Sunday, June 9, 2024

Narrative Warfare: What A Leader Loyal To His People Looks Like

Tucker Carlson went to El Salvador recently to attend the second inauguration of President Nayib Bukele. He got an interview with the present, embedded below.

It is not just the West that has no leaders loyal to their people. It is almost every state in the world. El Salvador is the exception, the outlier, not the rule.

Therefore it is not unusual for many observers, like myself, to be pleasantly surprised to see that Bukele's claims are routinely confirmed by independent actors who go there to see things first-hand. The most reliable of these are private individuals, reporting to private groups, about such things as they have little (if any) incentive to lie or hedge due to both the venue and the audience not being public.

(Yes, I am in a few such groups. Yes I have seen a few such reports.)

One can critique specific moves he's made, but there is no honest gainsaying of the results. He took a country rotten with crime and related violence, such that the state had been rendered impotent, and reversed it overnight. Other countries in Central America, and now in South America, are taking notes and copying his techniques to achieve the same ends. (I wish them all the luck; they need it.)

One can be concerned that he will follow the route of many others and become a dictatorial tyrant himself, but the fact is that he has cleaned out a notoriously corrupt government and its agencies and replaced them with people of like-mind to himself: nationalists seeking the Common Good for the El Salvadoran nation.

He is, for now, proof that there is such a thing as a sovereign nation-state that is not in practice an Imperial satrapy or province. Empire does not concede defeat; it only regroups and awaits a new opportunity to strike (as we have just seen in Mexico with its President-Select), and Bukele plays a necessary-yet-dangerous game of using rival Imperial powers against each other (the Chinese collaborations in the country).

And he is a man that understands the Social Media and Public Relations game.

This interview with Tucker, his appearance at CPAC, his invitation of Argentina's Javier Milei to the inauguration, and his attacking of the Biden Administation (as a proxy for attacking Globohomo) in his Rhetoric are all calculated to provoke a response abroad. That response is to provoke friendly nationalists (i.e. us) to useful action, to do what it takes to seize, hold, and wield power as he did.

Bukele thinks, correctly, that a nationalist takeover of Globohomo-occupied states would result in new governments friendly to El Salvador. It would also result in incentivize for Salvadorans abroad to go home (more than they have), as much due to improved conditions at home as anything else, as the nationalist states would need to cooperate and collaborate to maintain their gains against Globohomo as well as prevent infiltration by the other two Imperial powers.

Everyone wins from this interview, just like everyone but Empire wins from Bukele being in office, and he's a man to watch and heed. More men like him succeeding means Empire falls.

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