Sunday, July 28, 2024

Narrative Warfare: A Funny Thing Happened While Studying World War 2

British public historian TIK began his channel by doing lengthy and niche studies on Stalingrad during World War 2.

Eventually he began noticing certain pattern commonalities among the combatants. Yes, combatants- not just the Axis. Like many, TIK went into the origins of the war's conflicts and thus got into the questions of the ideologies motivating the contending parties of the war. While Imperial Japan remains absent, his insights into Communism, Facism, National Socialism, Mosley's British Facism, and even the Social Democracy attitudes in the United Kingdom, United States, and the rest of the Anglosphere would lead him into Pattern Recognition that would make Blue Hat Gang proud.

The result is a series of videos that had him concluding that the common pattern was (stop me if you've heard this before) a Christian Heresy disguised as a political ideology and these would become a popular sideline series of videos- a series that is now a playlist.

While talking about Hitler and the Nazis gets the clicks, all of his analysis of Nazi Germany and Hitler would find its way first to his contemporaries and then to the men leading into their various regimes: the 19th Century emergences of Communism, Socialism, and so on. The Pattern Recognition got refined from the general (the ideologies) to the specific (their founders and proponents) and that would lead to a trio of videos, the most recent dropping early this past week.

Go ahead, watch the latter three videos. If you have time shortages, watch just the first of the three and at Double Speed. Take notes.

Once you see TIK's Psychological Profile, write it down and commit it to memory. Compare this against every single Leftist figure you have ever heard of. You will find that a suprisingly high number of them fit this profile like it was a custom-made set of clothes.

Why does this matter? For the same reason that Empire seeks to study prospective prey: to learn how best to attack and destroy them.

You will find this profile in Keir Starmer's government. You will find it in Ursala von der Layen's EU Commission. You will find it in every Leftist organization, great and small, and especially with their Antifa street operatives (and the genetic refuse they wield as bioweapons).

In short, you know what to do--in the specific AND in the general--to shatter them utterly, and then to grind the shards to dust.

TIK has done a lot of good here. This is information you can use, you can APPLY TO YOUR OPERATIONS, and you SHOULD!

He just added to your toolbox. Thank the man, throw him some financial support, and then return the favor by breaking the people he's profiled. Empire Must Fall.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Narrative Warfare: The DIE Regime Wants To Sell You A BRIDGE

In Clown World, "the Establishment" is fake and gay. You need to find folks like this anime fox woman to get legit info on what is going on.

Do not believe the claims that Microsoft, John Deere, and anyone else is actually purging DEI from their organizations. As Kirsche shows, they are just shuffling off-stage in order to change up the set-dressing and costuming (via language control) before re-engaging to continue their Satanic Crusade against Civilization in service to Empire.

Simple. As. Kirsche has the info; watch the video, take notes, and act on what she provides.

You want to cut that off at the pass? Spread the word: "BRIDGE means DEI!"

Empire must fall.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Narrative Warfare: Frame Game Explains Globohomo (& Trump Assassination Attempt)

Mike Benz first started stirring things up by going Anon as Frame Game Radio to explain Narrative Warfare to dissidents.

This is Mike explaining Globohomo--what he called The Blob--from his perspective. This over two hours, so if you can handle playing at 1.5x or 2x Speed do it.

If you are at all familiar with John F. Kennedy, you'll know that he too was opposed by the Intelligence Community and its private/foreign associates.

Listen carefully to Benz' explanation of how the IC works to sandbag, sabotage, etc. anyone and everyone that opposes them. Now recall a man on the other end of the political spectrum that went harder about how Globohomo works over 20 years ago.

TLDR on Perkins: He was a Globohomo asset. He had a crisis of conscience and this was his confession as well as as exposure.

The system (and rival Imperial powers like China do this too now) works like this:

  • Find corrupt/corruptable local elites. Back them with cheap credit to be Satrap.
  • When the Satrap outlives their usefulness, repeat with new Satrap.
  • If that fails, murk people until someone either takes the deal or someone outside is installed as Satrap to groom locals into the system.
  • If that fails, gin up a war and use the military to murk in mass quantities while wrecking all that shit; new regime then gives sweetheart deals to Globohomo corps to rebuild and replace the wrecked stuff.
  • (Unstated, as it's not been needed to date) Nuke the faggots, maybe with literal nukes, sweep up the dust and clean up the ruins that get occupied while ginning up replacement populations to hold it.

That's right. For all the Roman talk, Globohomo is actually a Neo-PERSIAN imperial model that uses international banking and multi-national corporations as the primary agents of Imperial power.

What is applied in the Satrapies is also used in the Imperial Core. This is why the IC first tried to bribe Trump, then tried to Kompromat him, and when those didn't work flat out Narrative Warfare got deployed. After that failed the lawfare came out and that's finally played out as ineffective. Therefore the Economic Hit-Men got benched and now the Jackals (the assassins and similar killers) are deployed to flat-out kill Trump.

In the Globohomo Imperial Core you only get one shot at that. One. Shot.

Team #NothingEverHappens took a big L yesterday.

The IC may fuck up, but they aren't (yet) wholly insane or incompetent. They'll see that they fucked up, and they're going to start tard-wrangling the rest of the Imperial Core into letting Trump win (instead of ramping up the Election Fraud even harder) for one reason: the amount now needed to steal the election would make it so obvious that everyone would see it as such.

That has trickle-down effects on every junior level of government, all the way down to Dog Catcher. The Thralls of Empire in Globohomo, seeing that they have a fallback line deep in the bureaucracy of the U.S. Federal Government as well as those of several states, many counties, and many cities. They would be wise to just sandbag him again through a second term and bide their time.

If they don't, that is a massive tell that things for Globohomo are worse than they seem. (Remember, they get the real data; we get bullshit.)

That he turned his head at the exact moment that saved his life, turning a headshot into a grazing hit, is nothing short of Divine Providence. That's a sign, folks. Trump has the Divine Mandate- it is The Return of the King.

Empire Must Fall.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Narrative Warfare: Eventually The Noticing Cannot Be Stopped

Joshua Lisec and Jack Poso co-write a book called Unhumans about Commies and their ilk.

As part of the marketing, both of them post historical facts about the subjects of their book and related it current events. Lisec posted this yesterday.

Joshua relates this to the matters of the mania surrounding Abortion and mutilating children into eunuchs while mindfucking them into thinking they're the other sex. Both of these kill children; one of them just does so slowly and via long-term torture until they kill themselves in despair.

But what I want to point your attention to is the narrative driving these "unhumans".

The "great leaders" took pains to show themselves as greater men than the Great Men that they so despised. Vox Day would call them Gamma Males, and he would be right, but British historian TIK had a far more potent contribution because he developed a specific psychological profile that you ought to see.

(Yes, he's gotten pushback, which he answered here.)

Start combining the two and you now have very powerful tools to deal with these people in your daily life. Learn the profile and apply it to every one of these folks, and their sympathizers, and you can pierce the paradigm barrier by knowing how this is an enemy religion so you can talk to them in terms that they will accept from an unassailable position to guarantee that they flee from any argument- however in bad faith.

They are so persistent because they are fanatical cultists. They are True Believers; the cynical grifters will boil off as soon as things get difficult for them, so that's when (a) you know you're making things happen and (b) you'll know to anticipate an escalation of retaliation from them as any moderating influence is purged. Don't expect the pattern recognition to stop with the Commies (et. al.), and don't be surprised when you find even worse parties in the process.

You're dealing with a heresy. Act like it. Notice it, name it, and purge it. Empire must fall.