Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Cycle of Empires Is Broken

Retards, Normies, and Dissidents alike say things like "The US is an empire. Empires don't last forever. The debt alone will sink the US."

You underestimate Globohomo if you think anything like this. Yes, Vox Day, I am looking your way- and you too, Doug Casey, and many other that ought to know better.

The Cycle of Empire is broken. Two things did it.

When a fucking Socialist and Marxist gets how this works better than "Right" talking heads do, SHAME!

This is how the system works. It's been implicitly so for centuries (see The Money Masters), and every last head of every last Central Bank in the world freely admits that this is how the system works on camera, on the record.

What does this mean in simple terms: The United States CANNOT GO BANKRUPT! You want to know why there's always money for things? This is why.

There will always be funding for the flexing of Imperial power because this is how the system works. Doesn't matter what the number is; the cost is paid, guaranteed. (If you want to know why you pay taxes, it's this simple: to compel the use of the currency issued. That's it; this is why the tax authorities are one of the strongest enforcement agencies in every government.)

That, right there, breaks the cycle. Yes, this is how it works in Russia and China (and India, Japan, South Korea, the United Kingdom, etc.- but NOT in European Union states because they are slaved to the Euro).

In theory, you could wage enough economic warfare to make the capacity of the economy unable to absorbe the generated currency, but that's where the backstop comes into play.

This is also the reason that the United States (as the muscle and engine for Globohomo) will never be openly invaded by hostile powers. (The traitors within are another issue, which is what we have in the US right now.)

Who the fuck is going to Margin Call the people who have (a) All The Nukes, sufficient to incinterate all life on Earth several times over, and (b) a ruling class sufficiently petty and venal to slam the button with the fist of an angry god if they believe that they stand a chance of losing power?

That's the other thing breaking the cycle: the ruling Imperial power has Everything That Matters under a Sword of Damocles. Everyone running a government knows this, which is why all of the hostile action against the United States (and by extension, Globohomo) is against the American nation and done by the American state using hostile actors as catspaws.

That's right, all those "Fuck you Yankee" sorts? You're all suckers being used by Globohomo. Good job, retards.

Until you break MMT, even removing the nukes is not enough; remember that the nukes are a backstop, not the backstop. MMT in effect means that one backstop can easily be replaced by another, and that "another" is already in development. (Yes, ol' Elon can, and likely is, involved in this somehow- if only as just a hired service to launch killsats.)

Empire Must Fall, but it will not just fall due to the old cyclical forces playing out. Globohomo's Thralls successfully patched that out, so it has to be done actively.

Take out the MMT, then the nukes, and then Empire will fall.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

The West Is Long Overdue For A Circulation Of Elites

The Shiba of Color gets me.

The incumbent elite class of the West are either traitors or incompetents. Either way, they have to go.

Yes, Academic Agent, I see you in the back. Don't think me unfamiliar with The Populist Delusion; I am calling for a long-overdue circulation of elites, and you definitely own Auron MacIntyre a cigar because the treasonous Western elites need The Woke so they won't put it away. It is the incompetent opposition that want to do so, but cannot because of some combination of corruption and incompetence.

The Death Cult afflicting the West seized power. They hold power. They are not going to just surrender it; it must be ripped from their hands by force.

Electoral measures are necessary, but not sufficient. We have already seen that Globohomo Thralls of Empire give no fucks about doing what it takes to stay in power; they just have preferences on the measures employed to do so.

They are necessary because these elites are guile-based narcissists so they are word-wizards and Narrative Warfare specialists. They cannot wield force well because it repulses them at a fundamental level; it disgusts them, so they are also disgusted by the men needed to use that force on their behalf, distrust them, and do what they can to keep them on very short leashes to assuage that visceral disgust when not needed in the moment to do violence that they cannot or will not do themselves.

These Globohomo Thralls will do whatever it takes to neuter or destroy threats to their power. AfD gets elected someplace? Lawfare, procedural gridlock, financial fuckery, etc. afflicts them into impotency when they can't just have elections stolen from them. Then, once the threat is put down the retalations come in the manner Mike Benz explained when he was on with Tucker Carlson: all power of the State is employed to destroy all possible enemies. This happened to Trump, and it is now happening to Marine Le Pen.

These same Globohomo elites recognize the potential for more action, so the massive invasion of hostile foreigners from Africa and Asia accelerated and flows of invaders are now deliberately deployed--with the aid of local elites in the targetted areas--into pockets of enemy populations specifically to disrupt those populations and eliminate the threat that they pose to Globohomo.

