Those of us who watch what's going on knew this was only a matter of time. No sooner than the God-Emperor gets some traction and out come the wind-up toys to give the Thralls in the media an excuse to distract, dissemble, and deflect away from the real matters and back towards the Narrative. As was seen at the #QAnon boards:
Bitch all you like about #QAnon. The effect is what matters, and that effect has been to consistently and systematically undermine Empire's demoralization regime by injecting hope back into a population aching for it, and then once that attention is given to direct it down paths to teach normies things that a lot of us who's run around Crazytown for a while have long since become accustomed to.
One of those things? MKUltra and its role in winding up vulnerable boys--almost always white boys with absent or abusive fathers, psychological issues that require medication, no Christian faith (if not hostility), low-status and failures at life--to deploy as killbots when the Narrative needs something to use in times of slipping control. Dig into the background and you'll see many of these media darlings fit this profile to a high degree.
What do they want to distract you from? Whatever it is the God-Emperor's been putting on display, or was about to force into the media. What do they want to distract you to? "What do you mean, 'to'?" Dragon award winner Brian Niemeier, rising master of the storytelling craft, lays out in the below Twitter thread what the practical end of these wind up toys being deploys is. Click through, read it, and come back.
But that's not all they do. By using these slaughters as the basis for selling the Narrative, they are enacting human sacrifice rituals disguised as media events to work ritual magic; it's blood-powered wizardry--sophistry--meant to employ the most powerful Rhetoric while the targets (you) are at your weakest in order to maximize the effect.
And it's failing
That's what I want you to take away from this. It's been failing as a tactic for years now, only working reliably on Boomers and Millenials- and on the latter, to a lesser degree. Gen X is cynical as fuck, so it's been waning in effect for decades. Gen Y took a while to catch up, but once they saw how the magic trick worked it's stopped working. Gen Z? You've seen Soph, right? Not even close.
That's the real reason the Thralls hate that the God-Emperor flipped their "Fake News" ploy back on them. It opened the door to widespread normie rejection of the Narrative, and not even three wind-up toys doing the mass slaughter in the usual no-gun zones over a weekend will get the gun control agenda the support the Thralls want- or any other. Not when Google and Facebook routinely get caught bullshitting their users. Not when people increasingly tune out the mainstream in favor of independents. Not when folks stop reading the papers, stop listening to the radio, stop watching TV news, and rely only on independent sources they can trust.
In short, information control is lost. The ability to create--and thus control--context is lost. The Thralls in Silicon Valley are apoplectic about this, as are their allies in the news media, which is why they are so desperate to do anything--illegal or not--to get it back. This is the first major upset in Narrative Warfare since its modern form took shape between 1890 and 1920 via Yellow Journalism and WW1 propaganda, as revealed in Edward Bernays' Propaganda. Once the Narrative control machine is broken, it'll take a long time to replace it. Don't blow this opportunity; Empire Must Fall.