Sunday, May 26, 2024

History Rhymes: The Rubicon Must Be Crossed Again

Sargon of Akkad lays out the obvious.

History does not repeat, but it does rhyme.

This is going to happen. It may not be Barron Trump, but that man already exists and many candidates are aware of the parallel now in the environment.

This includes Globohomo, whose Great Replacement is meant to be a prevenative measure by importing a new subject class as Clients to whom they are Patrons and Masters who will be used to suppress, harass, and ultimately exterminate the native nations of the West (and any other such state under threat of such a regime- looking at you, Japan and South Korea).

And yes, Europe, you're going to get your own- if you do it right, you'll have one for each of you.

Again, this is going to happen. The only useful move to make now is to ensure that Caesar is /ourguy/, because that maximizes the odds to make Empire fall.

I know who I would back, like it or not, because the alternative is exponentially worse.

Again, our Caesar already exists. He just hasn't seized power yet.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Narrative Warfare: To Weaponize Something Empire Struggles To Cope With

Alexander Macris wrote an article of use to dissidents this past week, "No, Really - What is to Be Done?" at Contemplations on the Tree of Woe.

Why is this of value to dissidents? Because he took the time to solve a persistent problem that dissidents deal with: entryism by the Enemy.

His conclusion will be familiar to many of you once you read it. He quotes his prior article, "The Seven Generations of Modern War", as part of this and I will do the same.

In a networkless insurgency, the splinter cells of the resistance would not communicate face-to-face, nor by cell phone, nor by internet contact. Instead they would rely only on stigmergy. Derived from the Greek words stigma (sign) and ergon (to act), stigmergy is the use of environmental mechanisms to coordinate the actions of independent agents. It is responsible for bird flocks and ant swarms...

[T]here are four mechanisms of stigmergy:

  • Stigmergic marking. Markers left by one splinter cell influences the actions of other splinter cells. Ants leave pheromones as markers for other ants. In the context of an insurgency, the news coverage of an attack would fill the same role.
  • Sematectonic signaling. Here, “environmental conditions influence the behavior of all actors in the system.” For instance, if an anti-Chinese splinter cell attacks Beijing’s Forbidden City, the Forbidden City will be given increased security thereafter. The increased security becomes a signal to other splinter cells not to attack there.
  • Quantitative signaling. Here, “the environmental signals are of a single scalable type. The size of a global guerilla attack on a given location can meter the scale of the security response.”
  • Qualitative signaling. “The environmental signals are of a varied type that change the message based on their combination. Different types of attacks on the same target will yield information on the type of attack that is most effective.”

That, friends, is a Stand Alone Complex.

While originally intended to "underscore the dilemmas and concerns that people would face if they relied too heavily on the new communications infrastructure,"[1] Stand Alone Complex (スタンド・アローン・コンプレックス Sutando Arōn Konpurekkusu?) eventually came to represent a phenomenon where unrelated, yet very similar actions of individuals create a seemingly concerted effort.

A Stand Alone Complex can be compared to the emergent copycat behavior that often occurs after incidents such as serial murders or terrorist attacks. An incident catches the public's attention and certain types of people "get on the bandwagon", so to speak. It is particularly apparent when the incident appears to be the result of well-known political or religious beliefs, but it can also occur in response to intense media attention. For example, a mere fire, no matter the number of deaths, is just a garden variety tragedy. However, if the right kind of people begin to believe it was arson, caused by deliberate action, the threat that more arsons will be committed increases dramatically.

What separates the Stand Alone Complex from normal copycat behavior is that there is no real originator of the copied action, but merely a rumor or an illusion that supposedly performed the copied action. There may be real people who are labeled as the originator, but in reality, no one started the original behavior. And in Stand Alone Complex, the facade just has to exist in the minds of the public. In other words, a potential copycat just has to believe the copied behavior happened from an originator - when it really did not. The result is an epidemic of copied behavior having a net effect of purpose. One could say that the Stand Alone Complex is mass hysteria over nothing - yet causing an overall change in social structure.

This is not unlike the concepts of memes (refer to the conversation between the major and the Puppet Master in the manga) and second-order simulacra. It also has ties to social theory, as illustrated in the work of Frederic Jameson and Masachi Osawa. The Slender Man phenomenon, in which the fictitious concept of a supernatural murderer went viral and has allegedly inspired real attacks, may be seen as an example of the Stand Alone Complex.

Macris, as the Comments in his article reveal, had no knowledge of Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex before I mentioned it to him.

He independently discovered the phenonemon and explained how it works in a manner that invites practical application. That is the value his article presents to those opposed to Empire.

By independently discovering this phenonemon, he validates the claim that it is real. If it is real, then it can be used. If it can be used, it can be weaponized.

And if it can be weaponized, it can be deployed to make Empire bleed.

You don't have to be a Deep State actor like Goda to make this happen, dissident. You just need to know how this thing works. Learn your tools, dissident, and stand.

The memes are the missiles. Make Empire fall.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Success Case of #Remigration In Fiji

The magnificant Martin Sellner posted this thread about how Fiji reversed the non-violent invasion of the country by India this past week. Another Twitter user got one of the summary bots to collect the thread. Below is the first post; the thread I just linked.

This is a fascinating thread that's worth your time to read, but more important than that is that you need to share this to everyone blackpilled about the matter in the West.

You need to share this to provide Proof Of Concept that this invasion can be stopped, can be reversed, and can be secured for the future generations- for our posterity. Form your local clubs, study this case, and organize your own plan using this as inspiration.

"But we have all the institutions against us!"