The only thing Globohomo Thralls of Empire can do is basic recognition of threats by enemies and the manipulation of pawns to throw into the way as disposable shields to tank the hits while they attempt long-term degradation strategies to wear down enemy targets into impotence and collapse- and they do this to rival Imperial powers and enemy domestic populations alike.

Which returns me to "necessary, but not sufficient".

What is necessary with electoral measures is to inflict psychological stress upon them repeatedly, which is happening as even Thralls far from a given episode's occurance (e.g. American Thralls about AfD's electoral wins) flip their shit about The Wrong Side Winning.

Which, in turn, forces more and more brick-to-face obvious flexes of institutional power in order to address the threat and assuage the freaked out fellow travelers. These are, in turn, pointed out on social media that Globohomo does not control--such as Twitter--and now more and more people see with their own eyes what was only talked about. You cannot tell them; you have to show them.

As more such actions and reactions pile up, it gets easier to show how these things directly and immediately affect a given individual; this throws popular support increasingly behind the dissident elite cohort organizing to punt out the incompetents in charge and their craven co-conspirators playing false opposition. This is a feedback loop, and it has become a race between how fast the dissident elites can organize and deploy political energy behind them vs. the Globohomo elites using State power to smash apart such bases of power.

Yes, this means that the dissident elites have cottoned on to the need to erect and maintain parallel organizations based on patronage; the real breakthrough will be when there is a route-around for the financial system fortress in the global bureaucratic order, as not even the rival Imperial powers have squared that circle just yet, though the Red Dynasty of Emperor Winnie has tried the hardest followed by the Neo-Tsar.

Now if these dissident elites could just get their shit together and coordinate internationally. Empire must fall. If they won't be scared into surrendering to save their own necks, they will see those necks separated from their bodies by men who tread their jeweled thrones under their sandalled feet.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Narrative Warfare: Why Does Grandpa Want All Those Radio Stations?

This one ain't hard to figure out. This is about Total Narrative Dominance.

The idea is that by taking out any radio station actively run by Globohomo they can fill the gap in their Wall of Narrative that's currently afflicting them.

While some known Cuckservatives are being deplatformed, the reality is that this is a freakout reaction. The Narrative that matters is not done over legacy media. It's done online via social media and more private outlets, both of which are contested at best and denied territory for Globohomo the rest of the time.

Therefore this is an attempt to either drown out Normie-facing media in Globohomo bullshit, hoping that this counteracts what they see online, or (more likely) this is a pure freakout reaction by an old man who doesn't comprehend how the game changed and is falling back on a now-obsolete playbook to cope with unexpected opposition.

John Kerry nails what Globohomo really wants:

That's an open, avowed desire for Total Narrative Dominance.

If Soros, coming from the Private end, were in coordination with Public action against online outlets they don't control (e.g. Twitter) this would be more concerning than it is; at present, it is not- but Elon's recent defeat in Brazil shows that it could still happen.

But not in time to affect the US Presidential Election.

And that is looking very bad for Globohomo, including the defeat of several go-to means for rigging elections (but not yet all of them). They're going to have to go kinetic on him again and soon because they're running out of time and options.

So no, those stations aren't yet a problem unless you're a Boomer that hasn't yet figured out how legacy media lies to you.

It's not over yet. Neither despair nor presume victory, but the signs of increasing desperation signal that Globohomo is afraid of the God-Emperor's return. Empire must fall.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Narrative Warfare: Ending The Illusion Of Civilian Neutrality In Business

This past week Israel revealed that it tasked its Intelligence agencies with the task of doing damage to its Non-State Actor enemies.

Israel's agencies did this by compromising the supply chain for popular electronic communications devices--pagers and walkie-talkies--bought by those actors to use as part of its communications. This has, with good reason, caused a lot of consternation both by those directly affected and by observors who were at some remove or uninvolved entirely alike.

This past week also saw Ukraine make use of drone technology to enable that government to engage in long-distance strikes upon Russian military targets deep within Russia.

While this had been going on at some time, comparison and contrasting these ongoing efforts with the revelation of Israel's ability to use similiar technologies to achieve precision attacks on far smaller and more mobile targets.

