Sunday, March 9, 2025

Narrative Warfare: The Failure Of Patriot Discernment

This was posted last Thursday.

It was 44 days since inaugeration on Thursday. It is now 47 days.

Yet here far too many of you are, bitching and whining and moaning that NOTHING EVER HAPPENS.


What have you seen since then? Judges all over the Federal judiciary making bullshit ruling to stop Trump from exercising plenary powers of the Executive. Fake and gay mainstream (Thrall-owned, Thrall-run, Thrall-controlled) media running one bullshit lie after the next to demoralize and turn you against him.Myster


You are so blackpilled that you lost all sense of reality regarding how things actually work when faced with deeply entrenched opposition. Yet here we are, 47 days in, and we still have the arrests and deporations going on while downplaying how many have been stopped from getting in at all, and how many have just left of their own accord. Media outlets big and small have buried most of the arrests and raids, relying on indie journalists to get the word out at all and forcing the locals to say something to save Face.

Mystery Grove was right to rebuke you people too, for like the dissidents you too are far too up your own asses to know winning when you see it.

Instead of ankle-biting like the bitchmade faggots you are, going on about shit you can't do jack about, why not use that for something that you can change? Bully these faggots into line.

And, for all that folks (for good reasons as often as not) shit on Cernovich and Poso and others like them (e.g. Milo) they do see where the wind's going and are not anklebiting the God-Emperor. They're trying to bully GOP in Congress, corpo media meatbags (because Corporate Journalists Are Not People), state and local officials, etc. in the same vein as what James O'Keefe does- and he got another scalp this past week.

You want to be useful? Charge up your phones, make sure your social media are ready for remote uploads, get your bitch asses out there and start putting the spotlight on Thralls and the local bioweapon Golems in your area. Wield social pressure as weapons to get the responses from government that you want. Got illegals near you? Snitch on them to ICE and get Hormon to send the boys to round them up. Find out who's housing them where you are, who's employing them, and Name The Fucking Names Online.

Bully The Targets That You Can Actually Harm

And stop listening to your enemies. Stop watching their slop entertainment propaganda. Stop listening to their fake news propaganda. Stop giving them time, money, or attention at all. Stop ankle-biting- you're fucking useless when you do that. You want Empire to fall? Stop gainsaying the man making happen and start backing him up. He's fighting against a deeply entreanched and tightly-network enemy; it's going to take time and a lot of tactical and strategic fuckery to make the win happen so you're out of line to demand instant fixes. Either back him up or get out of the way of those who do.

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