For that's there is another good example to follow, study, and use as Proof Of Concept around which you organize and execute. The gamers made a multi-national corporation bleed.

The lesson here is that having just a few people with their heads on a swivel, watching for cracks in the enemy's defenses that become an attack vector that you can use to damage them, is invaluable. Mark Kern did that. Then you rally the troops, direct them at the weak point, organize them to hammer it and coordinate their hammering for best effect. Persist at the coordinated hammering until the enemy surrenders entirely or gets destroyed. This is how you win.

The gamers didn't have Intelligence-connected NGOs with billions of USD in funding, an army of professional activists, and mainstream media collaborators covering for them but they won anyway.

Between the two cases you have (a) proof that the foreigners can be made to leave and (b) proof that you can do this without being suborned into a Glowie asset network.

If you are reading this, you either have that leadership quality or you are just a degree or two away from someone that does- you can make this happen, so get on with it already.

Make Empire Fall.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

A Tale Of Two Framings: How To (Fail/Succeed) At Narrative Warfare

This past week there were two notable exercises of Narrative Warfare. Both of them depended on winning the Frame Game to get their way. One succeeded. One failed.

The Success: Israel Protests

Observors noted that the protests going on at American universities across the United States turned sour, and then violent, over this past week.

By Thursday this past week, those protests became the pretext for the successful passage of a bill in the United States House of Representatives. That bill would amend Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. The change would have it so that in cases of alleged discrimination involving any program or activity receiving federal assistance, courts shall take into consideration the definition of antisemitism they've proffered.

This doesn't stop anyone from, on campus, saying 'Fuck you, Jew'. That said, there will be attempts to claim that it does and punish people--fair or foul--accordingly. The smarter ones will amend any university Honor Code, State statute, City ordinance, or other more local rule to do so rather than claim that this Federal Law would do it.

Why did this happen? The pro-Israel faction in this fight successfully framed a Narrative where the pro-Gaza protestors are violent criminal terrorists radicalizing the students by way of faculty agitators. As they have access to the mainstream news media, and their enemies do not, this was easy to accomplish.

It did not matter if there were people on the ground live-streaming what really went down; if it didn't get into Regime Media, it didn't exist and thus is not eligible to be Truth according to the Narrative. Within days of the protests confronting Law Enforcement, the media-driven Narrative provided enough cover for Fellow Travelers in Congress to push that bill (which, as usual, was already written and ready to go) and get it through with plausible deniability. It is, as of this post, in the U.S. Senate; if it passes (and there is every expectation that it will) Resident Biden will sign it and then the Lawfare starts.

But what was the critical point? This:

There were similar actions over the week, all of which are organized and executed by professionals- actual students are a minority.

These facts were allowed to reach mainstream media, which then used those facts to frame a Narrative of violent antisemitism due to Jewish students being targetted on campus. The bill then got pushed through the U.S. House and went to the U.S. Senate with popular approval because those same media reports used the pro-Gaza groups' own claims of Hamas affliation or sympathy against them to justify the bill's passage.

That is letting your enemy set the Narrative framework using your own words and deeds against you, such that you are perceived as low-status, criminal, and a clear and present danger that must be dealt with and failing to counter that Narrative framing with counter-framing of your own because any such attempts did not reach the intended audience. Therefore, it's like losing a lawsuit because you didn't file in time or in the right place; you lose by default because you didn't rebut the claims.

Not that there wasn't unintended damage to their own cause; this exercise of power has fatally weakened the very taboo that the bill is meant to reinforce, meaning that this is a short-term fix at best and savvy observors are watching for the follow-through move to make this bill's intended effects actually happen.

This is something that our second example has yet to learn, which is funny given whom the target was.

The Failure: Making Sargon Cool

A very stupid British toy company has decided to bend the knee to the Death Cult. They decided to attack the resistance to their degeneration of the properties that they operate by using one of their stable of fiction writers to set up a Narrative attack against a known critic: Carl Benjamin, co-founder of The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters (Good lads, that bunch.), better known to some as one of the Original Gamers of #Gamergate: Sargon of Akkad.

This is what Carl is gloating about: they attempted to depict him as a low-status, lame, cringy faggot and completely botched the job.

You do not win by framing your enemies as cooler than you, more awesome than you, more magnificent than you, more exciting than you, etc. because it means that when your Totally Not A Self-Insert stand-in does the violence against this doppleganger stand-in it comes off as the pathetic tantrum that it is.

If you're going to do the meme, don't fuck it up; ensure that what you claim is the Soyjack actually comes off that way to the target audience. This writer fucked that up and made Sargon out to be the Chad, and Sargon knows it. That's why he's gloating; he dun lerned from getting smeared successfully by mainstream media Narrative attacks, so he knows (a) what this fuckup attempted and (b) that he fucked it up and did the opposite.

I eagerly await Sargon posting a well-painted miniature depicting his doppleganger in all his glory.


The Frame Game is a game of perception and illusion, a status dance before an unseen audience, where you are attempting to wield the illusion of legitimacy to convince people that what you say is true, factual, and correct and your enemies are lying, thieving faggots that need to be driven to extinction for the good of Mankind.

The best of them, like Mike Benz described, go so far as to make it socially unacceptable to say or think certain things.

Which is leading to a lot of people complaining that they can't say (X) where they are. My Brothers In Christ, you're on the Internet. Make common cause with others who are in places where (X) can be said; feed them the info and let them say it for you- and reciprocate in kind as required. Censorship in networks is, as events have proven, seen as damage and thus are things to rout around. Decentralize, federate, organize- and Empire will fall.