Sunday, August 14, 2022

When Two Different Things Turn Out To Be Complimentary

Taken from Anonymous Conservative's blog post for today:

Republicans are coming under fire for opposing the creation of 87,000 heavily armed IRS agents tasked with auditing the population, and the media is leading the charge against them. Growing up I had a neighbor. Nice guy to my family, I considered them close family friends. He is the really successful one who suddenly got paranoid about cars driving by, then his house burned down a couple of times, he put up fences, and security cameras and security systems and went to this renown place to get a trained German Shepherd, where it cost an arm and a leg. Ultimately, years later, when I encountered the surveillance, I called him, because he was plugged in and I thought he might know something, and he would not say a word on the phone, and later was trying to get info out of me. I realized later, they had sent him in once before to get close with info he shouldn’t have had, so apparently he eventually gave up and joined them. But the point was he had IRS troubles back around when his house burned down, and his accountant told him he knew the agent, and an envelope full of cash could make it all go away, and lo and behold, it did. I assume now it was part of the recruitment process. You have to be careful out there. They are everywhere.

I have good reason to accept that AC is correct about the presence of an international surveilance network, one that straddles the East/West line, and is not centered in any one official agency.

I also have good reason to accept Gonzolo Lira's explanation that the appearance of conspiracy is explained by having insitutional capture ensure that those credentialed for Empire's key institutions--public and private--are indoctrinated into Thralldom from an early age.

The two positions are complimentary, not contradictory.

The proof comes from Richard Grove and his circles, who have gone deep into the primary resources of Thralls now very old or long dead such as Edward Bernays or Klaus Schawb. There is an elite cohort that know what they are doing, and why they are doing it, and they go so far as to publish the beliefs driving their decisions in full knowledge that most people will never read them- and that not all that do read them will comprehend what they read.

In short, the Thralls' age-old contempt for Mankind as a herd of cattle to be yoked and managed is not hard to find. What is galling is to see confirmation of Yuri Bezimnov's statement about demoralization: you can show people the very words of the elites to them, in full and complete context, and they still will not accept it.

That's solid proof of the "secret masters" angle.

Now the "surveilance network" is harder, because while people will readily accept it when presenting as a thing done Over There or Long Ago, there is stubborn resistance to it being a thing Here and Now- until you point out that people can and do pull this shit off for far more petty and personal motivations on a depressing basis.

From that basis, it becomes easier to show people how something so simple as outright nepotism and corruption can easily be formalized into an intelligence network that functions across vast territories and across generations- such as how CCP officials have already become the new aristocracy of mainland China, hold entire institutions as personal fiefdoms, and recruit/intermarry among themselves to lock down power and extract disgusting amounts of wealth via corruption of all sorts.

That CCP example? Not hard to find Western mirrors. Not from the right family? Never getting that acceptance into the intake insitutions for elite power or wealth, and if you have actual talent or potential and they find you unable to be suborned into their network, you're derailed and shut out permanently. If the indoctrination and profiling didn't filter you out--which is Lira's explanation for Western elites--then being from the wrong class, family, etc. can do it as those are tiebreakers. There is no meritocracy under Empire.

Now you have a couple more things to consider when you see inexplicable stupidity like abolishing SAT requirements or how some pants-on-head retard got to be Secretary of State.

No serious power network is going to allow itself to be so easily mapped; that's why a key aspect to dealing with rival powers is to map out their actual power networks prior to conducting operations to defeat that network. The combination of networks and institutional capture is part of those actual power networks, so you have reliable start points for a mapping operation, but you may be surprised to find that the man who is installed as the head of an institution isn't the actual shot-caller for it. (e.g. Victoria Nuland is the true shot-caller for American foreign policy, despite not holding that position formally; she has power without authority).

This unwillingness to accept this is a major problem with dissident resistance.

Until dissidents accept this as reality and start acting accordingly, results will always be mixed at best since you're not hitting the actual point of importance.

Correct this, and Empire falls.

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