Sunday, May 1, 2022

When You Notice Who Censors Better

The ADV China boys are very good about the Chinese Communist Party and how things really work over there, and today they released a video on the latest happening: the lockdown of the big cities and Xi's push to purge foreigners from the country.

What Winston and C-Milk are not good about is in thinking that the West is really any better. This is Globohomo-held territory, and Globohomo is Empire. The CCP learned all that they do from Globohomo, which has not been slacking on the social control techniques or the population manipulations--just ask Anonymous Conservative--and thus Globohomo is as guilty as the CCP and they're better at doing the same things. The media control is far more sophisticated, but the end result is just as it is in China; real, factual information is censored and those promulgating it are punished- eventually destroyed if persistent enough. I've had to resort to channels like this one below and The Duran for regular reports that aren't complete bullshit (in addition to AC's link roundups)

The thing you need to comprehend is that Narrative Warfare is practiced by all sides now, but not at equal proficiency or sophistication, Remain skeptical of all institutiional media, and even independents need to prove themselves before you can rely upon them--Redacted is still in its trial phase with me--because influence (often via financing and placing personnel) can be concealed.

The CCP just browbeats, beats, and imprisons its enemies. Globohomo gaslights on multiple levels, using deniable means to exercise real power and a class of expendable fantatics to do the dirty work--SJWs, Antifa, BLM, etc.--instead of formal authorties most of the time. Instead of formal state power, it's corporate Establishment management that does most of the heavy lifting of power pushing; the governments are kept (mostly) clean.

People like Winston and C-Milk, being unfamiliar with the full history of the CCP, have Gell-Mann episodes when facing this reality and even if they were to accept that they still cope with "But we can still do something about it with voting".

That's when the real cognitive dissonance hits as you show them the evidence of systematic fixing of results, starting well before the vote with population manipulations and ending with ballot fuckery of all sorts and legal fuckery to shit down court challenges.

The only good news here is that Globohomo sees that its position is weakening to the point where they have to resort to more open means and the past week's announcement of a new Ministry of Truth sort of office by the Biden White House shows this to be the case. Expect there to be parallel developments across Globohom-occupied Western regimes.

This is good news because Empire's Thralls are being forced by a combination of external resistence, personal incompetence, and internal conflict to admit that their usual means of Narrative Warfare are losing effectivness. To maintain Narrative Warfare control, they have to resort to this Orwellian method that the CCP openly employs.

As Globohomo more and more resembles the CCP, watch people like the ADV China boys or China Uncensored; if they're legitimate, they'll pivot into open criticism and feel the heat accordingly--China Uncensored already did, as "America Uncovered", years ago--and if they somehow turn into Globohomo shills you know they were always fake.

Empire falls.

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