The Myth of Dual-Use Neutrality of Business

One of the things that Mike Benz repeatedly emphasized in his recent round of interviews, such as with Tucker Carlson, is that American corporations and lobby groups work hand-in-glove with American Intelligence via the U.S. State Department and the NGO Network. Because Benz also said that said State Department and the NGO Network is also the means by which Globohomo wrangles vassals states into line, we can conclude that the same US-centric arrangement extends to the European Union (including the non-EU members that are in the European Economic Area like Switzerland and Norway and the Asian vassals such as South Korean and Japan).

In each case there is this "dual-use" dogma in place to give all proceeding the patina of neutrality, dervived from "dual-use" technologies--usually economics or software, such as operating systems or micro-processors--that have ordinary civilian use-cases that are legitimate and a (para-)military use that (without State permission) is proscribed. The catch is that because of the former it is nigh-impossible to restrict trade in provision of such goods or services without damaging the economic or giving political leverage to your enemies.

That, until now, was a form of restraint. The accepted opinion was to exploit the constraint's usual two-way nature to find ways of tracking what went where, or who got what services, to further Law Enforcement or (Counter-)Intelligence operations.

One need only look at popular media articles, on all sides, across the last century or so to see that this was a myth agreed upon and not reality. Time and again there would be the ocassional sensational article, book, news segment on television, and these days that means podcasts and short-form video too all about how this or that was too dangerous for general use for this or that reason.

Sometimes this would get ridiculous--someone complaining about Toyota trucks being used in para-military capacities as latter-day Jeeps--and sometimes this would be used for other ends (anything involving nuclear power and electronics because Remote Detonation).

What this past week revealed is that one common complaint, usually only seen in fiction, was the real problem: compromised supply chains.

Again, recall that Globohomo in particular (but the CCP does this also as policy) operates via this public-private partnership centered around NGOs in order to diffuse liability and make accountability impractical if not impossible to enforce.

What could Mossad have done? They already had surveilance of enemy communications and assets with ears on the ground. All they needed to do was to slip between the ordered electronics' point of origin and their delivery to the buyers, which is very easy to do if you have "partners" and "associates" that can let your men in the back door to do what is needed to turn the products into bombs with remote detonation- and that assumes that wiring them as bombs is necessary at all.

And when your allies are happy to just make accomodations for your people to do what you want to the widgets, compromising those chains is no more difficult than making a phone call to the right NGO or Diplomatic office.

Going Forward, It's All Fair Game

Because there is no longer any illusion that there is a meaningful difference between Civilian and Military widgets or services due to this exposed arrangement, first seen in a more deniable form in Ukraine and now explicitly done by Israel, you can bet that more things previously restrained will be cut loose. Here and now, that means technologies long believed to exist are going to be confirmed or denied--no more Glomar Responses--in short order as they are deployed, detected, and disseminated by social media.

Among some people, this is theorized as a tactical nuclear warhead with a clean fusion device. What it really is will come out soon enough.

The post-WW2 consensus, which underlaid all this Dual-Use Neutality Mythology and other such stuff, is now rapidly unravelling. The paradigm is shifting, and that means that there is a window of opportunity opening up. Time to make Empire fall, and you can start by taking this myth and busting it.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Narrative Warfare: For Globohomo's Enemies, The Law

Something Frame Game talked about when he was on with Tucker is that Globohomo, working first through the US State Department and then through the European Union's various organs (and those of its member states), has no qualms doing massive purges of enemies of Globohomo when it installs its Thralls into power in a targetted polity.

Globohomo does not care how it is done. All it cares about is that (a) it keeps whatever power it takes and (b) it maintains plausible deniability because otherwise Total Narrative Dominance is threatened.

That's why they use lawfare first and foremost when purging enemies. They use captive media to frame the targets as BadWrongThinkers that did BadWrongThings so they must be punished to protect Muh Democracy (defined as the consensus of Globohomo-controlled institutions).

They also use the prisons to justify what would otherwise be condemned as Human Rights Violations (because it's okay when they do it), up to and including killing people.

Salvini may put up a brave front, but behind closed doors he and his side has to know that this is an implicit death threat should they succeed in imprisoning him. Opposing Empire is not without costs, and this is one of them. If you come at the king, you best not miss. Nonetheless, Empire Must Fall.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Narrative Warfare: Total Narrative Dominance Threatened

More Frame Game wisdom this week.

First, a setup. This Tweet summarizes it.

Frame Game broke this down when he was on Tucker Carlson the week or so before. Use the timestamps to get to the point.

Globohomo, moreso than the other two Imperial powers (Russia, China) and the wanna-be (India), are utterly dominant upon Narrative Warfare for their power and control.

