Sunday, October 22, 2023

Narrative Warfare: This Is The Time For You To Get Away From The Riot Zone

This past week we've seen accelerations and escalations in the rift between the Thralls of Empire that back Israel and those that back the Palenstians.

But, before I continue this, I will point all of you to Globohomo mouthpiece Peter Zeihan. He cut a video the other day about this conflict, and why it is not going to cause World War 3. Alas, I have to agree due to other things that happened over the week; this is, in geopolitical terms, a retarded slapfight. (That won't mean shit to those maimed, crippled, killed, etc. but geopolitics doesn't care about the plebs and never has.)

Which means that you can immediately discount, depreciate, disdain, and dunk upon all fearmongering about World War 3 over this. This ain't it.

Now, why does this matter to Western dissidents?

Because we have already seen pro-Palenstian protests in Western cities turn out in massive numbers as cohorts of the Client Race Coalition serving Globohomo have turned against their masters- some of whom are already networking and executing retaliation against ringleaders and others who've been sufficiently public.

As things get worse in Gaza, and Globohomo continues to back Israel, those protests threaten to turn into riots. You do not want to be anywhere near those threat zones if you can avoid it.

You, Western Dissident, want to stay away from those protests. You, Western Dissident, want to vacate as far from any likely targets for rioting as you can get- physically, financially, economically, etc. If you're the sort to have arms handy, take them with you and decamp to safer environs- you know full well that where those riots go down, the law is not on your side.

Instead, what will happen if those riots go down and things get violent is that the Thralls will have to fight among themselves- and if those riots go where local Thralls keep their homes or things of similar value, those police officers won't be thrown under the bus.

But you being there at all means that everyone targets YOU.

Don't be there. This is what I mean when I say "Be as a ghost".

Instead, take the opportunity now to get distance and reconfigure your live away from dependence upon Globohomo as best you can; this is what Andrew Torba and his parallel economy is all about, and there's already talk about setting up banking and similar services (now to just get a credit card provider- the real choke point now).

(I wish I had that meme about the Pepe in the middle of the riot in one panel, and his comfy at home in the other; it would be here.)

Aside from a very specific course of action, while I shall not discuss in public, there is nothing to be gained from dissidents being present at such riots- you can livestream then from a safe distance with a drone cam now, or just watch their streams like everyone else does. Stay out of Dodge, watch the streams (for intel purposes; ID as many as you can), and-

Postscript: Sure enough, we had an example of this in action in Minneapolis.

The driver was an elderly White man who got surrounded and confused, was reasonably frightened for his life and as per MN State Law executed his Duty To Retreat- and they pursued him.

He has not yet been identified, let alone charged, and if the MN Dems dominated Twin Cities offices have a clue they'll let him be because the optics for this are all bad.

This is exactly the shit dissidents need to watch out for and avoid.

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