with the Sheriff's Office.

Why? Because the U.S. Sheriff is one of the most powerful official in the Republic within his county thanks to a U.S. Supreme Court decision: Printz v. United States. Sheriffs can tell Federal officials to go pound sand, and this extendable to all outside parties (i.e. State agencies)

What should dissident rural communites do?

  • Clear out local criminals, either by ratting them out to friendly law enforcement agencies (more likely now under Trump, as a lot of them are dealing in drug, gun, or human trafficking over State or Federal borders so Federal jurisdiction applies), or by handling in-house via being deputized as a county militia under the Sheriff's command.
  • Occupy and run all government agencies in the county, specifically to counteract the usual form of electoral fraud in the United States (urban-centric ballot harvesting and box-stuffing); "conveniently" have to recount results due to "errors" until the urban centers certify their results, the schools and the bureaucracy.
  • Own and run all critical business and key NGO offices. Gas stations, grocery stores, hardware stores, restaurants, hotels/motels/AirBNBs, gun stores, etc. should be owned and run by dissidents- and yes, this includes the local credit unions.
  • Control all key social institutions in the county, ultimately including elected offices for State legisature representation.
  • Network outside of Regime means to ensure unified action against Thralls at the State level.
  • Use control of the county to foster the cultivation of expansion into other counties by training new cohorts to repeat the process.

The dissident organization aiming to do this should go as far out as they can manage to avoid unwanted attention from Regime agents, buying residential properties and local businesses at this time from aging or dead Boomers or their estates to use to move households and other dissident actors into the country. Moving those people into positions of influnence, ownership, and then control should ideally be organic in nature; there is already a notable civic disengagement issue in rural counties, so one need only wait for the existing cliques to age or die out to move in; once control is taken, leave those still remaining in place if--and only if--they are unable to be a problem. Remove them at first opportunity otherwise.

Repeat this process across the rural part of a State as fast as opportunity, personnel, and finances allow with the aim of securing key rural counties with regional towns or cities as soon as can be had. You can gain critical mass control of State level politics within a few election cycles without doing anything violent, anything illegal, or (under ideal circumstances), anything with even the hint of impropriety. You are merely properly prepared parties executing a plan when the opportunity arises.

Once your rural counties, all at once, withhold their State/Federal electoral results until the Regime-held urban counties certify theirs you can break their hold on the State and put your people into the Governor's Mansion and take the majority in the State legislature- at which point it's purging time. You had better have your legislative and executive actions pre-written to execute the second your man has control like Trump did.

That is how you can use rural counties as a route to power, and once in power to stay in power and guarantee that the Thralls cannot ever return.

This is one way to make Empire fall.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

South Africa Tells Zimbabwe "Hold My Necklace"

While the God-Emperor of Mankind executed his blitz on the traitors and heretics in the Federal government of the United States, to much applause for men and wailing by monsters, the Thralls of Empire elsewhere executed an expected line of attack in Africa this past week.

Yes, the anti-White government in South Africa learned nothing from Zimbabwe doing this exact policy previously. In case you don't know what that was, here you go.

Blacks can't farm for shit in Africa. That's why Zimbabwe went from "The breakbasket of Africa" to a wastleand shithole full of starving people within a year. Only the Whites can do that, so go figure once the writing was on the wall the government that seized the farms and yeeted the farmers begged for them to come back. (Note that the government has not changed sufficiently to make this a good idea.)

South Africa said "Hold my necklace" and decided to do this once more with feeling because the hate for the Boers is so great that they see no downsides. Given how badly the African National Congress and the rest of the black establishment in South Africa has been, such that collapse is an ongoing thing there.

Yes, South Africa was far, far better under Apartied- just like how Rhodesia was superior to Zimbabwe.

"But Orania-"

Is fucked. The new law change opens the door for the government to go Base Delta Zero on Orania, and no amount of small-arms militia will stop that from happening when--not if--it comes. (You'd think they would have learned from American examples of doing this by now, but no.) If you are not black, you are going to be butchered and your stuff stolen with state sanction. Yes, Pajeets, that includes you. Yes, Mainland Chinese, that includes you. They see all of you as they see Whites: enemies to be rooked and cooked.

Oh, and don't think being black is going to be good for you either. They may play nice with other African blacks, maybe Caribbean blacks, but Western blacks? No, you too are just targets to be killed and looted as soon as you are neither protected nor able to pay them off.


Yes, it's exile. Cope. Retreat, regroup, and reconquer a generation down the road- and this time, be thourough.

And let this be an example of the need to seize and hold State power before all else. There is no retreat to a secure refuge when in range of a hostile power; the entire country is a hostile warzone, and you have to treat it accordingly or you will be exterminated by those that do. In the United States, that has occured with Trump's return to the White House and his demonstrated behavior since reassuming office; the United Kingdom is also seeing how bad it is to not ruthlessly seize and hold power when facing existential threats to oneself and one's nation, and continental Europe is also feeling this heat (as is Canada, Australia, and New Zealand).