It is, by definition, Totalitarian. Globohomo demands that you not only obey, but that you believe with utter sincerity in Globohomo's moral authority and thus legitimacy.

This is why no matter how small, how irrelevant, how trivial Globohomo's Thralls come after you and demand that your hobbies, your entertainments, your incidentals, your every waking moment and every slumbering second be wholly immersed in The Narrative. Globohomo's weakness, as shown by their deeds every time this gets broken, is that they cannot compete against a compelling alternative to The Narrative.

Why does the US State Department go after Elon? He breaks The Narrative. Why did they make Pavel (and thus Telegram) bend the knee? Because Pavel let others break The Narrative. Why is #Gamergate still fucking John Wick to them after 10 years? We broke The Narrative.

They cannot compete and win. They are forced to resort to censorship, sabotage, blackmail, and perfidity in order to force others out of the running so they can win by default.

This is why Globohomo runs off a policy of TINA (There Is No Alternative), and does it utmost to segregate populations from the rest of the world- even between populations under Globohomo's occupation. If a threat appears, it will attempt to subvert it into its control. If it cannot be subverted, it will be destroyed. If it cannot be destroyed, then access to it will be choked off. We see this in real time with videogames, comics, film, television, and prose media. Meanwhile, Globohomo forces open target populations' media markets to spread The Narrative to new subjects- exactly as Frame Game explained above.

And yes, "choke off access" goes both ways; if they can't stop the threat from getting to us, they can and do poison the well to repell us from the threat. (e.g. Regime Localizers willfully inserting The Narrative and other poison pills into translations).

Note that Globohomo goes out of its way to impose English as The Imperial Tongue, and if it can it tries to first make English the dominant tongue before making it the only tongue- and severely disincentivizing those that are not Thralls serving Globohomo from even trying to learn any other language or using it in Globohomo territory.

(Yes, EU, I am looking at you. Asia--Japan, South Korea in particular--you're next.)

What you see in this Brazil action is Globohomo's Total Narrative Dominance being directly threatened by Elon and his allies. A counter-elite is forming around him, Trump, and a few others in Globohomo's territory. If it is not them, it will be another counter-elite that forms the vanguard around which the forces will build that makes Empire fall.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Narrative Warfare: Ten Years After #Gamergate: We Did Far More Than We Thought

Frame Game Radio (Mike Benz) went on Tucker Carlson's show to talk about the arrest of Pavel Durov.

What he did over this two hour interview is lay out how Globohomo, in its current form, organizes against its rival Imperial powers: Russia and China.

What he inadvertantly revealed is that #Gamergate was the Black Swam event that prompted the Thralls of Empire serving Globohomo to freak the fuck out and go Full Tilt Bozo down the path we're on. In short, the idea that someone showed Steve Bannon what went down that had him going "WRITE THAT DOWN!" is not out of line- and Ricky Vaughn being sent to prison over memes is not just a LOLSORANDOM charge.

Listen very carefully to how Mike explains the Narrative Warfare capacity of Globohomo, when it came online, and why they freaked out.

He did not mention us by name, but considering the anniversary event and that Games Journos are the Farm League for Mainstream Media (just look at how hard Jason Schrier strives to get out of it to this day) and do every single bit of Narrative bullshit that the big players do FOR THE SAME REASONS.

We were the Black Swan that no one saw coming!

We were the first to crack that wall in the Narrative Warfare Dyson Sphere. Sure, we did it against the Regime's Farm League Teams, but we did it nonetheless; it's no different than an unexpected revolt in a heretofore secure rear area garrisoned by shitters and losers because that's exactly what it was.

The newbs and fuckups screwed up a job with low expectations, then fucked up the containment response, and suddenly people further up the status (and thus command) ladder had to be diverted to handle something that they should never have had to handle.

In the process of doing this, we did irreperable damage to the Narrative Warfare Complex. How? Let Arnie explain.

We made them bleed. More important is that we made them bleed where others, who can do far more than we ever did, could see it. Like Steve Bannon.

Mike may not have explicitly put the timeline together, as likely as not because he isn't that up on the lore, but it all tracks: Gamergate is what forced Globohomo to go Mask Off about Narrative Warfare.

Whatever else is said, whatever else becomes of it- or of us (and many of us are not going to get those glorious ends for this), this can't be taken from us: we made the Regime bleed, and that showed the Regime's enemies that it is not invulnerable- that it can be killed, THAT EMPIRE CAN FALL!

That, in the end, is worth it.