Sunday, October 2, 2022

This Is Why You Cannot Ignore Foreign Affairs

What did I say last week? You do not have the luxury of ignoring foreign affairs. This past week we saw why.

If you missed Friday's speech, here's Earl Grey's reaction to it.

While NATO refused Ukraine's accelerated accession request, that doesn't mean this train's hitting the brakes.

Now that Russia has formally annexed those four regions, the Russian Federation is free within its own legal framework to treat Ukraine's aggression against them as direct attacks on Russian sovereignty. However, we now see that the Thralls of Empire serving Globohomo are indeed--to use an old street saying--high on their own supply. The sabotage of Nordstream 2 is clearly a Globohomo operation because no one else benefits from its destruction- especially when the Norway-Poland pipeline came online that same day.

Germany, already waivering, is now locked in and locked down within Globohomo's control and there's nothing that can be done about it short of mass violence by and against the German state by and against the German polity. This will be repeated across the European Union, with a few exceptions on the Eastern side where certain EU members wisely remained open to Russia all this time and thus will be in a position to avoid the worst of the oncoming collapse.

While Globohomo media--including their Anglophone social media influencer agents--has made a big deal about public reaction to Russia's partial mobilization, the reality on the ground is that this is overwhelming favored by the Russian nation and--again--Globohomo is gaslighting the Western nations about what is really going on. If not for men on the ground like Earl Grey or some others in Moscow, St. Petersberg, etc. we would have no eyes and ears to call upon- just two sets of State Propaganda and a lot of bullshit to sift through like 19th gold panners in California.

What does this mean? Nuclear war is on the table.Total war is on the table. Globohomo is already positioning to open up more fronts, and those fronts include against China (Russia's biggest geopolitical ally). World War 3 is already here.

What does this mean to you? All of the Wu Flu government overreach is going to continue with new trappings and new justifications as things get worse. Supply chains of all sorts of goods, not just luxury goods but core capital goods like the chips needed to run every last fucking things anymore and the fertilizer to keep up crop yields (as well as the food so produced) will be choked or cut off. Financial markets will An Hero en masse, making today's inflation problems look weak. All of this will cause civil unrest across the board, meaning that Nomads will soon find that (a) that friendly foreign country suddenly is not and (b) a lot of get-along shitlibs will find out how real race and nation really is in a heartbeat when they find out that their skin is their uniform as angry mobs come for them.

If you cannot foresee second and third-order consequences to actions taken, you are not going to make it.

If there were anyone but committed Death Cultists in the hall of power in the West, there would be people in those halls openly talking about suing for peace right now. There are not. Not in Washington D.C., not in London, not in Brussels, not in Kiev. (There are in Moscow, but go figure that no Death Cultist is listening.) They have no regard for the lives of the Western nations in whose name they act. They hate the Russian state and its nation.

Not even the recent Italian elections will be sufficient to put a stop to this drive for immolation of the West by its own purported leaders, and I doubt that the upcoming American elections--or any other elections--will have any such effect either. Real power in Western countries is rooted in the unelected institutions, public and private, and those across the board are firmly in the hands of the Cult- and they are already cognizant of, and attacking, attempts to erect parallels that they don't control while choking off ways out of their dominion.

Empire always sees war as a reset button, and it slams that button when it senses that control is slipping from its grasp. War is on the table. It is a risk; it is time to do what can be done to make that a risk too high to do anything but produce a Pyrrhic victory and thus ensure that Empire falls.

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