Sunday, February 20, 2022

The Only Danger In The Chinese Military Is Its Incompetence

You can put aside any fears of the Chinese Communist Party conquering any additional territory. The military at their command is unfit for purpose.

I guarantee you that, as corrupt and decadent as Western militaries can be, they are still actually sufficiently competent to do their jobs when called upon. This cannot be said of the People's Liberation Army. It has never won against any other military in war after the CCP took power in 1949; Vietnam cleaned its clock in the '70s, and India does so today, as the policies surrounding recruitment and retention are as stupid as any you see in the West- and that's before the blatant corruption.

Furthermore, not only is the CCP incapable of doing their own research--they steal and copy everything--what they do make is terrible in quality and cannot be relied upon. The "tofu-dreg" issue with their infrastructure extends throughout their economy, and the source of that problem is in the character of the Mainlanders themselves. At all levels, what you see is someone getting a budget and a job, pocketing most of the budget and sending the rest on to the next step in the chain as a subcontracting bid, where it ends in some piss-poor peasant getting a pittance for the task and deciding "Fuck this" and half-asses it out of spite.

That same thing goes on in their tech industry, their manufacturing exports, and even within households and families. Makes certain parties also known for being notorious misers and cheats look downright wholesome at times. In short, West Taiwan is a Paper Tiger as well as an enemy of both Globohomo and the Men of the West; let Globohomo fight it out with Beijing and leave the Han on the mainland to their well-deserved fate.

For you dissidents out there--and especially those of you that consider yourselves thought-leaders--you will find nothing but pain and disappointment in China. Shun China, abjure China, reject China- especially if their intelligence agents and assets approach you looking to support your efforts because will demand in turn that you turn into propaganda outlets for the Party, and all that means is that you Took The Ticket from another vendor. China is just Eastern Empire, and Empire Must Fall.

1 comment:

  1. It reminds me of the melamin scandal. A major milk manufactutrer put plastic in milk The resulting death of infants so panicked the population, they had emptied out all of Hong Kong's milk supply at the time. Sure the head honcho were executed, etc. But the distrust still lasts to this day.

