Sunday, March 3, 2024

Narrative Warfare: Globohomo's Ukraine Narrative Broke Open

On Monday this past week, the Narrative dam on Ukraine broke.

Recall that the Narrative was that Putin invaded Ukraine unprovoked.

Recall that Putin claimed that NATO, the EU, the UK, and the US (and their Intelligence agencies) had been not only violating consistent agreements to not expand NATO Eastward through former Soviet client states but (with Ukraine) up to Russia's border.

Recall that pro-Globohomo man Peter Zeihan has consistently explained Russia's intergenerational security trauma, born of their early experiences centuries ago against the Golden Horde.

This was over 6 years ago; it only got worse

What do you have when you are in Putin's position and you see someone you know to be a threat lie to your face (and to your predecessors' faces) repeated about not aggressing against you? Grounds for pre-emptive military action.

Cry as Globohomo will, Putin has precedent on his side and always had.

Now we have confirmation that Putin's claims justifying his actions were true and correct all along, so Globohomo spent a lot of time this past week smothering the story as hard as they could in the outlets that they control while doing what they could to suppress it elsewhere (e.g. Twitter).

It will not work, and it has not worked.

You know this is the correct reading because the Thrall of Empire in charge, Victoria Nuland, had to come out of her lair and grace us with the visage as hideous as her soul to gainsay this in vain.

My take, which I made when this began, is that Russia will win the war but lose the peace. That is still on track. Ukraine just needs to tank the mob a little longer.

With China also having its own collapse issues becoming too obvious to ignore, that win for Globohomo is becoming increasingly obvious by the day- and so will its own fall.

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