Sunday, January 8, 2023

Narrative Warfare: You Don't Need A Shooting War For A War Economy

Perun dropped a fantastic video about War Economics in light of the Ukraine War.

I want you consider that "War Economics" need not require an actual war.

The actual requirement is that the Regime that dominates a State believes that it is under threat and therefore begins to reshape the real economy of the State to generate the resources needed to put down that threat.

Notice that the Nation is not even a consideration. The Regime may well--as Globohomo and the CCP does--see the Nation as, at best, a dangerous resource to manage; both aforementioned Regimes sees the Nation as that threat.

Therefore one can see that a War Economy is not a market economy. It's a managed economy, one might call it rigged, and any notions of market activity exist only insofar as the Regime either permits it or is incapable of suppressing it.

Consider that a Regime may want to have a War Economy without telling anyone that they're in one.

"But we'd notice!"

Oh, really?

War economies are managed; winners are determined by something other than open and honest competition in a free and fair marketplace. The economies of the three Imperial Regimes--Globohomo, Russia, and the CCP--are managed economies that determine winners and losers primarily by political loyalty and ideological compliance.

The war economies of these Regimes are real. The only reason most people do not notice is because none of these Regimes have been so threatened in an existential sense that they went to a total wartime footing until recently, and as things get worse that threat will appear more and more apparent with predictable results.

What people fail to consider is that Narrative Warfare is still warfare and therefore is the way to open the door to a war economy.

All three Regimes engage, and have engaged, in Narrative Warfare since their inceptions.

And, much like the three States in 1984, they need this perpetual war to maintain their own existences despite the fact that all three of them want the other two to die in a fire so they can be Empire's sole Thrall on Earth- to be the Viceroy of Satan.

Figuring out how to disengage from this war economy is vital to ending these Regimes, and thus see that Empire falls.

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