Sunday, June 16, 2024

Narrative Warfare: The Human Sacrifices Did Not Stop

A reminder on how bad things get, and are still in many places, and if not for the Internet this would still be buried in places like the old Art Bell radios show.

Trafficking is not just the satisfaction of targetted individuals' disordered desires in order to get kompromat to use as leverage over them and thus suborn them into being agents of Empire.

Trafficking's real purpose is a spiritual one. It exists to feed human sacrifice demands.

The only difference between then and now is that the ritual action is "merely" sexual violation instead of going straight to outright ritual murder. The killing, instead, is far more likely of the Cleaner sort than the ritual murder- though that certain still happens.

Exaggerated, but not by much.

The defense of the trafficking is not merely because it hides among the trafficking of drugs, guns, illegals, and other things deleterious to a target population that Empire seeks to subjugate.

The defense is particularly vehement because, like the otherwise-inexplicable disproportionate punishment of the Imperial Creed's violation (i.e. disrespecting Muh Gayshit), it is a religious matter. Trafficking feeds human sacrifice, which is what Empire feeds upon to sustain itself in the face of relentless force by God and Nature to snuff it out.

Which is why whenever anyone poses a threat to any aspect of the trafficking network, you can rely upon a dispropotionate retaliation to come upon those responsible.

Narcotrafficking networks cause a lot of problems in Latin America. They do not stop at drugs; guns, people, and more also get moved around by them- and Intelligence Agencies make use of them as Deniable Assets. (Remember Iran-Contra?)

If you want to focus on just one thing to hurt Empire, one thing that directly and materially affects damn near everything else, attack the trafficking. Not a move for the weak, timid, poor, or faithless; don't think you can Lone Wolf that shit.

Work at home. Get up to speed on what this is and how it works. Then tell your family, your friends, and your neighbors. Focus on how this directly and materially affects them, and then on what they can do here and now to deal with it- and (believe it or not) how local authorities (the ones you actually have any power over) can act.

You'll soon see if the networks have their hooks where you live, and if so how.

This is a part of Empire's core, something that you see everywhere and everywhen where Empire holds power. Hit this, and it will be forced to react; when it does, it can't keep up attention and resources elsewhere, meaning that you can force an opening through which you can attack Empire and defeat it with proper follow-through.

And, once you show that Empire bleeds, its aura of invicibility is gone.

And Empire falls.

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