Sunday, February 6, 2022

Narrative Warfare: They Will NEVER Leave You Alone

Yeah, I hate it, but that's how it is so suck it up.

We who would prefer to be left alone have no other choice but to fight to win, for Total Victory, or be conquered by those that would rather see us conquered or destroyed.

This means, oh fellow dissidents, that you are already at war and you had better start acting like it or you're going to get steamrolled by the enemy- and if it's one thing I have not seen much of until recently it was exactly this realization turning from thought into action and thus into consistent behavior.

No, you aren't going to escape this by relocating out of the West; you don't belong anywhere else, so even if you do resettle outside the conflict zone it will be a temporary respite at best due to the reach of Empire via Globohomo.

It is as the Supreme Dark Lord, Vox Day, says: Conflict is in the air we breathe. We have no choice but to embrace the fight, and that is not merely limited to getting fit, engaing in training and forming up with others near them. Logstics and intelligence is vital to success. Those unable to be up front and doing public operations are still able to contribute by providing the means for those able to be at the front to do what needs be done.

And yes, until now I have not seen anyone try to do things properly like this, and now that I am I hope that it's not too late. No, not that Empire won't fall; that's going to happen. This is now about the survival of the West, about fighting for the future--a future without Empire--and avoiding being dragged into annihiliation with the fall of Globohomo, the Death Cult, and Empire.

And this is going to require a pragmatic attitude, which I will get into more next Sunday.

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