Sunday, May 22, 2022

China's Rabbits Got Cut Off

The ADV China boys were one of the first to talk about this, followed by channels that regularly show what's going on in China. TLDR: They're locking Chinese in.

This is C-Milk's video on what is now CCP policy, using Wu Flu as the excuse: no one leaves. The official policy says it grants exit to those with "essential" (i.e. CCP approved) reasons, which means if what you're doing doesn't serve the Party you get shut down.

No, being rich is no longer sufficient to leave. Passports are being seized and cut up--invalidated--on the spot even if they have legal residency abroad, and those residency cards are also being destroyed- which is itself scandalous as those are often the property of the issuing government, and not that of the holder. Only aliens and foreigners are being allowed to leave, and only after considerable bother with local and national authorities due to having to dance around Wu Flu restrictions that have no relation to reality but instead--as is typical--is just a power flex on the population to remind them who is boss.

This not a move by a power confident in itself. This is what you do when you're weak and needing to shore up weak spots. This move in particular is meant to lock down human and financial capital so that the CCP has it available for its needs, and you can bet that its foreign operations are going to ramp up pressure on overseas Chinese to repatriate- up to and including outright abduction, even in places thought to be safe like the Five Eyes countrires.

The internal power struggles within the CCP are also ongoing, and a lot of the attacks on Xi Jinping of late via rumors and media coverage of health issues stems from such rivals, and this border closer and exit ban is Xi's countermove; a lot harder to coordiate with foreign allies when you have no backchannels abroad in the form of Chinese overseas, which reduces the workload of Xi's counter-intelligence considerably.

The end result is that, if Xi holds on to power, the odds of Taiwan being invaded--successfully or not--goes up drastically. All that human and financial capital at his disposal and put to a singular mission--the breaking of Taipei to the CCP yoke--will keep him in power for years and allow him all he requires to clean house at home in the name of national security. If he succeeds, so much the better for him and his faction; if not, dodging the fallout will be bothersome, but if he terminates his enemies first then it's a trivial matter.

C-Milk talks about this as something unique to the CCP. It's not.

The problem that the CCP faces--namely, economic collapse and the power struggles that come with it--are coming to the West also, and they're coming on like a runaway train. I have no reason to doubt that Western regimes will not want a similar restriction of movement, for the same reasons, and ultimately toward the same end: to use a war as a way out of the crisis situation and use that crisis to expand their power further over their subject populations.

The only difference I foresee is the means. In typical Globohomo fashion, there will be little or no explicit and overt policy; it will be done informally via economic manipulations reinforced with Narrative Warfare and a few well-prepared episodes of Security Theater by various state actors. This is already happening. Soon Western rabbits will find themselves as shocked as their Chinese counterparts, wondering how and why they can't just run away anymore, just before they get eaten.

Empire falls.

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