Sunday, June 30, 2024

Narrative Warfare: How To Fake The Past

When Ubisoft started promoting Assassin's Creed: Shadows featuring the historical man known as Yasuke, there was a concerted effort to promote the narrative that he was a full-fledged samurai.

To make a long story short, "LOLno".

But (a) that hurts Ubisoft's prospects for the game and (b) doesn't further the demoralization campaign against Japan so (c) "the evidence" needs to be doctored to support The Narrative.

Time for the one-two punch on how this works:

When I went through University, every single librarian and historian I studied under--NO MATTER THEIR POLITICS--forbade citing Wikipedia for this reason.

But the issue here is Citogenesis turning into Accepted Fact and thus Common Sense, and that is Narrative Warfare in action.

There's a reason that competent scholars not only interrogate the evidence but those that provided them; scholars, like scientists, are just as prone to corruption as bureaucrats and elected officials- and, like scienitsts and politicans, are just as often stupidly cheap whores to boot.

This has been a well-known problem for so long that it's become a storytelling trope to itself.

(Insert theories about Prince Harry being a secret bastard here, among other Manufactured Narratives-as-History trope examples.)

Now consider this being done with things that you know or care about. Some of you care about Ukraine. Some about Gaza. Some the legitimacy of the American Federal Government. Whatever it is, consider that the narrative surrounding it may not be wholly true or factual, and consider that this may be so because the lie serves the narrative.

This wilfull fabrication and obfuscation of the truth in and of itself serves the purpose of Empire. By throwing certainty into chaos, Man is thrust into a liminal space where the core of his identity is rendered fragile and malleable; Man must anchor himself into something certain, or seemingly so, in order build first his identity and then all else that defines him and his existence- his culture, his civilization.

Deniably throw the target into chaos (cause the problem), then Empire comes along with answers that restore order (provide the solution) with the hidden costs of enslaving the target to Empire and making Thralls of them in the process because the new order rests itself on a fraudulent inversion of Original Sin that only abasement to Empire can assuage- but never release.

Tell me that is not what happened in the West post-WW2 and I will call you a liar, because that is exactly what happened- and now they're doing this to Japan, South Korea, and it will begin worming its way through Latin America too in short order. All that changes are the trappings.

This is Empire in action, and it is why Empire must fall.

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