You are seeing the face of Empire. If you are to survive, Empire Must Fall.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Narrative Warfare: On The Eve Of The God-Emperor's Return

The God-Emperor of Mankind returns to power tomorrow.

We can complain all about policy later; Vivek's already punted out of the Administration, so take that win and enjoy it.

Right now this is all about ceremony, ritual, and aesthetics. It is telling that Globohomo's Thralls are keyed into the value of perception. Late Friday saw the most pants-on-head retarded attempt to do that sort of thing out of Resident Biden's office.

Yes, this immediately got violated by Community Notes:

The Archivist of the United States, charged with officially publishing ratified amendments, has confirmed that the ERA was not ratified and based that analysis on binding legal precedent.

There is no 28th Amendment.

(Archivist Press Release link)

No, amending the U.S. Contitution doesn't work that way. Requires first passage from Congress and then ratificiation from 38 out of 50 states. That never happened. Contra what folks like Joshua Lisec worry about, not even shitlib judges in the Federal Judiciary will rule as if it does because SCOTUS will slap that down 9-0.

You can see what the intent was: to bullshit and meme their way into defacto change under Color of Law. (That's illegal by the way.) But there was no way that even the most shitlib folks in the government were going to let this fly; that's why the Archivist of the United States immediately slapped this down.

What you should take away from this is that Globohomo's Thralls, like its rival Thralls in the other Imperial regimes, believe in word magic. They believe that what they declare is reality, and because they do wield power they often get away with believing that way; it is when that power is absent that their mistaken belief becomes obvious to those looking on from below.

And yes, this will continue after Trump's second inauguration. They are not resonable people.

Next time, I'll do the Queen of the DEI Hunters a solid and explain what Auron MacIntyer's going to win that bet with Academic Agent on the Woke being put away. (It's not.)

Sunday, January 12, 2025

What Happens When You Let Those Who Think It Can't Happen Here Run The State

There's no doubt that the disaster in Los Angelas, California is one that entirely the fault of the Globohomo Thralls that dominate that state from the State level down to the local officials.

Yet it is entirely possible that no one in any part of that structure will change anything in the aftermath of this disaster. Despite official responses being anything but what is necessary and proper, and despite certain subsets of that structure already engaging in the Blame Game to avoid being punished for their part in the deliberate negligence needed to make this disaster happen, and then it got worse.

If you think the negligence for fire is disastrous, I cannot wait to see what neglect did to earthquake recovery infrastructure.

Yes, we here a lot about how this afflicts the rich and the famous. Yes, we hear abou how much of this is due to arson, how the looting is done mainly by South American gangs working as organized units, and how specific policy decisions directly led to firemen not being able to do what they are paid to do.

And, as we already see, there is no sense from those responsible that they will do anything of substance to fix what they broke. There is blame-shifting, there is peacoking, there is performative ritual, and there is all-pervasive smugness by those same people who are damned certain that nothing and no one will punish them for making this mess possible.

And so far as everyone continues to obey rules specifically put down to bully the prey into compliance, those responsible--those predators--will be correct in their contempt.

I remind you, the victims of this malevolence, as I remind those in North Carolina who are dealing with a different form of it via FEMA getting in the way of others doing what needs to be done, that Free Men Don't Ask Permission and Free Men Do What Needs To Be Done.

Let them be confronted with the very realities they seek to inflict. Watch them first threat, then bargain, then plead. When they beg, only them deign to say a word in response.

They will not be convinced to change their ways. You must remove them by any means necessary and replace them with one of your own- installed by any means necessary. They are not legitimate, so their rules don't apply; only their ability to enforce them does, and that is easily defeatable.

This is a Mandate of Heaven Turnover moment. Seize it. Empire Must Fall.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Narrative Warfare: After-Action Analysis For Recent Terror Attacks In The US

If you haven't been following S2 Underground, fix that immediately. He posts daily, more often when things go down, but the weekend posts get into more details and are worth the time to give it your full attention.

S2 has good reason for a lot of his comments.

I'm not the only one who found it weird that some chick in yoga pants got access to a suspect's last known lodgings to cut a piece for the New York Post.

S2 is far too professional to lean into the memes to use as shorthand, but let's make it plain: this entire thing glows in the dark. So does the Vegas attack.

The concensus from the more Spook-aware OSINT folks is that these are not attacks on President Trump, but rather between Langley and the Pentagon as they are rival gangs in the Intelligence world and Trump favors SOCOM and DIA over Langley. (Given Langley's history, that's not out of line.)

We have all the tells of these being put-up jobs of some sort, as these conform to the usual happenings that end up with the FBI saying that the suspect was on their radar.

And S2 concludes that this is just going to make things worse due to the muddled info environment after taking the time to analyze the email manifesto and how it would not prevent a war if not picked apart for what it is.

Keep him in the rotation, and in your prayers.